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Students and parents to experience Singapore ONE at Singapore's first mass holiday training camp


In an initiative to promote awareness and usage of Singapore ONE among school children and the local community, the National Computer Board (NCB) and Marine Parade Community Development Council ...

In an initiative to promote awareness and usage of Singapore ONE among school children and the local community, the National Computer Board (NCB) and Marine Parade Community Development Council (MP CDC) will jointly
organise a month-long mass holiday training camp on Singapore ONE at the Nanyang Polytechnic, Ang Mo Kio Campus, from 23 November to 20 December 1998. The event will be officially launched on 23 November 1998 by Mayor Eugene Yap, Marine Parade District, Deputy Speaker and Member of Parliament for Marine Parade GRC.

Called "ONE Camp", the event is part of a joint effort by the NCB and MP CDC to promote an IT culture in which Singaporeans from all walks of life are able to use IT to tap into vast information resources and services or perform electronic transactions. Towards this end, Singapore ONE is being made available to the large majority of the population,through homes, schools, workplaces, public libraries, and community areas.

ONE Camp will see a total of more than 10,000 students and parents participating in the Singapore ONE training sessions. A total of three three-hour sessions, with a capacity of 125 participants each, will be conducted each day.

From 23 November to 13 December 1998, ONE Camp will focus on training students from Primary One to Secondary Four and their parents. Set in a fun-filled and entertaining environment, through hands-on experience with projects, games and competitions, the participants will discover how they can tap on the new level of interactive, multimedia applications on Singapore ONE to enhance their learning experience.

Through specially designed courseware catering to the various educational levels, students will be taught a variety of topics. These range from the basics of Singapore ONE and the Internet; to an introduction to Singapore ONE's learning and educational applications; and the use of more advanced tools such as video conferencing, Web publishing, smart-card readers, and other online communication tools. Participants will learn how to search for useful information on the Internet, do research on school projects, and use the comprehensive range of digital library resources provided by the National Library Board. They will also get to meet new friends with similar interests through various online virtual communities, build their own Web pages, and enjoy on-line games, movies, music, and interactive lessons round-the-clock.

In conjunction with the pre-registered training sessions at the ONE Camp, a free educational seminar will be held for parents on Saturday, 28 November 1998, from 2.30 pm - 6.00pm at the Nanyang Polytechnic, Theatre of the Arts. The seminar will update parents on the latest developments in IT in education, and how they can use IT creatively in their children's learning process. Parents will also learn how to use content-filtering techniques and software to keep their children away from undesirable Internet sites. The speakers lined up include:

Mr Albert Ong,
Senior IT Instructor,
Educational Technology Division,
Ministry of Education
"How the use of IT can benefit your child"

Mrs Carmee Lim,
Raffles Girls' Secondary School
"Living and Learning with IT - The RGS Experience"

Mrs Chan Khah Gek,
Anderson Secondary School
"Enhancing Teaching and Learning through IT"

Mr Lim Poh Seng,
Divisional Coordinator,
Educational Technology Division,
Ministry of Education
"IT - A New Companion for Learning Chinese"

Mrs Kiang-Koh Lai Lin,
Assistant Director, Cluster Development,
Public Library Service, National Library Board
"Working Towards a World Class Library"

Mr Adrian Ho,
IT Consultant,
National Computer Board
"The impact of Singapore ONE on your child"

In addition, an exhibition for the public will be held at the Auditorium (Function Hall) of the Nanyang Polytechnic. This exhibition is from 23 November to 20 December 1998, 10.00am to 9.00pm daily (including Sundays). Admission is free. Visitors to the exhibition can experience the latest applications and services on Singapore ONE, and enjoy special deals on Creative Magix-ready BlasterPC?s, SingTel Magix hi-speed internet kits, and other accessories.

Response to ONE Camp has been encouraging. To date, about three quarters of the available places at the training sessions over the next four weeks have already been taken up. The Marine Parade CDC has reserved the first three days of the Camp to cater to some 1, 125 students and parents from the Marine Parade District. It will provide free transport, a rebate on the course fee and other goodies for these participants. Like-minded residents will have the opportunity to interact and share their IT experience. In addition, the Marine Parade CDC will also be sponsoring a group of children from lower-income families within the Marine Parade District for the Camp. The aim is to ensure that the less privileged among the community get an equal opportunity to experience the benefits of Singapore ONE. Also, some 100 students from the Association for the Deaf Vocational School for the Handicapped, Canossian School for the Hearing Impairedand the Singapore School for the Deaf will be participating in the Camp.

The training sessions during the last week of the Camp, from 14 to 20 December 1998, are also almost fully booked. Participants include Chinese teachers from schools and the Chinese Teachers' Association, members of Singapore ONE Clubs at community centres / clubs and self-help groups as well as teachers and technical assistants from SingTel ADSL-enabled schools.

Registration for ONE Camp is still open. Participants will be charged a nominal registration fee of $20 per person to cover administrative costs. Those interested may contact the event manager, Panpac Consumer Technology Media Pte Ltd, at Tel: 435 3058 or 438 7338 (extension 412), or Fax: 438 7293 to request for a registration form or for further information.

The NCB and Marine Parade CDC acknowledge the generous support and contributions from the sponsors of ONE Camp: SingTel Magix and Alcatel, for sponsoring the access to Singapore ONE; Creative Technology, for sponsoring the PCs and other peripherals for the training sessions; and Nanyang Polytechnic, for providing the training venue.