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Witness the groundbreaking validation of the Singapore film industry



The Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta has brought to life a slew of hidden gems in our filmmaking fraternity. Ideas have been cultivated and filmmaking talent discovered. Is there a next Jack Neo, Eric Khoo or Kelvin Tong amongst us?

When the inaugural Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta was launched in March this year, the possibilities were endless –with winning scripts standing a chance to be produced into a feature film or television drama series with the support of Panasonic, MDA, J Team and MediaCorp Studios, and filmmakers being provided with resources to make their short films.

The script and film entries have lived up to that. More than 200 submissions were received, and the standards are as impressive as they are illuminating. Participants from all backgrounds and age groups surprised judges –with entries coming from students as young as thirteen, and from the most unexpected occupations, like property agents, tuition teachers and even chefs.

After six months of fringe events and difficult decision-making, the finalists in both categories –the National Scriptwriting Competition (Feature Film and Television Drama) and the Digital Short Film (Professional and Open) have been short-listed. They will be honoured tonight.

Said Dr. Chris Chia, CEO of the Media Development Authority of Singapore, ""The MDA’s involvement in the Fiesta is in line with our efforts to promote and develop the media industry under the Media 21 vision to create a vibrant media city. The Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta is a demonstration of what we can achieve when our industry players share a common vision and commitment to bring the level of our filmmakers' capabilities to the next level.

“I am convinced that the competitions and the various workshops under this Fiesta have helped the participants hone their craft of filmmaking. I look forward to more of such collaborations involving the industry and local talents to create a vibrant and dynamic media industry in Singapore.""

Mr. Eugene Chan, Managing Director of Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific, “The response and quality of creativity generated from the Panasonic- MDA Digital Film Fiesta is certainly testimony to us that there is a huge growing interest in film scriptwriting and digital film production and there are many undiscovered talents in our midst.

“Many creative and imaginative submissions reveal to us that participants understand the demands of the industry and are poised for greater success in this field if they are given more opportunities to develop and showcase their talents. As one of the leading players in the digital landscape, Panasonic will continue to support initiatives that will provide such opportunities that contribute to the buzzing filmmaking industry.”

Renowned local filmmaker and judge, Mr. Kelvin Tong, also affirmed that the Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta should become an important fixture as it can help nurture emerging filmmaking, which is in line with MDA’s Media 21 strategy to develop Singapore’s expertise and capabilities in this field as a vibrant media hub.

""Talent needs a platform in order to be showcased and recognized. And the Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta is set to become an important stage on which new emerging Singapore film talents will strut their stuff in the coming years,"" said Kelvin Tong.

To assist participants in preparing for their submissions, speakers like film directors Jack Neo and Royston Tan and music productions studio, De Claffer, hosted a series of workshops in May and July, which featured topics of interest such as crafting commercially viable stories, music in films, directing non-actors and more.

The Digital Film Fiesta is kindly supported by J Team Productions, MediaCorp Studios, Apple, Infinite Frameworks, Film Equipment Gallery, The Substation and Asia Image. Channel U is the official television channel for the Digital Film Fiesta.

The event has been co-presented by Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific (PSY) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) and judged by an esteemed group of creative luminaries including Jack Neo, Eric Khoo, Kelvin Tong, Glen Goei, Nickson Fong, Seah Wee Thye and Rebecca Leow.

Truly, the Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta has found an audience.

For more information on the Digital Film Fiesta:
T (65) 6339 3068