Code for Fun programme
It is important that young Singaporeans are curious, confident and creative users of technology to be better prepared for life in the digital age and to realise their aspirations in a digital future.
Students need to know how best to use technologies to augment their capabilities. Equally, students must learn how to use technology ethically and responsibly. Instead of becoming over-reliant on it, they must carefully examine its impact to ensure that humans and humanity remain central to technology’s development and use.
The Code for Fun programme, offered jointly by IMDA and Ministry of Education (MOE), aims to expose primary and secondary school students to computational thinking through coding, inventive thinking through digital making and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The programme is available to all MOE government and government-aided primary and secondary schools.
From 2025, AI for Fun modules are also made available to all students in primary and secondary government and government-aided schools. These modules aims to expose students to generative AI, smart robots and digital making leveraging AI, as well as understanding how to use AI safely and responsibly.
Listen to what the pilot schools have to say about the AI for Fun modules below.

Code for Fun - AI for Fun pilot 2024
How to apply?
All Ministry of Education (MOE) government and government-aided primary and secondary schools are eligible to apply for the Code for Fun programme.
Application instructions will be sent to all MOE government and government-aided schools between September to October annually. Schools keen to apply for the programme should submit their application within the application window stated.
For enquires regarding Code for Fun, please contact us at