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More International Broadband Contents and Services on Singapore ONE


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has brought in two new U.S. content and technology companies to deploy and provide Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) applications and services on Singapore ONE...

New U.S. broadband players on Singapore ONE

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has brought in two new U.S. content and technology companies to deploy and provide Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) applications and services on Singapore ONE. The new Singapore ONE partners are Centerseat and Speedera. These new entries will contribute to the development of Singapore into a dynamic infocomm hub and growth of IBBMM in Singapore's vibrant broadband market.

The new players on Singapore ONE include: i. Centerseat will develop interactive broadband applications with rich multimedia content integrated with e-commerce and advertising on Singapore ONE. The content ranges from sports, lifestyle, science and technology to kids content. Centerseat has also strategically chosen Singapore as the first non-Japan Asian country of choice to begin offering its suite of value added broadband services, including content provision, encoding, hosting and delivery.

ii. Speedera has chosen Singapore to be a key streaming media hub serving the Asia Pacific region. They will offer their full suite of services on Singapore ONE, including global load balancing, failover, content delivery and streaming services to Singapore and the region. Through Speedera's Universal Delivery Network, broadband content players will be able to deliver content over the Singapore ONE infrastructure at a faster speed and with greater reliability to users in Singapore and Asia.

In addition to these broadband players, IDA also facilitated the entry of Mirror Image Internet (MII), a content delivery network player, to Singapore. Through its regional headquarters in Singapore, MII will offer its customers instaContentSM and instaStreamSM services to deliver content and video streams up to 20 times faster than from their origin sites. Along with the regional headquarters set-up in Singapore, MII has also invested US$3 million in its Singapore Content Access Point (CAP)1. This CAP is the first in Asia, inclusive of Japan, to be deployed, operational and serving its customers out of Asia. With the operation of the CAP, MII's instaSpeedSM service can deliver up to 75% of Internet content into Singapore at speeds of up to 20 times the origin site.

Another new entry to Singapore in September 2000, Madge.webTM, an international content applications and managed network services provider chose Singapore as its Asia Pacific regional headquarters to front its business development and marketing activities. By the end of December, Madge.web will further strategically deploy one of its 20 global Content Distribution Nodes in Singapore. The Singapore Content Distribution Node will be one of the first two in Asia. This arrangement will allow Madge.web's international and regional broadband content customers to deliver their content through Singapore at faster speeds.

"IDA welcomes Centerseat and Speedera on board Singapore ONE to offer more high quality broadband content and services for Singapore ONE users. Their services and applications will add on to the wide range and diversity of high quality interactive broadband multimedia content on Singapore ONE for users in Singapore and the region," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, Infocomm Development of the IDA. "We are also pleased to have facilitated the entries of Mirror Image Internet and Madge.web to Singapore. The tie-ups have further reinforced Singapore as the ideal test bed and regional hub for new broadband technology exploitation within the international and regional broadband market. Their presence will contribute significantly to the already vibrant broadband market in Singapore and Asia."

Referring to their decision to extend their platform reach through Singapore ONE, Mr Scott Harmolin, CEO of Centerseat said, "We are extremely excited to become a Singapore ONE partner. Our Centerseat platform will enhance the Singapore ONE users' experience in consuming interactive multimedia content through its integration with e-commerce, and make our capabilities available to content providers throughout the Singapore ONE community, as we have domestically and with other international partners. Through our strategic partnership, we look forward to developing additional delivery mechanisms beyond broadband Internet, including wireless and others."

"Singapore's ready infrastructure, extensive connectivity and vibrant broadband industry make it the ideal launch pad for Speedera's Universal Delivery Network services," said Mr Ajit Gupta, Chief Executive Officer of Speedera Networks. "Our streaming media facility in Singapore will be a strategic streaming hub in Asia that will dramatically improve the performance, reliability and scalability of Internet content delivery within the region. We are confident that this relationship will be vital in establishing our presence in the Asia Pacific region."

Mr Anurag Srivastava, Vice-President, Asia Pacific of Mirror Image Internet said, "Singapore is the choice location to site our regional headquarters and to kick-start our Asian operations. Singapore's excellent infrastructure and connectivity makes it an ideal location to base our business operations and to start our Content Delivery Network services."

"Madge.web will go live with 20 global Content Distribution Nodes in December. This deployment will provide Madge.web customers unparalleled distribution to push their content to the edge. Our facility in Singapore, one of the first two in Asia, will ensure that the explosion of local broadband services across the region can be extended on a global basis through the Madge.web Overnet. Our services and full local support will be the key to developing the rich content market even further," said Mr David Hann, General Manager, Asia Pacific, Madge.web.

Yack and RealNetworks begin broadband trials on Singapore ONE

Further to these new broadband players coming onboard Singapore ONE, broadband users can also have access to more high quality broadband streaming media content by Yack and RealNetworks?. In the middle of November this year, Yack, a U.S. company who became a Singapore ONE partner in September, debuted the broadband version of its Internet Program Guide on Singapore ONE. Having recognised Singapore as a strategic gateway to the Asian marketplace, Yack has plans to develop Asian-focused Internet Program Guides.

RealNetworks?, Inc., will kick off their broadband trial to end users on Singapore ONE within the first quarter of 2001. RealNetworks, the recognised leader of media delivery on the Internet, is deploying VHS quality streaming media at 500 kbps using RealSystem? 8, the leading complete broadband streaming media system solution. Delivered to broadband end users via the Singapore ONE network, this high quality streaming media delivery offers local and foreign broadband content ranging from sports, entertainment, music, and news using the robust and efficient edge delivery technologies.

Singapore to be the ideal launch pad to Asian broadband market

These collaborations on Singapore ONE is part of a series of partnerships and collaborations forged with international and regional companies in U.S., Europe and Asia since April 2000. These alliances will put Singapore as the choice broadband launch pad to Asia and will work towards making Singapore into a dynamic infocomm hub. See Annex A for list of international and regional partners signed on Singapore ONE since April 2000.

Added Mr Khoong, "With the vibrancy of broadband developments in Singapore and our commitment to make things happen, more international and regional players will continue to leverage Singapore's strategic position in Asia's broadband market. IDA will continue to work with local and international content and technology players in the broadband arena to deliver more compelling broadband applications and services for our users and promote the growth of interactive broadband multimedia in Singapore and Asia."


Singapore aims to jumpstart the development and growth of the IBBMM industry, as well as to help local companies expand into regional and global markets through fostering strategic partnerships and alliances overseas. These efforts will contribute to developing the infocomm industry in Singapore under Infocomm 21.


Notes to Editor:

1 MII brings the Internet closer to users by storing, processing and delivering Internet applications and website content from its global CAP network. The CAP network is a specialized delivery system that plugs into applications easily and rapidly, adding virtually unlimited scalability, reliability, efficiency, stability, and consistency to the Internet operations of MII's customers. For more information, visit

About Centerseat Inc.

Centerseat Inc. is the leading commerce and content ASP. Centerseat provides turnkey solutions utilizing its integrated content and commerce platform enabling its partners and customers to strengthen their identities and capitalize on the opportunities that content and commerce bring to their businesses. Core competencies include high-quality content creation/acquisition, e-commerce integration, advertising integration, and global distribution across multiple outlets. Centerseat has developed a unique technology platform, which contextually integrates video content, interactive media, community and commerce simultaneously through a single interface. The platform provides instant access to millions of content and commerce offerings. This, combined with Centerseat's world-class production and distribution capabilities, offers a complete solution for the entertainment, financial, retail, corporate, and industrial markets, and is geared to increasing product sales, brand loyalty and education. Distribution of Centerseat's rich media content extends to broadband and narrowband electronic media on the Internet, broadcast & cable TV, digital satellite TV, as well as out-of-home and other non-traditional media outlets. Centerseat Inc. was founded in April 1999 and is headquartered in New York City with a staff of about 100.

About Speedera Networks

Speedera Networks, Inc. is a rapidly growing Internet infrastructure company that provides services for enhancing the Internet experience through superior performance, reliability, and scalability. Speedera's Universal Delivery Network (UDN) features a unique set of next generation global load balancing, failover, content delivery, digital goods distribution and streaming media services, all based on a common global traffic management infrastructure. Together, these services ensure fast and reliable access to Internet applications, streaming media, and other web content. Speedera Networks is headquartered at 4800 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA, USA. For more information about Speedera, please call +1 408-970-1500 or email

About Mirror Image Internet

Mirror Image Internet is an innovative leader in Internet content delivery services, singularly able to consistently deliver requested content faster than other methods, regardless of location or volume demand. This is accomplished using globally deployed patented technology that employs open standards and offers consistent performance, reliability and scalability. The foundation for this cost-effective approach is the secure and intelligent Content Access Point (CAP) architecture, which powers the suite of instaDeliverySM Internet Services and enables Mirror Image to provide content providers, service providers, enterprises and end-users with an increasingly superior and satisfying Internet experience. Principally owned by Inc. (AMEX: XLA), Mirror Image serves customers worldwide through headquarters in Woburn, Mass. For additional information, visit Mirror Image Internet on the Web at

About Madge.web

Madge.web is a global provider of rich content applications and managed network services. These services are delivered via the company's Overnet, by-passing the public Internet to more than 30 countries around the world. Rich content services from Madge.web - architected to handle on-line video, audio, images and interactive media - include encoding services, virtual private networking, managed hosting, storage, streaming media distribution, and marketing services, and will soon include workflow management. Further information about Madge.web can be accessed on the World Wide Web at

About Yack

YACK was founded in August 1996 in Emeryville, California with offices in New York and Emeryville. Yack is the authority on what?s happening in the ever-expanding world of online events, including streaming media and chats. The site offers an unparalleled, up-to-the-minute and easily searchable database of listings, original editorial reviews and content, as well as a unique, personalized daily e-mail reminder service. Named the "Best Guide to Live Events" and one of the "100 Best Sites for 2000" by Yahoo! Internet Life, Yack guides users to tens of thousands of Web events and programs available each week.

About RealNetworks, Inc.

RealNetworks, Inc., based in Seattle, is the recognized leader in media delivery on the Internet. It develops and markets software products and services designed to enable users of personal computers and other consumer electronic devices to send and receive audio, video and other multimedia services using the Web. Consumers can access and experience audio/video programming and download RealNetworks consumer software on the Internet at RealNetworks' systems and corporate information is located on the Internet at

About Singapore ONE

Singapore ONE was commercially launched in 1998. It comprises a broadband infrastructure that provides high-speed, interactive, and multimedia applications and services for users. Developed by both MNCs and innovative Singaporean companies, Singapore ONE' services are designed to appeal to users of all ages and occupations, as well as businesses. Singapore ONE has the full support of the Singapore government, and is driven by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, the National Science & Technology Board, the Economic Development Board and the Singapore Broadcasting Authority. More information can be found at

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Jennifer TOH
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 211-0508
Fax: +65 211-2227

Press Contact for Centerseat:

Name: Ms Zooey Tidal
Tel: +1 917-351-6875

Press Contact for Speedera:

Name: Gordon Smith
Tel: +1 408-988-5590

Press Contact for Mirror Image Internet:

Name: Jan John
Tel: +1 781-376-1100

Press Contact for Madge.web:

In Asia Pacific: Ms Judy Ng, Tel: +65 538-8330
Worldwide: Ms Nicola Males, Tel: +44 1753-661-514

Press Contact for Yack Inc.:

Ms Lana Kim
Tel: +1 212-584-9041

Press Contact for RealNetworks, Inc.:

Erika Shaffer, RealNetworks
Tel: +1 206-892-6191

Annex A: List of International and Regional Partners signed on Singapore One since April 2000

April 2000:
1) - Located in San Diego, has successfully deployed its interactive video magazines (iMags) applications on Singapore ONE since April this year. Users have been enjoying a broad range of interactive content ranging from finance to sports and lifestyle. is actively working with IDA on its Asian expansion for broadband.

2), Inc. - New York based, offers a massive database of customised delivery of movie and celebrity information on Singapore ONE. Using state-of-the-art VP3 video streaming technology, users receive full-screen, full-motion and television quality video.

3) Online Media Group (OMG) - Sydney-based, OMG offers Singapore ONE users interactive television and audio services. This includes television style programming, news and lifestyle programming and six interactive radio stations.

May 2000: 4) GigaMedia - A leading broadband Internet access service and content provider in Taiwan, distributes online broadband content on Singapore ONE. The partnership signed also enable Singapore ONE content to be placed on GigaMedia's network to be accessed by Taiwan users.

June 2000: 5) AsiaCableTV (ACTV) - China based, ACTV delivers interactive broadband multimedia content from Singapore ONE to two key eastern seaboard provinces in China. Similarly, ACTV also delivers broadband multimedia content that is developed in China on Singapore ONE. These content include education and lifestyle.

6) Microsoft Corporation - U.S. based, Microsoft picked Singapore as one of the first international markets for localised versions of their Media Guide, incorporating broadband content from Singapore ONE and its partners. Using Windows Media Player 7, the Media Guide offers direct access from the player to featured audio and video content.

7) RealNetworks, Inc. - Based in Seattle, RealNetworks will deliver high quality live and on-demand broadband streaming media experiences to users on Singapore ONE, using RealSystem 8 within the first quarter of 2001. Singapore ONE's broadband network and RealNetwork's Internet delivery architecture also enables Asia-Pacific content publishers to create new, highly interactive broadband experiences on Singapore ONE.

8) Korea Thrunet Co. Ltd - A leading broadband Internet access service and leased line provider in Korea, distributes localised broadband content, ranging from entertainment, business news to network games on Singapore ONE. Similarly, Singapore ONE content will be placed on Korea Thrunet's network for Korean users.

September 2000: 9) CHATV - A leader in Korean Internet broadcasting, will offer three channels of broadband content on Singapore ONE. For the first time, Singapore ONE users will have direct access to Korean content that is localised for the Singapore market. This content will include from insider views on the Korean business environment, through interviews with CEOs of Korean companies, multimedia reviews of well-known games, to soundtracks and previews of Korean movies.

10) Compudia and Kadokawa - Both Japan based companies, will be setting up a company in Singapore, facilitated by IDA. The business will tap on the Singapore ONE infrastructure, content archives of Kadokawa Shoten and the expertise of Compudia to develop and launch interactive, multi-lingual and multi-media content and applications that will offer a rich set of content for broadband users in Singapore and the region.

11) Microsoft - U.S. based, Microsoft will enter into a two-year Asian Broadband Jumpstart Initiative programme with IDA. This initiative offers Microsoft a test-bed platform to leverage on Singapore ONE infrastructure for trial and launch of their commercial broadband applications. The first project to be launched under this initiative is the broadband portal offering international and regional audio and video content to Singapore ONE users.

12) Pentamedia - Located in Chennai, Pentamedia will offer skills, technology and resources in its core competency areas of animation, broadband content, content delivery & network and interactive content, such as Singapore ONE users will be able to access 24-hours multilingual on-demand entertainment content, featuring the five media channels, namely films, television, radio, stage and print. Similarly, Pentamedia will also distribute broadband content of Singapore ONE through its association and network worldwide.

13) PhoenixNet - Hong Kong based, PhoenixNet will bring a host of content from their broadband distribution network on Singapore ONE and will also help distribute Singapore ONE content in Hong Kong.

14) Popwire - Located in Stockholm, Popwire will offer Singapore ONE users a wide range of music content from artistes all over the world. Users will get to enjoy a wide variety of music content, ranging from pop/rock, dance, trance and techno to jazz/blues and soul.

15) Yack - U.S. based, Yack has started offering Singapore ONE users its Internet and Vertical Program Guide featuring U.S. content since the middle of November this year. This content includes cyber chat, webcast and on-demand audio and video. In addition, Yack will also develop a localised version of the Internet Program Guide to cover events for users in Singapore and Asia.