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Singapore Unveils Human Resource Development Training Programme in Broadband Multimedia for APEC


Host economy Singapore today unveiled an integrated Human Resource Development (HRD) training programme in broadband technologies and multimedia applications for APEC economies. Singapore's proposal aims to ...

Host economy Singapore today unveiled an integrated Human Resource Development (HRD) training programme in broadband technologies and multimedia applications for APEC economies. Singapore's proposal aims to address the skills development gap within APEC in the broadband multimedia area.

A Modular Programme Structure

Singapore's training programme provides generic training in areas such as broadband technology, infrastructure planning, applications development and end-user on-line training and regulatory / policy planning1.

A Wider Vision for Broadband Multimedia Training within the APEC Region

In the longer term, Singapore hopes that its training programme can complement schemes offered by other APEC economies and that these initiatives become associated with one another so as to eventually create a virtual network of broadband multimedia training opportunities for APEC economies. In turn, these efforts should then be affiliated with the training efforts of other organisations, such as the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This can then become the start of the manifestation of the concept of Centre of Excellence across the Asia-Pacific region. The goal is that eventually, in line with the Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure (APII), APEC member economies will be able to conduct and receive training and education for multimedia broadband networking and applications virtually. These skills will equip us as a region to live, do business and interact with one another in the Asia-Pacific Information Society.

Public-Private Sector Collaboration

This training initiative will be conducted in collaboration with local industry partners, including technology & multimedia companies, academic institutions, telecom consultancies, research institutes, industry associations and government agencies in the field of info-communications.

Notes to Editor:

1. Proposed Modules for APEC TEL HRD Training Programme:

Broadband Technology: Encompasses existing and new technologies for broadband networking, network topologies, technical features and system capabilities. Proposed modules:

- ATM Technology
- Broadband Switching Technologies

Infrastructure Planning: Includes broadband network planning and deployment, financing, network architectures, planning, deployment, operations and maintenance. Proposed Modules:

- ATM Network Planning and Deployment
- ADSL and HFC technologies
- Next Generation Internet

Applications Development & End-User On-line Training: Training on software and hardware tools required for developing multimedia content, applications and services, as well as the development and user training on client-end interfaces. Proposed Modules:

- Broadband multimedia applications development
- Information systems development
- Network Computing
- Distance learning

Regulatory/Policy Planning: Covers regulatory and policy issues which governments face in the Information Age, e.g. addressing technological convergence, internet governance and cyber laws, as well as overviews on the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks and approaches. Proposed Modules:

- Regulatory Challenges & Policy Issues in the Information Age
- Technology Convergence & Future Trends
- International Telecommunication Regulatory Trends
- Impact and implications of electronic commerce