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MediaCorp Radio Awarded 99.5FM Frequency For New Radio Station


The Media Development Authority (MDA) has awarded the 99.5FM frequency tender to MediaCorp Radio to run a new radio service.

This service takes over the frequency occupied previously by Passion 99.5FM. MediaCorp Radio's proposal was selected after a closed tender was called in late 2003.

The new station, GROOVES 99.5FM, has four distinctive programme belts - ArtsGrooves, HomeGrooves, SmoothGrooves and YoungGrooves showcasing arts programming, local music, new age contemporary music such as jazz and radio programmes by tertiary students. The station will operate 16 hours a day, from 7am to 11pm.

"GROOVES 99.5FM will serve the needs of the local arts and music community," said MDA CEO Mr Lim Hock Chuan. "The distinct belts of the new station will provide an avenue for the local arts and music community to showcase their works and also meet the need of tertiary students for a radio platform to showcase their works. The content provided by GROOVES 99.5FM will increase the range and diversity of existing radio programmes in Singapore."

In response to the MDA's award of the tender, the National Arts Council (NAC) said that GROOVES 99.5FM would help serve the interests of the arts and music community. "This will help us to realise our mission of making the arts an integral part of the lives of Singaporeans," said NAC CEO Lee Suan Hiang.

MediaCorp Radio is expected to start the new service within nine months after today's announcement of the tender result.

For more information, please contact:

Felicia Toh
Corporate and Marketing Communications Manager
Communications Division
Media Development Authority
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