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Hand working with Digital transformation change management and internet of things (IoT) UI.

Strategic Digital Projects


Catalysing digital transformation through emerging technologies

Rapidly evolving emerging technologies like Extended Reality (XR), Digital Twin (DT) and Generative AI (Gen AI) provide exciting opportunities to our enterprises. These technologies can help enterprises and industries to generate new revenue streams, capture new markets, and improve and enhance their business operations and efficiency.

IMDA collaborates with lead users and other agencies to scope and develop use cases at the enterprise or sectoral level.

Accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies

IMDA partners with industry leaders and technology solution providers to provide thought leadership and facilitate enterprises and industries to co-create innovative solutions.

IMDA regularly organises Tech Discovery Workshops with technology companies and industry leaders to seed ideas and share best practices to inspire digital leaders.

GenAI Sandbox for SMEs

IMDA and Enterprise Singapore launched the GenAI Sandbox for SMEs on 7 February 2024 to help SMEs gain hands-on experience on GenAI with a curated list of solutions that are simple to deploy and use. With a better understanding of the solutions, SMEs will be better positioned to use GenAI and extend its usage to a wider scale.

Interested SMEs that want to participate in the sandbox may visit the CTOaaS page for more information.

Vendor registration for the GenAI Sandbox for SMEs has closed since 10 November 2023. Solution providers with GenAI-powered solutions can register your interest for possible future initiatives via the online form.

GenAI x Digital Leaders

The GenAI x Digital Leaders initiative aims to help digitally mature enterprises to raise their understanding of GenAI, and provide them with access to GenAI expertise and resources to develop and implement GenAI solutions with tech partners.

Enterprises will go through a tech discovery process that would help them identify and develop use cases and scope impactful projects. As enterprises proceed towards implementation with the support of tech partners, they will get advisory and guidance on the technology and best practices on AI governance.

Enterprises that are keen to participate in the initiative can visit the GenAI x Digital Leaders page for more information or indicate your interest via the online form.

Digital Leaders in Emerging Tech Pilot

As we move into an increasingly digital-centric economy, it is imperative that enterprises develop internal digital capabilities to better harness emerging technologies to achieve sustainable growth and be at the forefront of industry transformation.

The Digital Leaders in Emerging Tech Pilot (DLET Pilot) is specifically tailored to focus on supporting enterprises in capabilities development for emerging tech project execution. Leveraging on the tech expertise from Accenture, enterprises will get the opportunity to deepen understanding and build capabilities in an emerging tech domain of their choice through a "Learn-as-you-Built" process. Key intended outcomes include:

  • Deepen competency in agile methodology for project implementation; and
  • Build confidence in harnessing emerging tech effectively to address business challenges and new opportunities.

Funding support is available for eligible enterprises. For more details, check out the DLET Pilot infrographics here (157.15KB).

We invite enterprises to embark on this transformative journey with us. Kindly register your interest for a follow-up discussion via the online form.

Contact us

Enterprises seeking to digitally transform themselves by leveraging emerging technologies and partners wishing to collaborate with IMDA on this journey may reach out to us at