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Contact person: Dr. Moritz Mueller
Contact: 9483 4756

Category: Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Sub-category: Business Process Automation

Squirro is an Insight Engine delivering actionable recommendations for better business outcomes.

Enterprise Data is broken. 99% of all enterprise data generated is never analysed. Businesses, which are not making full use of their data significantly underperform in the market place.

The main reason: Most of this data is unstructured data scattered across the enterprise. Based on this data, the Squirro Insight Engine provides actionable insights in real-time for superior client engagement, better customer support and simply significant performance improvements, delivering a competitive advantage to their customers. The engine connects and transforms any and all data consistently and reliably into insights using explainable AI at scale. Ready-to-use Apps for Sales, Service, Risk and Search built on top of the engine make rollout and adoption easy. Understanding your intent and knowing your context, Squirro enables you to make smarter business decisions every day. They call it Augmented Intelligence and endeavour to make Squirro your Insight Engine of choice.

Use cases:

Sales insights

  • Get an intimate understanding of markets and customers, in real-time, embedded in any CRM.
  • Customer: Squirro helps Candriam, an Institutional Asset Manager, to source opportunities for their fund managers.

Service insights

  • Enable service ticket clustering (similar tickets), automate assignment & resolution.
  • Customer: Squirro helps Standard Chartered to automate and improve their Commercial and Institutional Banking customer support.

Cognitive search

  • Provide comprehensive next generation enterprise search for all your users across your company.
  • Customer: At Henkel, Squirro provides a comprehensive search experience putting the companies know how at the fingertips of its employees.
Moritz Miller

Squirro’s journey with IMDA Accreditation

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