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Singapore films selected for awards and screenings at Hong Kong Filmart


Singapore doubles presence at Hong Kong Entertainment Expo 2007 with first-ever Singapore Pavilion at Hong Kong Music Fair

Singapore is expected to strike a strong presence at two core events of the Hong Kong Entertainment Expo 2007, staging the biggest Singapore Pavilion to date at the Hong Kong Filmart, and the first-ever Singapore Pavilion at the Hong Kong Music Fair.

The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) and Singapore Film Commission (SFC), in partnership with Singapore’s Association of Independent Television Production Companies (AIPRO), are leading a record delegation of 19 Singapore media companies to Hong Kong Filmart, which is developing as one of Asia’s premier film markets.

“In 2006, China’s domestic box office increased by 620 million yuan from the preceding year, topping 2.6 billion yuan. Of the top 10 box office hits, half were produced by Hong Kong and Chinese mainland companies. With Singapore’s affinity for the Chinese culture and strong bilateral relations between the two nations, our media companies stand a good chance of benefiting from the Chinese film industry’s exponential growth through collaborative efforts with our Chinese counterparts and international partners. MDA and SFC are thus happy to support the Singapore companies’ expedition to the Hong Kong Filmart, which is a good platform for networking and showcasing our media capabilities to the international film community who have an interest in Asia,” said Mr Man Shu Sum, Director, Broadcast &Film, MDA and Director of SFC.

Further adding buzz to the Singapore delegation, four Singapore projects have been shortlisted for various programmes and awards at associated events of the Hong Kong Filmart:

• Kelvin Tong’s Bed has been shortlisted for the Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum;

• Jack Neo’s I Not Stupid Too has been nominated for Best Asian Film at the Hong Kong Film Awards;

• James Leong and Lynn Lee’s Homeless FC has been selected for screening under the Humanitarian Awards Documentaries section of the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF);and

• Tracks, a short film by Gavin Lim, one of the five thematic films of a compilation film titled Tickets, will be screened at the Hong Kong Panorama section of HKIFF. Both Homeless FC and Tracks are supported by SFC’s Short Film Grant.

MDA and SFC last led a delegation of 11 film and television companies to Hong Kong Filmart in 2003. Since then, there has been an increasing number of film collaborations between Singapore and Greater China. Recent co-productions include One Last Dance, involving Singapore’s Mediacorp Raintree Pictures and China’s Ming Productions;and Kelvin Tong’s Rule Number One, a partnership between Hong Kong’s Fortune Star Entertainment, MDA and Singapore’s Innoform Media and Boku Films. More such collaborations are expected to be announced at the Hong Kong Filmart, which runs from 20 to 23 March. For a listing of the companies participating under the Singapore Pavilion at the Hong Kong Filmart, please see Annex A (122.97KB).

Singapore Pavilion at Hong Kong Music Fair 2007

Running parallel to the Hong Kong Filmart is the Hong Kong Music Fair (21 – 23 March), where a delegation of nine Singapore companies, led by the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS), National Arts Council and MDA, will stage the first- ever Singapore Pavilion at the event. The nine companies, which come from the music publishing, production and distributor sector, include De Claffer Music Productions, Didadee, Easternworld Holdings, Mouse Records, Music &Movement, New Asia Records, Ocean Butterflies Holdings, Touch Music Publishing and VI Music.

Singapore, which counts highly sought-after regional singers and songwriters like Stefanie Sun, JJ Lin, Lee Si Shiong and Lee Wei Shiong among its musical exports, is home to more than 100 music companies, societies and schools. At the Hong Kong Music Fair, the Singapore delegation aims to foster international collaborations and promote music production services, especially in composing and scoring for games, animation, film and television projects. For a listing of the companies participating under the Singapore Pavilion at the Hong Kong Music Fair, please see Annex B (92.59KB)

The Singapore Pavilions are at Booths E22, E24, F21 and F23, at Hong Kong Filmart 2007, and at Booths B06, B08, C05 and C07, at Hong Kong Music Fair 2007, both located at the Hong Kong Convention &Exhibition Centre. 

For more information, please contact:

Ms Chia Pei Siang
Manager, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (65) 6837 9010
HP: (65) 9368 9920

Ms Phoebe Seow
Assistant Director, Communications
Media Development Authority
Tel: (65) 6837 9369

The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) was formed on 1 January 2003 to champion Media 21, a blueprint to transform Singapore into a global media city. Media 21 seeks to create a vibrant media environment by establishing Singapore as a media exchange, exporting Made-by-Singapore content, internationalising local media companies, nurturing local media talent and developing digital media. More information on MDA can be found on

Singapore Film Commission (SFC)

The Singapore Film Commission (SFC) is an agency under the Media Development Authority (MDA) which facilitates and assists in film development for Singapore. SFC’s key areas of focus are: Funding, Facilitation and Promotion. Its mission is to nurture, support, and promote Singapore talent in film-making, the production of Singapore films, and a film industry in Singapore. For more information, please visit

Association of Independent Television Production Companies Singapore (AIPRO)

The Association of Independent Television Production Companies (Singapore) is an industry
organisation that represents, promotes and protects the interests of the independent local media
production companies. The association members made up of independent production companies
with expertise from documentary and factual productions, drama, feature films to animation. The
association currently represents an active membership of about 30 independent Television
production companies in Singapore (with a combined content output for domestic and
international TV markets of close to 70%).

Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS)

Formed in 1987, the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) is a non-profit
public company created to protect and promote the copyright interests of composers lyricists and
publishers of musical works and their related lyrics. In addition to copyright administration,
equally important to our mission is the promotion of Singapore music through the organization of
annual awards, songwriting competition and networking activities, as well as leading of delegation
to international music fairs and overseas study trips.

National Arts Council (NAC)

The National Arts Council was established in September 1991 to spearhead the development of thearts in Singapore. Its vision is to develop Singapore into a distinctive global city for the arts. Anchored on the twin strategies of excellence and engagement, the Council provides total support to nurture artistic talent, promotes the practice and appreciation of the arts among Singaporeans, builds up artistic and management capabilities and resources, facilitates internationalisation and advocates the value of the arts. This holistic approach to develop the arts fosters the growth of a vibrant arts sector, where the arts is accessible to all, and artistic talents have the necessary resources and support to excel and achieve sustainability in the long term.