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Singapore Media Enterprises Seal New International Partnerships at the Asia Media Festival 2009


The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) today announced a series of international media collaborations between Singapore enterprises and their partners from the United Kingdom, Australia and China, at the start of the Asia Media Festival (AMF).

The industry partnerships range from the first-ever Singapore-China-United Kingdom HD documentary co-production called Monumental Challenge (Singapore’s Oak3 Films, UK’s MediaLab and the History Channel, and China Intercontinental Communication Centre);a co-production agreement between Singapore’s MyChinaChannel and Shanghai Media Group to co-produce two infotainment television series;three pipeline projects between Singapore and Australia media companies under the MDA-ScreenWest Call for Proposal;and new matchmaking efforts between Singapore venture capitalist firm Thymos Capital and Japan’s Technology Seed Incubation.

Also launched was a new funding initiative by MDA and South West Screen, the development agency for the film, TV and digital media industries in the South West of England, to encourage Singapore and British producers to develop concepts with multi-platform potential and cross-media elements. With support of the UK Trade and Investment agency, MDA and South West Screen will jointly provide development funding of up to £50,000 (S$ 113,616) for up to two selected projects. The £25,000 (S$45,446) for each selected project will be shared equally between the Singaporean and British co-production partner.

This initiative is open to proposals across genres, with specific interest in the following –Children’s (including Animation), Drama, Documentary, Factual Entertainment –where programming demonstrates significant multi-platform potential.

In all, these international partnerships underscore the rise of the region and its collective vision to collaborate and create original content with an Asian perspective that will resonate with the domestic and international markets.

Said Dr. Christopher Chia, MDA’s Chief Executive Officer: “Our growing international linkages and media collaborations are a vote of confidence in the capabilities of Singapore media enterprises and indeed, the Singapore media industry at large. The winning combination of Singapore’s economic stability, pro-enterprise culture and progressive intellectual property framework puts us at the heart of a new dynamic Asia.”

“We look forward to many more collaborative efforts with our international counterparts. On our part, MDA will continue to encourage and facilitate collaborations between Singapore and international media partners to develop next-generation content and promote the growth of the region’s media industry,” said Dr. Chia.

International Co-Productions

First Singapore-UK-China Co-Production in Full High Definition Documentary

Scoring its first is the Singapore-China-UK High Definition documentary co-production called Monumental Challenge. The co-production between Singapore Oak3 Films, MediaLab and the History Channel from the UK, and China Intercontinental Communication Centre (CICC) from China, will consist of six one-hour episodes produced in High Definition. Monumental Challenge takes an in-depth and intimate look at six of the world’s greatest monuments being restored as well as the army of people who are constantly racing against deadlines to keep the iconic structures standing for many to enjoy.

Co-production between MyChinaChannel and Shanghai Media Group

In addition, the MDA also announced a co-production agreement between Singapore home-grown media company MyChinaChannel and Shanghai Media Group’s distribution arm, Wings Media, to co-produce two infotainment television series. The first series, China Trend, will highlight modern China, its people and their lifestyle in 13 episodes. The second series, Foreigners in China, will document how foreigners living in China adjust and adapt to the local culture and environment. MyChinaChannel has also signed a MOU with SMG Wings Media to jointly aggregate the best Chinese Drama and Movies for distribution outside of China.

MDA-ScreenWest Cross-Media Development Initiative

Strategic partnerships have been pivotal in growing the media industry in Singapore. The ratification of the Australia-Singapore Co-production Treaty, for instance, has encouraged Singaporean and Australian companies to jointly develop and explore the potential of multiplatform intellectual properties. A second Call for Proposal under the MDA-ScreenWest Cross-Media Development Initiative was launched in October 2009. At the AMF, three winning proposals were announced, namely (1) Potted Histories by Australia’s Great Western Entertainment and Singapore’s Infinite frameworks;(2) Are you Smarter than Nature by Australia’s Sea Dog Films and Singapore’s Very! Productions;and (3) Global Sound Hunters by Australia’s Circling Shark Productions and Singapore’s Xtreme Production.

Collaboration between Japan’s Technology Seed Incubation and Thymos Capital

Efforts are also underway to seek closer collaboration between Singapore media companies and its Japanese counterparts with the signing of a MOU between Japan’s Technology Seed Incubation and Singapore’s Thymos Capital. The two incubators will identify and match-make promising media companies in Singapore and Japan to co-develop and distribute mobile games and applications, new media technologies and animation co-productions, for the global market.

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About the Media Development Authority of Singapore

Formed in 2003, the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) plays a vital role in transforming Singapore into a Trusted Global Capital for New Asia Media. MDA spearheads initiatives that promote industry growth I film, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation and Interactive Digital Media. At the same time, in ensuring clear and consistent regulatory policies and guidelines, MDA helps to foster a pro-business environment for industry players and increase media choices for consumers. For more information, visit and

About the Asia Media Festival

The Asia Media Festival (AMF) 2009 is an annual media industry event held in Singapore. It is currently in its eighth year. An estimated 5,000 broadcasters, buyers and sellers, distributors, financiers and producers meet to share best practices, forge strong business networks, develop international collaborations and heighten brand awareness. The festival consists of the Asia Television Forum (ATF), a content marketplace for international and Asian buyers and sellers, the Asian Festival of First Films (AFFF), which promotes first time documentaries, and the AMF Country Showcase, which provides a platform for industry and government representatives from around the world to explore international co-productions.