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Record screening of Made-by-Singapore films at Pusan International Film Festival


International premiere of 881 and Invisible City Knife among 35 officially selected projects for Pusan Promotion Plan

A record of five Singapore-made films have been selected for screening by the 12th Pusan International Film Festival namely 881, Ah-Ma (Grandma), Invisible City, Kuaile Gongchang (Pleasure Factory) and Solos. Of these, 881 by Royston Tan and Invisible City by Tan Pin Pin will be making their international debut at this prestigious event.

Supported by the Media Development Authority (MDA), 881, Tan’s vivacious feature on Singapore’s boisterous ge tai (song stage) scene during the annual Hungry Ghost Festival, has raked in both box office sales as well as captured the hearts of local audiences since its opening in Singapore theatres in August. Produced by Zhao Wei Films, it will be screened in the newly introduced Gala Presentation section alongside three other films by luminaries, namely, Taiwan’s Hou Hsiao Hsien (Flight of the Red Balloon);and Korea’s Im Kwon Taek (Beyond The Years) and Lee Myung Se (M).

Also supported by the Singapore Film Commission (SFC) are Anthony Chen’s Ah-Ma (Grandma) – Singapore’s first film to have competed in the prestigious Palme d’Or Short Film Award at Cannes Film Festival 2007, the highest honour given to shorts, clinching a Special Mention Award. It is slated to screen in the Wide Angle - Asian Shorts 1 category; as well as Invisible City, a documentary on fading parts of Singapore's recent history, which will be featured in the Wide Angle - Documentary category. This section is devoted to genres such as shorts, animation, documentary and experimental, where challenging creations offer unique perspectives that go beyond the world of feature films (see Appendix A for more details of 881, Ah-Ma (Grandma) and Invisible City).

Completing the screening selection from Singapore will be Ekachai Uekrongtham’s Kuaile Gongchang (Pleasure Factory) at the Midnight Passion section; and Lume Kan and Loo Zi Han’s Solos at A Window on Asian Cinema category.

In addition, Knife by Xie Dong, a Singapore-Thailand-China collaboration by LeBrocquy Fraser Production, has also been officially selected for the 10th Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP). The PPP, held in conjunction with the Pusan International Film Festival, is a project market for the latest Asian independent film projects and promising directors and producers to explore opportunities with potential co-producers and financiers. An action-packed drama in High-Definition, Knife tells of an outcast soldier overcoming the odds to rescue his daughter from the biggest gang in the city and gaining her acceptance to his true identity. A total of 35 projects have been officially selected for PPP 2007.

In line with efforts to promote Made-by-Singapore content to the international market, this marks the third year that MDA and SFC will jointly field a delegation of local film, distribution and production companies to the Asian Film Market (AFM) to showcase Singapore cinema which reflects our distinct and rich heritage of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural experiences;gain exposure in the international fraternity and strengthen Singapore’s growing presence in Asia’s film scene. Singapore companies who are participating include Blinding Sight Media, LeBrocquy Fraser Productions, Monsoon Pictures, World Without Borders and Wormwood Pictures (see Appendix B for more details of the companies and their projects).

Of the strong slate of Singapore-made projects heading to AFM, most projects will be making their market debut. To Speak, by Craig Ower, is a drama based on the true story of a Cambodian girl. The film was featured in the Focus on World Cinema section at the recent Montreal World Film Festival 2007. 年.月.日 (Year. Month. Day), a feature film trilogy and 微笑不见了(You Are My Sunshine), an animation feature, to be directed by Edward Foo, have garnered the interest of and will be co-produced with China producers.

Said Mr Man Shu Sum, Director, Broadcast and Film Development, MDA and Director, SFC, “This is a bumper year for Singapore films. To date, 10 Singapore-made films have been released in the cinemas, with at least three more to be screened by end 2007. This compares to an average of five films per year, for the past five years. In addition to the increased number of film releases, we are also excited about the positive reception from the local audience, as demonstrated by the box office success of 881 and its takings of close to S$3.4 million to date.”

He added, “What is most heartening is the increasing international recognition of Singapore films, as evidenced by their selection and awards at prestigious film events such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. This demonstrates the rising confidence and skills of local filmmakers and producers as well as the growing appreciation of Made-by-Singapore content.”

Singapore’s diversity of film locations as well as the extensive range of media services capabilities from pre-production to post-production services will also be promoted at the market , under the umbrella positioning of Singapore Media Fusion to reflect the collective richness and diversity of Singapore’s media industry and amplify the strengths and offerings of local creative talents.

The Singapore Suite is located at Room 1909, 19th Floor, Grand Hotel.

Asian Film Market 2007
The Asian Film Market 2007 (8-11 October), Asia’s largest film market, is one of the key platforms for film production and distribution companies to showcase projects for sale, financing or co-production deals. It will be held in conjunction with PIFF (4-12 October), one of the world’s most vibrant and influential film festivals, and includes PPP and the Busan International Film Commission &Industry Showcase (BIFCOM) (8-11 October), Asia's leading meeting place for film commissions and production services. Please visit for more details.

1 MDA Location and Media Services Desk at the Busan International Film Commission &Industry Showcase (BIFCOM) (8-11 October).

For more information, please contact:
Ms Tessa Monteiro
Manager, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel.    : +65 6837 9957
HP    : +65 8157 5337
Email :

Ms Gay Chwee Hwa
Assistant Director, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel.    : +65 6837 9013
HP    : +65 9639 9376
Email :

Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA)
Formed in 2003, the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) plays a vital role in transforming Singapore into a Global Media City and positioning it at the forefront of the digital media age. MDA spearheads initiatives that promote developments in film, video, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation, media services and Interactive Digital Media. At the same time, in ensuring clear and consistent regulatory policies and guidelines, MDA helps to foster a pro-business environment for industry players and increase media choices for consumers. For more information, visit and

Singapore Film Commission (SFC)
The Singapore Film Commission (SFC) is an agency under the Media Development Authority (MDA) which facilitates and assists in film development for Singapore. The SFC’s key areas of focus are: Funding, Facilitation and Promotion. Its mission is to nurture, support, and promote Singapore talent in film-making, the production of Singapore films, and a film industry in Singapore. For more information, please visit

About Singapore Media Fusion (SMF)
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) has developed the "Singapore Media Fusion" (SMF) strategic positioning which encapsulates the attributes of the media industry in showcasing Singapore as a global media city. SMF is a mark of the quality of our products and services and the collective richness and diversity of the media industry. The positioning not only lends consistency in the manner to which the Singapore media industry is represented and promoted, it is also intended to enhance the image of Singapore media at an international level, in a compelling and coherent manner. For more information, visit


MDA and SFC-Supported Films to be screened at PIFF

Zhao Wei Films

Helmed by Eric Khoo and James Toh, Zhao Wei Films is committed to the nurturing of local talent. Its maiden film, Mee Pok Man (Venice Film Festival and Berlin Film Festival, 1995), jolted the local scene and paved the way for the resurgence of film making in Singapore. Its second film, 12 Storeys, was the first Singapore film to be in the official selection for the Cannes Film Festival in 1997. In 1998, it also produced the ground breaking TV series, Drive, which was shot on film and showcased budding young directing talent with a different director for each episode. Zhao Wei Films’ recent feature film productions include 15 (selected for Venice Film Festival 2003 and Sundance Film Festival 2004), Be With Me (Opening Film of Cannes Directors’ Fortnight 2005) and 4:30 (selected for Berlin International Film Festival 2006). Today, Zhao Wei is active in producing motion pictures, television commercials and other media content. Visit for more information.

Title: 881
Producers: MediaCorp Raintree Pictures and Zhao Wei Films
Director: Royston Tan
Genre: Musical Drama
Running Time: 110 minutes
Format: High Definition
Language: Mandarin, Chinese Dialects
Contact: Chan Pui Yin, MediaCorp Raintree Pictures
+65 6350 3119/

Ah Ma is lying in the hospital, her life hanging by a thread. Her family members gather by her deathbed. Overwhelmed by sadness, they struggle to find their way of coming to terms with the impending end.

Director’s Biography:
Anthony CHEN graduated with a Diploma in Film, Sound and Video from Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film &Media Studies in 2004. His graduation film, G-23, went on to screen at over 35 films festivals around the globe and garnered awards in Belgium, France, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. It was also selected for the Tous les Cinemas du Monde (All the Cinemas of the World) sidebar at Cannes Film Festival 2006.

Ah Ma (Grandma) marks Chen’s second short film effort. It is the first Singapore film to have competed for the Palme d’Or Short Film at Cannes Film Festival 2007, the highest honour awarded to shorts, and clinched a Special Mention Award.

Title: Ah-Ma (Grandma)
Producers: Felicia Tan and Joanne Cheong
Director: Anthony Chen
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 14 minutes 30 seconds
Format: High Definition
Language: English, Mandarin, Chinese dialects with English and Chinese subtitles
Contact: Felicia Tan
+65 9828 7457/

Ah Ma is lying in the hospital, her life hanging by a thread. Her family members gather by her deathbed. Overwhelmed by sadness, they struggle to find their way of coming to terms with the impending end.

Director’s Biography:
Anthony CHEN graduated with a Diploma in Film, Sound and Video from Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film &Media Studies in 2004. His graduation film, G-23, went on to screen at over 35 films festivals around the globe and garnered awards in Belgium, France, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. It was also selected for the Tous les Cinemas du Monde (All the Cinemas of the World) sidebar at Cannes Film Festival 2006.

Ah Ma (Grandma) marks Chen’s second short film effort. It is the first Singapore film to have competed for the Palme d’Or Short Film at Cannes Film Festival 2007, the highest honour awarded to shorts, and clinched a Special Mention Award.

Title: Invisible City
Producers: Tan Pin Pin
Director: Tan Pin Pin
Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 60 minutes
Format: Digital Video
Language: English, Mandarin, Japanese
Contact: Tan Pin Pin
+65 9851 5227/

Invisible City is a documentary about the inner life of Singapore through its spaces. It is about public, private, inside outside spaces that one would not ordinarily notice because they are considered too transitional, too ordinary. But for some of those who inhabit or use these spaces, they throb with meaning, with history and life. Through Invisible City, we witness how a space becomes more than just mortar and bricks, how the banal is rendered profound. It asks: What makes a home? What are the basic needs of human existence?

Director’s Biography:
TAN Pin Pin, one of Singapore’s best known filmmakers, is the director of Singapore GaGa, a groundbreaking documentary about Singapore soundscapes that was voted Best Film of 2006 by The Straits Times, Singapore. Tan also directed Moving House, which won multiple awards including US’ Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Science’s Student Academy Award 2002. Two episodes from her six-part Afterlife television documentary series won two Asian Television Awards 2004.

Her works have been screened at Rotterdam, Nantes, New York's MOMA as well as in museums around the world. She holds an MFA from Northwestern University, USA. Invisible City is her second feature documentary.


Participating Companies at the Singapore Suite

Blinding Sight Media Blinding Sight Media is a Singapore registered multi-media production company founded in 2004. Its direction towards the development of dramatic features for both television and theatrical release resulted in the production of To Speak in early 2005. With principal photography in Cambodia done between July-August of 2005, the entire film is now completed, and is slated to travel to various film festivals to seek marketing and distribution channels.

Title: To Speak
Producers: Blinding Sight Media
Director: Craig Ower
Genre: Drama/ True Story
Running Time: 104 minutes/td>
Format: Digital Video
Language: Khmer with English Subtitles
Cast Ratana Peuw, Yi Vannary, Long Thary, Sok Som
Contact: Craig Ower, Managing Director, Blinding Sight Media
+65 9796 1910/

Based on a true story, Ratana is a 12-year-old Cambodian girl, living a tenuous existence in an impoverished rural village. Despite the suffocating pessimism of her fellow villagers, she dreams of a better life and of building a new and permanent home for her family. A better future seems impossible until a local development agency suggests a radical plan for achieving her dreams. The other villagers think that Ratana is “crazy” to trust the “outsiders”, but she seizes the opportunity and sets herself on a collision course with her family, the village and even Mother Nature herself.

To succeed, Ratana will need to rise above the grind of daily survival and also grapple with the terrible legacy of the Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields. In the pursuit of her dreams, Ratana will be pushed to the very limits of her strength and spirit - to the point where too much hope can crush you.

Lebrocquy Fraser Productions Pte Ltd

LeBrocquy Fraser Production’s unique team, whose diverse skills and extensive experience combined with their personal reputation for integrity, discretion and excellence, will establish the basis of a long-term profitable, private film production enterprise. Previous films include Osama, Story Undone, Buai Laju Laju, My Beautiful Rambutan Tree in Tanjung Rambutan, 3 Days To Forever and Wangi Jadi Saksi.

Title: Knife (In Development)
Producers: Lebrocquy Fraser Productions
Director: Xie Dong
Genre: Action Drama/ Martial Arts
Running Time: 90 minutes
Format: High Definition
Language: English
Contact: Sunny Kang, John Lone, Yasuaki Kurata, Jade Leung
Julia Fraser, Producer
+65 6836 6710/

An outcast Special Forces soldier returns to Southeast Asia after a fifteen year absence to get his daughter away from the biggest gang in the city. With the help of his former Colonel and Guru he takes on the gang who are planning a massive money laundering deal, but other forces are at work, not to mention police who are closing in on the gang. Our hero must unleash his incredible martial arts knife wielding skills to overcome the odds and bring his daughter around to accepting his true identity, but tragedy and death are all too close in what becomes an action packed journey through the pulsing heart of this Metropolitan Asian City.

Monsoon Pictures

Monsoon Pictures was formed in 2004 to focus on developing, producing and marketing groundbreaking Asian film and television content with universal appeal by providing creative and business direction, development support, and marketing expertise.

Contact: Christopher Chew, Managing Director/ Producer
+65 9798 0881/

World Without Borders Pte Ltd

A production company currently based and filming in China for its trilogy and animation film projects.

Title: Trilogy 1 - 年 (Year) (In Development)
Producers: World Without Borders
Director: Edward Foo
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 100 minutes
Format: 35mm
Language: Mandarin
Contact: Edward Foo, Film Director
+65 9387 4824/

Synopsis: Based on the Chinese mythology of the origin of the Lunar New Year, this is a story about Nian, the mythical creature that has been ordained to destroy. An epic about the relationship between Heaven, Earth and the descendents of the Dragon.

Title: Trilogy 2 - 月 (Year) (In Development)
Producers: World Without Borders
Director: Edward Foo
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 100 minutes
Format: 35mm
Language: Mandarin
Contact: Tan Pin Pin
Edward Foo, Film Director

Synopsis: Young Genghis Khan leads his warring tribe in a battle to restore the glory and honor of the Mongol but is catapulted into a twilight world fighting enemies beyond the realm of the mortal souls. Their combat with the haunting Spirit of Destruction demands sacrifices will cower even the fearless.

Title: Trilogy 3 - 日 (Year) (In Development)
Producers: World Without Borders
Director: Edward Foo
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 100 minutes
Format: 35mm
Language: Mandarin
Contact: Edward Foo, Film Director

Synopsis: Sailor Ott travels back in time to rescue the Princess of Talesland who has been abducted by the impious Wizard. Beyond the edge of surreal universe, Ott battles the Wizard and his army of Shadows, in a bid to restore smiles and sunshine back to the kingdom.

Wormwood Pictures

Wormwood Pictures is a boutique-style production house started by an experienced team of award-winning producers. Their work has been recognised by the broadcasting fraternity, at the industry's equivalent of the Oscars-the highly regarded Promax and the BDA Broadcast Design Awards, both at the regional and international level.

Contact: Tay Bee Pin, Partner
+65 6404 2699/