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A Starry Night 星光依旧灿烂 goes international and multiplatform in Singapore and China


Catch the first subway drama in the trains, online, cable television, mobile downloads and outdoor digital screens 

Coming to a train or a train station near you, on cable television, the internet, bus shelter displays, outdoor digital screens and through mobile downloads is the first subway drama – A Starry Night 星光依旧灿烂 – which will broadcast simultaneously across nine cities in Singapore and China (Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin) from 27 July to 2 October 2009. 

Reaching out to audiences across an array of media platforms, the Mandarin 50-parter is a collaboration between the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA), Singapore media company Ufinity, and Chinese company Prime Time Entertainment. The series is supported by media platform owners SMRT Media, StarHub, The Straits Times RazorTV and At-Life Pte Ltd in Singapore; and Digital Media Group (DMG), and in China; and produced by Singapore's Threesixzero Productions. 

Singapore commuters will be able to enjoy the drama on more than 250 television displays in the train stations along the North-South, East-West and Circle lines. Following each daily broadcast of the two-and-a-half minute episodes in the train stations, the drama will be available on the internet (; cable TV (E City, StarHub Channel 56), mobile (StarHub Mobile Gee! portal), and 300 At-Life outdoor digital screens (located in QB House, McDonald's, Delifrance Bistros and elevators in prime Central Business District buildings). In addition, My Paper will carry daily episodic synopsis for audiences to keep abreast of the drama's developments. 

In China, the drama will be screened on television screens within the trains, train stations and bus shelter displays managed by DMG Media Group. As with Singapore, the daily episodes will be available on, China's top, fastest growing website; and, the largest Chinese-language infotainment web portal. 

Together, the series will reach out to commuters on more than 1.4 million daily passenger trips in Singapore and 15 million commuters in China. The outdoor digital screens will reach out to 13.4 million viewers across Singapore while online portals will also reach out to at least 1.7 million viewers in Singapore and 9.8 million viewers in China. 

The drama tells of a love story between a Singapore singer (Singapore Project Superstar alumna Kelly Poon 潘嘉丽), and a Shanghai youth (Taiwanese actor Robert Fan 范植伟) who pursues his studies and music aspirations in Singapore. Through the former, the Singaporean sees her hometown with a fresh pair of eyes. Filmed mainly in Singapore, the series presents the best of Singapore’s picturesque locations and heritage as well as an international crew including director Lisa Chen 陈秀玉 (Taiwan), and casts Mei Xin 美心 (Singapore), Nathan Lee 李承铉 (Korea), Ivan Huang黄阅 (China), Lawrence Wong王冠逸 (Singapore), Johnny Jiang 姜育恆 (Taiwan) and Sky Wu 伍思凯 (Taiwan). The series’ soundtrack also features Singapore singers and songwriters. Plans are also in place to expand the drama into a feature film for theatrical release in late 2009. 

Said Dr Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer, MDA: "A Starry Night is a significant milestone as Singapore's first subway drama which will also be repurposed for Singapore and Chinese audiences to enjoy on multiple media platforms. Besides increasing the avenues for Singapore-made content to be enjoyed, the series also showcases our many iconic locations and talents from production to music composition. Boosting this multiplatform project is the involvement of regional talents from China, Korea and Taiwan which may herald the way of things to come in the future." 

Added Ms Teo Chew Hoon, Managing Director, SMRT Investments Pte Ltd: "SMRT Media is proud to launch the subway drama series A Starry Night on our platforms. With more than 1.4 million passenger trips daily, our network of 58 train stations is a good platform to reach out to the masses. We are delighted our commuters will be the first to catch the subway drama in Singapore, as SMRT's daily broadcast is an episode ahead of other channels. Through the wide range of media platforms on our extensive network, we will continue to enhance the travelling experience of commuters on the move." 

Said Mr Felix Soh, Digital Media Editor, Singapore Press Holdings: "Razor is proud to be part of this ground-breaking and innovative project. As the online portal, we provide an additional platform to enjoy the series. It promises to be a very successful endeavour. I myself watched the first few episodes of A Starry Night and I’m already addicted to it!" 

Said Mr Chan Kin Hung, Head of Products and Solutions, StarHub: "We are excited to partner MDA and Ufinity to experiment with the innovative 'bite-sized' drama serial A Starry Night, that is specially tailored to entertain busy individuals with each episode created to last only two-and-a-half minutes. We know that our customers lead active lifestyles and by offering this drama serial on our mobile and cable TV platforms, we make the content readily accessible to busy individuals. They can view the content at their convenience either on the mobile phone anywhere, anytime or catch several episodes at one go in the comfort of their home via cable TV." 

Said Mr Srikanth Ramachandran, Managing Director, At-Life Pte Ltd: "We are pleased to partner MDA and Ufinity in promoting the drama A Starry Night. As a first-of-its-kind in Singapore, A Starry Nightprovided us an opportunity to showcase our capabilities in Interactive Digital Outdoor Media. Most importantly, it has also provided advertisers unique opportunity to wrap their messages around the content in a meaningful and measurable manner." 

Please see:
Annex A for broadcast information, synopsis, production details and stills.

- ### - 

Annex A: Broadcast information, Synopsis, Production Details and Stills 


Broadcast Cities

Singapore (新加坡), Beijing (北京), Chongqing (重庆), Guangzhou (广州), Hong Kong (香港), Nanjing (南京), Shanghai (上海), Shenzhen (深圳) and Tianjin (天津). 


Singapore Platforms/ Frequency Reach Cost Availability
SMRT Train Stations Once hourly, 18 hours per day, on North-South, East-West and Circle lines. 8 stations on more than 250 screens, targeting over 1.4 million passenger trips in Singapore. Free 27 July 2009
SPH RazorTV Daily episodes on 1.7 million video views (as at May 2009) Free 28 July 2009
SPH My Paper Daily episodic synopsis Average circulation of 254,000 (as at Dec 2008) Free 27 July 2009
At-Life Outdoor Digital Media Network Daily episodes on screens located in QB House, McDonald’s, Delifrance Bistros and Elevator screens in prime CBD buildings. 300 screens across the island reaching 13.4 million viewers per month. Free 28 July 2009
StarHub Mobile Mobile downloads available on StarHub Mobile Gee! portal (Video-On-Demand). Alternatively, customers to SMS to 6757 for a direct link to the mobile portal via SMS. Available to StarHub Mobile Post-paid base. $0.535 per episode 28 July 2009
StarHub TV Series available on E City, StarHub TV Channel 56. Available to StarHub TV subscribers of the Chinese Entertainment Basic Group, which includes E City Channel 56. Free Within 3 months from 27 July 2009


China Platforms/ Frequency Reach Cost Availability
Train Stations Once hourly on Chongqing (Line 2), Nanjing (Line 1), Shanghai (Lines 1-9) and Tianjin (Line 1, Line Jinbin) and Guangzhou. 208 stations and 282 trains reaching out to 15 million commuters in China. Free 27 July 2009
Trains Once hourly on Beijing (Lines 1-2), Chongqing (Line 2), Nanjing (Line 1), Shanghai (Lines 1-3), Shenzhen (Line 1) and Tianjin (Line 1) and Guangzhou. 208 stations and 282 trains reaching out to 15 million commuters in China. Free 27 July 2009
Bus Shelters Daily episodes on screens in Shanghai. 715 bus shelters Free 27 July 2009 Daily episodes on China’s top, fastest growing website attracting 6.5 million visitors (as at Dec 2008). Free 28 July 2009 Daily episodes on The largest Chinese-language infotainment web portal attracting at least 3.3 million visitors annually (as at Dec 2008). Free 28 July 2009


Brian Li, a boy from Shanghai who grew up in poverty, obtained the opportunity to study in Singapore. As the only child in a single-parent household, Brian is torn between his sense of family responsibility and this once-in-a-life-time opportunity to study abroad. His mother makes the decision for him by pawning off a family ancestral jade. As Brian’s flight pulls into Changi Airport, he is awed by the glittering backdrop of Singapore. He has come to a new land. At school, Brian always reminds himself of his mother’s sacrifice. While others are asleep, he is studying. In order to support his mother back home, Brian takes on a job.

Through a chance encounter, he helps a beautiful stranger, Cailing Zhong, and they become friends. Brian has no idea that his new friend is actually Singapore’s superstar. With Brian’s down-to-earth nature, Cailing escapes from the pressures of being a celebrity and through him, she sees Singapore through a set of fresh eyes. As Cailing shows him around Singapore, she discovers that Brian has a great voice as well. Encouraged by Cailing, Brian enters Singapore’s biggest singing competition. He surprisingly advances through the singing competition but falls behind in his schoolwork which puts his scholarship in jeopardy. To make matters worse, he receives news that his mother is terribly sick. With his life crumbling on all fronts, Brian is in despair. Will he be able to channel all his emotions for the competitions decisive final event? Can he focus on the most important performance of his life?


初到新加坡,对这个拥有亚洲四小龙之一美誉的漂亮国家,博文早有所闻,只是当他踏足这片土地时,还是令他眼界大开。这里有着新旧交接的文化,历史与新颖的建筑物,所有的人都是这样地热情; 对于一个初到贵境的穷学生来说,没有甚么可以比热情的笑容更能打动他的心。不过由于他一切的生活费还是得自己打工来维持在新加坡的开销,所以白天他在新加坡管理学院上课,晚上在一间名叫「星尘」的餐厅工作。 



3. Cast 演员

潘嘉麗— Kelly Poon

Kelly Poon is a Singapore singer who emerged from one of the Chinese singing competition held in Singapore, Project Super Star. Her debut album "Love Me Kelly" (2006) broke sales records in Singapore, emerging at the top. She is currently based in Taiwan with "In the Heart of the World" being her 2nd album released in Singapore and her debut album in Taiwan. Her third album is "Smiling Kelly", released on 22 October 2008 in Taiwan.

2008 Smiling Kelly
2007 HELLO KELLY Zai Shi Jie Zhong Xin/In The Heart of the World

TV Series
2006 Dream Chasers (MediaCorp)

潘嘉丽,由新加坡<<绝对Superstar>>选秀比赛出身,2006年发行个人首张专辑 “LOVE ME KELLY” 在新加坡国内创下当年销售冠军的好成绩,并且被各界视为新加坡继孙燕姿及林俊杰之后,最有希望在华人地区受到共同认定,大放异彩的新。 

2008 Smiling Kelly
2007 HELLO KELLY在世界中心
2006 於新加坡發行首張個人專輯MY LOVE KELLY

2006 梦拼图 (新传媒电视)

范植偉 Robert Fan 

2008 泪王子 – 导演:杨凡(后制)
2008 Untold Beauty – Director :Roy Lim
2007 Miao Miao – Director:Hsiao-tse Cheng
2007 I Travelled 9000 km To Give It To You – Director:Wong Kar Wai
2003 Colour of Sound – Director:Joe Ma
2002 Brave 20 – Director:Ming-Tai Wang
2002 The Best of Times – Director:Tso-chi Chang
2000 Sunny Dolls – Director:Yixiong Chen
1999 Darkness and Light – Director:Tso-chi Chang

Nominated Best Actor
2003 Golden Bell Award for “Crystal Boys”
2002 Golden Horse Award for "The Best of Times"
2002 Golden Bell Award for “Come to my home”

2003 Silver Screen Award: Best Asian Actor for "The Best of Times"
2002 Singapore Film Festival: Best Actor for "The Best of Times"

2008 泪王子–导演:杨凡(后制)
2008 还原–导演:林德伟(后制)
2007 渺渺–导演:程孝泽
2007 我旅行9000公里把它交给你 – 导演:王家卫(2007坎城影展短片)
2003 地下铁–导演:马伟豪
2002 咸豆浆–导演:王明台
2002 美丽时光–导演:张作骥
2000 晴天娃娃–导演:陈义雄
1999 黑暗之光–导演:张作骥

2002 <咸豆浆> 荣膺第24届法国南特影展影帝
2002 <美丽时光> 第十六届新加坡国际影展最佳男主角

2003 电视金钟奖<孽子>
2002 金马奖<美丽时光>
2002 电视金钟奖<来我家吧>
2002 釜山影展竞赛片<咸豆浆>

美心 Mei Xin

A Singapore sensation, Mei Xin's exceptional charm has taken her to new heights not only on home ground but even in Taiwan and now China. Fresh-faced, pixie-like eyes and with her signature bright, summery smile, the endearing 22-year-old has become the darling of the media scene. The part-time model was discovered after being crowned a beauty queen at a pageant in August 2006. Her X-factor attracted Ms Nelly Poa, a veteran in the Chinese entertainment industry who runs her own creative marketing and promotion services company, and there's has been no looking back since.

Mei Xin starred in "Dear, Dear Son-In-Law", a prime time 20-epsidode drama which aired in October 2007. She also released her debut EP in late 2007.

美心是新加坡著名媒体公司Popstar Media力捧的艺人。美心从小就热爱唱歌,当其他小孩在玩扮家家酒的游戏时,美心却和姐姐玩起“二人歌唱比赛”,由妈妈当评判,结果成绩往往是歌声甜美的美心胜出。 虽然获得妈妈的肯定,但想到要真正站在舞台上唱歌时,美心却变得十分怯场。因 此,她一直提不起勇气参加歌唱比赛,也无法实现在舞台上唱歌给万千歌迷听的梦想。她只能以另一种不开口的方式――模特儿,继续活跃于舞台。 然而,天生丽质的她,在2006年一项选美中发出耀眼光芒,荣获冠军。她的甜美外型和独特气质,也马上被新加坡著名媒体公司Popstar Media相中,成为公司的力捧新星。 

2009 女婿当家、关东大先生 CCTV8黄金时段首播
2007 「瞬间」单曲专辑

李承铉 Nathan 

Nathan is the vocalist of Korean Boy Band "TAKE" which won the Newcomer of the Year in 2006 by China Beijing TV Station. He was also the 2007 Ambassador for the Sino-South Korean Year of Exchange during the 3rd International Music Festival in Guangzhou; and winner of the “Most Stylish Korean” in Shanghai ELLE Style Award 2008. 


2008 《娜娜的玫瑰战争》

黄阅 Ivan Huang

A singer and actor from China, Ivan Huang joined the music industry after participating in a well-known Chinese entertainment program "Star Factory" in 2002.

2007 EP "Our Motherland Is Garden"
2006 "We All Are Fear Lonely Person" (Universal Music)
2005 EP "Olympic Games China"
2004 The World of mortals + Evil spirit Abstains + Zhezi play

2007 Button Person



陈秀玉Lisa Chen

This 45-year-old director claims to be the most senior Newcomer in the movie industry. Before entering the circle, she had over 10 years of working experience in the advertising industry. In 1999, she decided to turn Director and took up study of Directing Film, Video & Broadcasting at New York University, USA. In 2000, she served as Art Director in Lee Khan's Golden Bell drama "Tears of Lover", which was later nominated for the Golden Bell Award Best Art Director in 2001. She directed her first film "Voice of Waves" in 2002 which later was nominated in 2003 for Golden Bell Award, Best Actress, Best Camera and Best Editing .This is the first time in the award history that a short film was nominated for such key awards and with that, hailed Lisa as the steadiest newcomer in the industry. 


1985 年藝專美工科畢業,即進入漢廣製作有限公司,任職製片部一職,學習前期籌備拍攝工作到後期剪接、錄音、電檢… 等 16mm 與 35mm 製作流程。其中開始接觸到香港製作人員,學習並了解到不同層面的專業知識。製作過的商品有佳美香皂─崔苔菁篇, 歐斯麥餅干─張小燕篇等 … 

1987 年在輝格製作有限公司,任職執行美術及監製助理之工作,期間除了香港製作人員之外,作業流程都是與廣告代理接觸。製作的商品都較為國際性商品。 

1989 年在福茂製作有限公司,擔任監製一職,有機會參與廣告公司接案、議價、開立影片對外之估價,充實自己在工作上的領域,並有機會出國拍攝製作。 

1994 年在華威葛瑞廣告公司,擔任製片一職學習了解到整個的流程。從商品定位、行銷策略、發包執行、創意品質與預算的掌握。在客戶、廣告公司、製作公司之間了解廣告較完整性的部份。 

1999 年轉導演,並到紐約 NYU 學校,學習短期導演課程。 

2000 年參與李崗導演之公視金鐘劇“情人的眼淚”美術。 

2001 年參與易智言導演之“藍色大門”副導。 “情人的眼淚”入圍金鐘獎最佳美術指導。 

2002 年編導公視人生劇展“那年夏天的浪聲 ” 16mm 電視電影單元劇。 
“ 那年夏天的浪聲 ” 入圍 2002 年金馬獎最佳短片。 
“ 秋天的藍調 '' 獲選電影短片輔導金。 

2003 年“ 那年夏天的浪聲 ”入圍金鐘獎最佳女配角,最佳攝影,最佳剪接提名。 

2004 年執導人間衛視人間劇場金鐘劇“ 好想跟你說 ” " 秋天的藍調" 入圍 2004 年金馬獎最佳女主角。 " 秋天的藍調" 獲得 2004 年金穗獎最佳劇情片。 

2005 年“ 那年夏天的浪聲 ”獲得日本幕張亞洲海洋祭影展評審團特別獎。 

2006 年執導鄧雨賢 ~ 四月望雨紀錄片。


For high-resolution files of these photographs, please contact Tessa Monteiro at tel: 9726 3152 or email:
Robert Fan潘嘉丽(right) 

Robert Fan范植伟


Nathan Lee 李承铉(left) and Kelly Poon潘嘉丽 (right)


Ivan Huang黄阅 (left) and Mei Xin 美心 (right)