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Schedule of Presidential Candidate Broadcast on 26 August 2011



Following the first round of Presidential Candidate Broadcast on 18 August, the Media Development Authority (MDA) is making available the detailed schedule of the second Presidential Candidate Broadcast that will be aired tomorrow, Friday, 26 August 2011.

The same four candidates will once again make their broadcasts over free-to-air radio and television platforms. These platforms are made available in all four languages to the candidates.

Details of the broadcast are as follows:

 Broadcast Date



 News Platform

26 August 2011










  Channel NewsAsia





 Channel 5


 Power 98










 Warna 94.2FM














 Channel 8


 Capital 95.8FM


 883Jia FM


 Radio 1003


 Channel U










  Oli 96.8FM

The order of the second broadcasts on radio and television will be as follows:

       1.    Mr Tan Kin Lian

       2.    Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam

       3.    Mr Tan Jee Say

       4.    Dr Tan Cheng Bock


To facilitate reporting, MDA will release the scripts of the second Presidential Candidate Broadcast to the media by 7pm on 26 Aug 2011, upon completion of the recording of the speeches.

Please note that all scripts are embargoed till after delivery and are to be checked against delivery.  

For media queries, please contact:

Ms Tan Lay Ping   

Manager, Communications

Media Development Authority (MDA)

Tel: +65 9726 3122


Ms Gay Chwee Hwa

Assistant Director, Communications

Media Development Authority (MDA)

Tel: +65 9726 3165  



About the Media Development Authority of Singapore
The Media Development Authority of Singapore ( promotes the growth of globally competitive film, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation and interactive digital media industries. It also regulates the media sector to safeguard the interests of consumers, and promotes a connected society.