Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the ScamShield Helpline at 1799 or go to

Retain and Engage your Cusomters with
Better Data Drive Business


A banner advertising the BDDB programme to retain and engage customers through the use of data analytics

Understand the preferences of your existing customers.

With the right insights, you can develop loyalty programmes to retain your customers, and upsell or cross-sell products to other customer segments through targeted marketing campaigns. 

Get Insights

Gain insights on how to use the Business Intelligence Tool and create personalised customer experiences that retain and engage your customers. Learn how to leverage data for SMEs to drive customer engagement and enhance your business success with IMDA's Better Data-Driven Business (BDDB) programme.

Analyse different customer segments and product sales, and find out more on:

A graphic of two businessmen standing beside a smartphone displaying documents and charts, part of the BDDB programme to acquire new users

  • Which customers are spending more, most recently and often
  • The demographics of these customers
  • Top selling products for these customers

Create an Actionable Plan

Start retaining and engaging your customers by collecting and transforming raw data into insights (19.48KB) and start making strategic decisions and forming concrete plans that are specific to your business needs. With BDDB methodologies, you can not only acquire new customers but retain and engage them:

  • Learn how to identify data collection points and data types
  • Prepare data with templates
  • Resolve common problems
  • Generate and understand useful insights to create actionable plans

If you intend to send direct marketing messages to your customers, do check if you have obtained consent, or meet the requirements under the Do Not Call (DNC) Provisions or Spam Control Act. No further action is required if consent has been obtained.

get started logo

Interested in all of the above?

Download the full BI tool package here to start creating your own actionable plan.

1.  Please download Microsoft Power BI Desktop to use the BI tool.
2.  You may refer to the Interactive Guide should you require step-by-step guidance on how to use the BI tool.
3.  This tool may contain personal data. Do protect it by saving it in a device that has strong passwords set and limit access to the device.


Any solutions that can export data easily to the BI Tool?

Businesses using IMDA's SMEs Go Digital pre-approved solutions such as point-of-sale (POS), human resource management (HRMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) or e-commerce systems will be able to find their data already aligned to the requirements of the BI tool. Find out the list of BI tool compatible SMEs Go Digital pre-approved solutions (141.30KB).

Enterprises and ICM vendors who wish to align their data standards to the BI tool to facilitate data sharing may also find out more (24.00KB).

Learn More

The PDPC has a suite of tools and resources to help businesses interested in harnessing the value of data unlock opportunities and future innovation, while upkeeping and strengthening customers’ trust through accountability. Find out more below.


Expand All
Anonymising Data
Advisory Guidelines on the Personal Data Protection Act for Selected Topics (Chapter 3 on Anonymisation) Chapter 3 of the Advisory Guidelines for Selected Topics elaborates on how the PDPA applies to the context of Anonymisation. 
Guide to Basic Data Anonymisation Techniques This guide provides a general introduction to the technical aspects of anonymisation, including basic concepts and techniques.  
Marketing to Customers
Advisory Guidelines on Key Concepts in the Personal Data Protection Act (Chapter 12) Chapter 12 of the Advisory Guidelines for Key Concepts elaborate on and provide illustrations for the Consent obligation, in particular Chapters 12.23 and 12.27 on  Deemed Consent by Notification and sending of direct marketing messages under the Do Not Call provisions.
Advisory Guidelines on the Do Not Call Provisions The Advisory Guidelines on the Do Not Call (DNC) Provisions provide an explanation of how the DNC Provisions, which are set out in Part 9 of the PDPA, may apply in different scenarios and allows organisations and individuals to better understand the requirements. 
Demonstrating Accountability

The Need for Accountability

Resources on accountability to help organisations strengthen trust with the public, enhance business competitiveness and provide greater assurance to customers in the digital economy.
Data Protection Trustmark Certification
The Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) is a voluntary enterprise-wide certification for organisations to demonstrate accountable data protection practices. The DPTM will help businesses increase their competitive advantage and build trust with their customers and stakeholders.
Securing Data in IT Systems

Data Protection Practices for ICT Systems

Resources on good data protection practices to strengthen organisations’ data protection measures and controls for a robust and resilient ICT system.
Sharing Data
Trusted Data Sharing Framework / Data Sharing Agreements
For businesses and their data partners to explore and pilot innovative use of data in a safe “environment”, in consultation with IMDA and PDPC. The Sandbox reduces uncertainty in compliance to current and planned policies, and limits the exposure of companies and consumers.
Model Contractual Clauses on Cross Border Data Flows
Template contractual terms and conditions that may be included in the binding legal agreements between businesses transferring personal data to each other across borders. This helps reduce the negotiation and compliance cost and time especially for SMEs while ensuring personal data protection when data is transferred across borders.
APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules Certification
Developed to build consumer, business and regulator trust in cross border flows of personal data and helps to bridge differing national privacy laws within the APEC region, reducing barriers to the flow of information for global trade.
A graphic of employees discussing HR planning surrounded by documents and desktop elements, part of the BDDB programme to boost retention

Next: Improve HR Planning

Analyse your human resources and enhance your workforce.

Click here to learn more


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