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Singapore and Sweden sign pact on interactive digital media


Singapore’s Media Development Authority (MDA) and Sweden’s Business Region Göteborg, represented by its Center of Visualization, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on interactive digital media (IDM).

The MOU aims to link Singapore and Sweden in the joint development and commercialization of new digital media technologies, applications, services and content that can address the Singapore, Swedish and global markets. An example of such collaborations is EON Coliseum. The new technology platform developed by EON Reality’s Singapore office, which allows people to present their ideas, communicate complex concepts and collaborate using rich media objects, will be piloted in Swedish schools.

Under the MOU framework, Swedish companies can look forward to leapfrog the competition into Asian markets by using Singapore as a test-bed. Those looking for partners to expand their base in Singapore, such as game developer MindArk and optical motion capture solutions provider Qualisys, will receive match-making support by MDA, which will also make available test-bedding facilities for Swedish companies.

Singapore companies can also look forward to testing their technology under the Swedish environment, for example, by tapping Gothenburg’s Lindholmen Science Park telecommunications network.

Other joint explorations being discussed under the MOU framework include a collaboration between Singapore Science Center and its Göteborg’s counterpart, Universeum.

“Sweden is renowned for its high-quality scientific and technological developments and is home to some of the world’s top technology companies such as Volvo and Ericsson. Through the MOU, Singapore companies can benefit from Sweden’s experience in innovation. With Singapore’s networks in the region and conducive business environment, we also welcome Swedish media companies to use Singapore as the test-bedding center and regional launch pad for their business in Asia and beyond,” said Dr Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer, MDA.

“We have been following Singapore’s determination within the field of interactive digital media with great interest. The Göteborg region has strong profile of companies and researchers in several sectors in the field of visualization in their roles as developers, producers, and/or users of visualization technology. By signing this MOU we hope to create a framework that both companies and researchers from Singapore and Sweden can mutually benefit from,” said Eva-Lena Albihn, Deputy Chief Executive, Business Region Göteborg and Chairman of the Center of Visualization.

“Singapore and Sweden share many similarities, such as a strong foundation in infocomm technology and a robust research and development culture. There is great synergy between the two countries and by working together, we will be able to build on our competitive advantage and jointly forge new ground in the realm of interactive digital media,” said His Excellency Pär Ahlberger, Ambassador of Sweden to Singapore.

MDA is the lead government agency charting the growth of Singapore’s media sector, which recently received a boost of S$230 million under the Singapore Media Fusion Plan to grow the industry. MDA hosts Singapore’s multi-agency IDM Research and Development Program Office, which was set up in 2006 to spur research and development in the IDM space through the National Research Foundation’s allocation of S$500 million funding.

Business Region Göteborg AB is a non-profit company that works to strengthen and develop trade and industry in the 13 municipalities in the Göteborg region. The goal is to contribute to strong growth, a high level of employment and diversity in trade and industry in the region. Center of Visualization Göteborg is an organization promoting the growth of digital Visualization among its member companies by providing expertise on the integration of Visualization technology into traditional and new media platforms, such as developing virtual worlds for entertainment, social interaction and trade. It is managed by Business Region Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology.

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Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA)
Formed in 2003, the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) plays a vital role in transforming Singapore into a Trusted Global Capital for New Asia Media. MDA spearheads initiatives that promote industry growth in film, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation and Interactive Digital Media. At the same time, in ensuring clear and consistent regulatory policies and guidelines, MDA helps to foster a pro-business environment for industry players and increase media choices for consumers. For more information, visit and

Business Region Göteborg
Business Region Göteborg AB is a non-profit company that works to strengthen and develop trade and industry in the Göteborg region. The goal is to contribute to strong growth, a high level of employment and diversity in trade and industry in the region. For more information please visit

Center of Visualization Göteborg
Center of Visualization Göteborg is an organization for stimulating growth in the field of digital visualization. The organization shall help to spread visualization technology into new and existing industry segments and provide industries with sharper tools in for example production, processes, product development and design. Center of Visualization shall also stimulate cross-overs between visualization and other technologies in order to create new innovations and applications.

The membership organization is managed by Business Region Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology and is one of three national Knowledge Arenas within the network VISARD, Visualization - Arenas for Research and Development. For more information please visit