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Mr Man Shu Sum, Director of Strategic Relations (MDA) Resigns


He stays on as Singapore Film Commission Board Member 3 March 2008 –The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) announces that Mr Man Shu Sum, Director of Singapore Film Commission (SFC), and concurrently Director of Strategic Relations, will be leaving MDA on 14 May 2008. He will be joining Mark Burnett Productions Asia as Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Man had been instrumental in helping Singapore's local media and film companies gain a higher international profile, as part of MDA's overall efforts to grow the media industry. He led various teams of local producers to international markets such as MIPTV, MIPCOM, Shanghai Film Market, American Film Market, and the Pusan Film Festival. Several of our local films have garnered international awards.

Said Mr Man: "In the three years of my service in MDA, I have learnt a lot about the concerted and innovative efforts by the Singapore Government in helping the local media sector. I am heartened to say that MDA, as the champion of the local media industry, has always been resolute and relentless in providing the opportunities to facilitate the growth of both the big and small players.

"I share the same commitment and believe that Singapore is poised to be one of Asia's rising Media Capitals. The Singapore media industry is moving in the right direction and becoming internationally-recognised, and will be able to capitalise on the rising global demand for Asian content. It is with this assurance that I have decided to move on to another media company that will be in the business of creating Asian content for the international market. I believe that I will continue to enjoy a synergistic working relationship with MDA, while sharing the same vision for Singapore Media.

"On this note, I would like to thank MDA for giving me the opportunity to share in the building up of the media industry in Singapore and for making my time in the organisation such a rewarding and enjoyable one."

On Mr Man's departure, Dr Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer, MDA, said: "With his long and rich experience, Shu Sum brought a much valued perspective to our push to nurture the Singapore media industry. He has agreed to continue to contribute to the media industry as a board member of the SFC. In addition, there will be opportunities to work with Shu Sum in his new capacity and MDA looks forward to forging new collaborations that will further grow and develop Singapore's media industry."