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SecureAsia@Singapore 2010 Conference

26 July 2010 - Opening Address by Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Permanent Secretary for Information, Communications and The Arts at the SecureAsia@Singapore 2010 Conference, at Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre

Opening Address by Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Permanent Secretary for Information, Communications and The Arts at the SecureAsia@Singapore 2010 Conference on Monday, 26 July 2010, 9.35am at Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre

"Building a Secure Connected Future"

Mr Hord Tipton, Executive Director,
International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2),

Mr Gerard Tan, President,
Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP),

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Good morning and a warm welcome to the "SecureAsia@Singapore 2010" Conference. We have with us global leaders, executives and practitioners to showcase the latest in the infocomm security domain.

Infocomm Landscape & the Pervasive Internet

2. Today, infocomm technology, or ICT, is pervasive and plays a vital role in the way we work, learn and interact. In Singapore, more than 75 per cent1 of businesses use ICT actively to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. As end-users, many of us have come to take for granted the mobile devices and social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, that let us stay connected with one another. We go online to search for information, make purchases, and complete business transactions on the go.

3. This trend is not about to slow down.

Investing in Information Security Competencies/Expertise

4. With such pervasive use of ICT, cyber threats have become more prevalent, and are constantly evolving. Enhancing our infocomm security capabilities is therefore essential.

5. In the latest Global State of Information Security Survey report2 by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 42 per cent of respondents indicated that security breaches resulted in financial loss; 30 per cent of respondents indicated that security breaches caused brand or reputation compromise; and 29 per cent indicated intellectual property theft as a result of such breaches.

6. In Singapore, our national cyber security efforts are guided by an Infocomm Security Masterplan, first launched in 2005. The plan was developed through a multi-agency effort led by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. We are now into our second Masterplan, a five-year roadmap that aims to build upon the first Masterplan to attain higher levels of resiliency and availability for our national infocomm infrastructure and services.

7. The Masterplans have enabled a strategic approach to the problem, and concerted and coordinated efforts to enhance cyber security. The efforts are not confined to the public sector alone, but also emphasises close collaboration between the public and private sectors in mitigating infocomm security risks and securing Singapore's cyber space.

8. Any plan is only as good as the people implementing it. A high quality pool of infocomm security experts is vital. As one of the Masterplan initiatives, the Association of Information Security Professionals, AISP for short, was established to help transform infocomm security into a distinguished profession.

AISP's New Programme - Qualified Information Security Professionals for Singapore

9. I am pleased to take this occasion to announce the launch of a new programme by AISP called the Qualified Information Security Professionals course (or QISP for short). This course is accredited under the National Infocomm Competency Framework, and targets those who aspire to become infocomm security professionals, or who wish to gain comprehensive knowledge in infocomm security. Upon completion of this course, participants with relevant experience will be able to qualify for AISP membership and gain access to other programmes and initiatives to ensure their on-going professional development.

Everyone has a Part to Play

10. As ICT becomes more pervasive, cyber criminals have also become more organised, using a variety of techniques, from malware to social engineering, to steal personal information such as bank account and credit card details. End-users, both young and old, professionals and housewives, have succumbed when they inadvertently let their guard down.

11. It is clear that we must not let our end users be the "weakest link" in our information security strategy. Instead, we should recruit them as our first line of defence in thwarting cyber attacks.

12. One such effort is the formation of the Cyber Security Awareness Alliance, an initiative under the second Masterplan. This Alliance comprises like-minded partners from the Government, private enterprises, trade associations and non-profit organisations. The Alliance aims to raise the awareness and adoption of essential cyber security practices amongst users, and build a positive culture of cyber awareness in Singapore. The Alliance will amalgamate efforts from its members and build on each other's strengths and resources.

13. I am pleased to announce the Alliance's new tagline, "GO SAFE ONLINE". This tagline serves as a call-to-action where users are reminded to take personal responsibility in protecting themselves against cyber threats. More resources, such as essential infocomm security practices for the private and people sectors, can be found on the Alliance's website,


14. In conclusion, cyber attacks can affect anyone, any organisation and any country. An attack can cripple businesses, and even bring down a country's economy. Building a secure and safe cyber environment is thus a top priority. The challenge, while global and complex, is not insurmountable. Through close collaboration and continued investments in enhancing competencies, we can succeed in our efforts.

15. The organisers of this two-day Conference have put together an enriching programme. I wish everyone a fruitful Conference.

16. Thank you.


1Based on the Annual Infocomm Usage By Enterprises Survey, 2009, (62.15KB)

2Based on the Global State of Information Security Survey 2010, released on October 15, 2009,

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