Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the Anti-Scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

Quality of Service Reports for 2009 Jul - Sep

Quality of Service for Postal Services

IDA requires Singapore Post Ltd (SingPost) to comply with the Postal Quality of Service (QoS) standards established by IDA. SingPost measures and submits to IDA, every quarterly, the performance results it achieved for the various indicators. From time to time, where feasible, the standards set are reviewed and modified to meet with the growing demand for a higher level of service to the consumers at large.

The information below is based on SingPost's quarterly submission.

Delivery of Local Ordinary mail posted before 7pm within CBD* and 5pm outside CBD

(a) % of mail delivered by next working day (P)
IDA's requirement: % of mail delivered within CBD areas by next working day - 99%
% of mail delivered outside CBD areas by next working day - 98%
(b) % of outgoing mail connected by departing flights by next working day (S)
IDA's requirement: 100%
(c) % of incoming mail received before 8pm at airport delivered by next working day
(within and outside CBD) (S)
IDA's requirement: % of mail delivered to areas within CBD - 99%
% of mail delivered to areas outside CBD - 98%
incoming jul09

* For postal delivery purposes, CBD refers to areas with postal codes beginning with 01, 03-08, 17-19 and 22-23.