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Telecommunication Service Surcharge to Be Removed Effective from January 1, 1997


The Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) announced today that it will remove telecommunication service surcharge levied by hotel and service apartment operators. Under the new scheme, which will take effect from ...

The Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) announced today that it will remove telecommunication service surcharge levied by hotel and service apartment operators. Under the new scheme, which will take effect from January 1, 1997, hotel operators will only be allowed to bill call set-up charges of 30 cents for each IDD call and 10 cents for each STD call. (See the table at the bottom of this page for details.)

The move is to ensure that Singapore's telecommunication costs remain among the most competitive in the world so as to maintain Singapore's position as a business hub and top tourist and international conference destination.

"While we impose price control on Singapore Telecom to ensure that our telecommunication charges are among the most competitive, we also want to make sure that these benefits are reflected and passed on to consumers as savings," said Mr. Leong Keng Thai, Deputy Director-General.

Hotels, service apartments and other resellers will, in turn, enjoy a revised volume discount scheme from Singapore Telecom. Under this revised structure, resellers will enjoy flat discounts ranging from one to 10 percent.

In December 1994, TAS decided on an interim downward revision of various surcharges levied on telecommunication services by hotels and service apartments. The aim, as stated then, was for the eventual abolition of all surcharges and levies imposed by hotels and service apartments on telecommunication services.

The interim downward revisions, which have been implemented since April 1, 1995, reduced the 20 percent surcharge on IDD and STD calls made from hotel rooms to 10 percent, while local calls which were charged at 50 cents per call were revised to 10 cents per three minutes, in line with public payphone rates. The rates were implemented as an interim measure to give hotels and service apartments a grace period for the eventual transition to a no surcharge framework.

Contact: Dulcie Chan
Corporate Communications Manager
Phone: (65) 322-1999
Fax: (65) 323-0941

Price Control Arrangements for Hotels / Service Apartments
(With Effect from 1 January 1997)

Service Existing Rates New Rates
Local Telephone/Fax 10 cts per 3 mins. 10 cts per 3 mins.
Toll Free Calls No charge. No charge.
Int'l Telephone Calls/Fax Maximum 10% surcharge.
No minimum charge.
No surcharge.
Call set-up charge of 30 cents per successful call.
No minimum charge.
Operator-Assisted Int'l Telephone Calls Maximum 10% surcharge.
$2.50 flat charge per outgoing successful collect call.
No charge for incoming non-collect call.
Maximum 10% surcharge for incoming collect calls.
No surcharge
$2.50 flat charge per outgoing successful collect call.
No charge for incoming non-collect call.
No charge for incoming collect calls.
Int'l Toll Free Calls No charge or call barring. No charge or call barring.
Country Direct Calls $2.50 flat charge per successful call. $2.50 flat charge per successful call.
STD Calls/Fax Maximum 10% surcharge.
No minimum charge.
No surcharge.
Call set-up charge of 10 cents per successful call.
No minimum charge.
Manual Trunk Calls (MTC) Maximum 10% surcharge.
No minimum charge
No surcharge.
No minimum charge.
$2.50 flat charge per outgoing collect call. $2.50 flat charge per outgoing collect call.
Maximum 10% surcharge for incoming collect calls.
No minimum charge.
No surcharge for incoming collect calls.
No minimum charge.