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Singapore One Reaches A Quarter of A Million Users


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is pleased to announce that we have more than doubled the number of Singapore ONE users in the past six months. Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister of State, Info-Communications Technology for Ministry of Communications and Information Technology today announced that Singapore ONE has 250,000 users...

Seven strategic partnerships signed to propel the Interactive Broadband Multimedia industry in Singapore

Singapore ONE Users Doubled

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is pleased to announce that we have more than doubled the number of Singapore ONE users in the past six months. Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister of State, Info-Communications Technology for Ministry of Communications and Information Technology today announced that Singapore ONE has 250,000 users to-date, compared to just over 100,000 early this year.

New Strategic Partnerships forged

Speaking to infocomm industry partners at the IDA's FastTrack Seminar: "Hooked on Broadband", Mr Lim emphasized that the key challenges for Singapore in moving ahead will be in speeding up innovation; fostering more regional collaboration; and increasing broadband penetration. At today's FastTrack Seminar, seven strategic partnerships were announced. The Memorandum of Understandings signed aims to develop Singapore into a dynamic infocomm hub and promote the growth of IBBMM in Singapore. This continuous effort to grow the IBBMM industry includes the forging of strategic partnerships, as well as working jointly with industry partners to attract international players from various spaces in the broadband value chain. These include data hosting, content distribution networks, media delivery platforms, content aggregators and value added service providers.

Today's partnerships signed will deliver high quality on-demand digital media streaming content, interactive television, audio services and entertainment content ranging from education, pop and classical concerts to documentaries for Singapore ONE users. The new strategic partners on Singapore ONE are:

i. CHATV will offer three channels of broadband content under this partnership on Singapore ONE. For the first time, Singapore ONE users will have direct access to Korean content that is localised for the Singapore market. The spectrum of content in the channels range from insider views on the Korean business environment, through interviews with CEOs of Korean companies, multimedia reviews of well-known games, to soundtracks and previews of Korean movies.

ii. Compudia and Kadokawa will be setting up a company in Singapore with the support of IDA. The business will tap on the Singapore ONE infrastructure, content archives of Kadokawa Shoten and the expertise of Compudia to develop and launch interactive, multi-lingual and multi-media content and applications that will offer a rich set of content for broadband users in Singapore and the region.

iii. Microsoft will enter into a two-year Asian Broadband Jumpstart Initiative programme with IDA. Under this initiative, it offers Microsoft a test-bed platform to leverage on Singapore ONE infrastructure for trial and launch of their commercial broadband applications. The first project to be launched under this initiative is the broadband portal offering international and regional audio and video content to Singapore ONE users.

iv. Pentamedia will offer skills, technology and resources in its core competency areas of animation, broadband content, content delivery & network and interactive content, such as This will allow Singapore ONE users access to 24-hours multilingual on-demand entertainment content, featuring the five media channels, namely films, television, radio, stage and print. Pentamedia will also distribute broadband content of Singapore ONE through its association and network worldwide.

v. PhoenixNet's partnership with IDA will bring a host of content from their broadband distribution network on Singapore ONE and will also help distribute Singapore ONE content in Hong Kong. The initial project will see a co-branded portal to be developed by both parties for cross promotion purposes, which will enhance the variety of content for Singapore ONE users.

vi. Popwire will offer Singapore ONE users a wide range of music content from artistes all over the world. Popwire functions as a pop star generator enabling artistes to be discovered by the music industry through the Internet. Singapore ONE users will get to enjoy a wide variety of music content, ranging from pop/rock, dance, trance and techno to jazz/blues and soul.

vii. Yack, the Internet Program GuideSM, which aggregates live online events in U.S. will partner with Singapore ONE to establish and develop interactive media services. In this partnership, Yack will offer Singapore ONE users its Internet and Vertical Program Guide featuring U.S. content. This content includes cyber chat, webcast and on-demand audio and video. In addition, Yack will also develop a localised version of the Internet Program Guide to cover events for users in Singapore and Asia.

See Annex A for partners' profile and citations.

In addition to these strategic partnerships forged, the IDA facilitated the entry of Madge.webTM1, an international rich content applications and managed network services provider, to Singapore and will work with them to deploy IBBMM content on Singapore ONE. Madge.web, a subsidiary of Madge Networks N.V. (NASDAQ NM: MADGF), has set up regional headquarters in Singapore, offering rich content hosting and broadcasting services starting early next year. In addition, Madge.web will work with IDA to leverage on the Singapore ONE broadband network to spur the distribution of broadband content, and to secure additional partners for the Content Bridge Alliance.2 This will allow broadband users around the world to access Singapore ONE applications and services.

"We are excited with the vast number of international and regional players coming on board Singapore ONE with their broadband content, applications and technologies. This further affirms Singapore's position as an ideal platform to gain access to the emerging Asia broadband markets and simultaneously reinforces the growth of broadband in Asia. These partnerships will add to the range and diversity of content and applications for Singapore ONE users, and further boost broadband take-up rate. IDA will continue to attract and facilitate more international broadband players into Singapore and assist them in establishing partnerships with local players," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive, Infocomm Development of IDA.

Reaching out to Asia

To alleviate the cost of content hubbing or hosting in >Singapore >and >Asia >for broadband content providers, the IDA has set aside an International Content Hosting Scheme (ICHS) to assist both international and local broadband companies to develop or deploy IBBMM content in Singapore and Asia. The ICHS will help companies bring their broadband content and services regionally and beyond through >Singapore. This scheme is part of the S$150 million package announced in April under Infocomm21 to stimulate both demand for and supply of IBBMM content and services3.

Speeding up Innovation for IBBMM in Singapore

In positioning Singapore as an innovation hub for IBBMM, the IDA will be implementing a scheme to help online providers enrich their broadband offerings, so as to increase their value, quality and level of engagement to users. The scheme aims to help nurture a pool of IBBMM developers and service providers and accelerate the development of a thriving broadband content ecosystem that spans the value chain from creation to consumption. This initiative will spur the development of compelling broadband content in Singapore.

A Broadband Media Association will be set up and led by the industry partners to further boost Singapore as an IBBMM innovation hub in Asia. The Association will be formed by the local broadband content players, access and service providers. It will bring together broadband players to help build a business network and forge strategic alliances and partnerships for the broadband media industry in Singapore and Asia. See Annex B for list of founding members for Broadband Media Association.

Relating to broadband developments in Singapore, Mr Khoong said, "With a good base of broadband users, an excellent infrastructure and a vibrant broadband industry, Singapore is poised to be an ideal test bed and innovation hub for new broadband technologies exploitation in Asia. It will also provide an excellent networking ground for the IBBMM industry players in Asia."


Today's strategic collaboration and government-industry broadband efforts are part of the initiatives to develop the infocomm industry under Infocomm21 - to jumpstart development and growth of the IBBMM industry, as well as to help local companies foster strategic partnerships and alliances overseas.


Notes to Editor:

1 Madge.web has successfully obtained a Service Base Operator (SBO) license since the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector in Singapore on 1 April 2000.

2 Content Bridge Alliance was formed in August 2000, which includes leading technology and network service providers. Content Bridge provides a platform for cross-network content distribution, streamlining the link between content providers and consumers. Initial members of the alliance include Adero, Inc., America Online, Inc., Digital Island, Inc., Exodus Communications Inc., Genuity Inc., Inktomi Corp., Madge.web, Mirror Image Internet Inc. and NetRail, Inc.
3 Please refer to the media release and speech issued on 5 April 2000 in the "Newsroom" section of the IDA at

About Singapore ONE

Singapore ONE was commercially launched in 1998. It comprises a broadband infrastructure that provides high-speed, interactive, and multimedia applications and services for users. Developed by both MNCs and innovative Singapore companies, Singapore ONE' services are designed to appeal to users of all ages and occupations, as well as businesses.

Singapore ONE has the full support of the >Singapore >government, and is driven by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, the National Science & Technology Board, the Economic Development Board and the Singapore Broadcasting Authority. More information can be found at

About FastTrack

FastTrack is a one-stop service point for local and international Interactive Broadband Multimedia (IBBMM) industry. It was created with the aim of developing >Singapore's local IBBMM capability by creating opportunities, partnerships and exchanges with regional and international IBBMM players. FastTrack will facilitate you through your broadband business conceptualisation, implementation and marketing processes. For more information, go to website or email

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communication
Tel: (65) 6211-0508
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

Ms Chia Sher Ling
Manager, Corporate Communication
Tel: (65) 6211-1840
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

Annex A: Partners' Profile and Citations

i) About CHATV, Inc.

Founded in Oct 1998, CHATV, Inc., a leader in Korean Internet broadcasting, is a full-service broadcast and multimedia development company. The company specializes in audio and video production, streaming and web-casting. In Korea, it is taking the lead in technology, as one of the only companies that can produce live casting and Video-On-Demand. Products offered include broadcast syndication, picture shopping mall content and production for corporate communications.

"We are pleased that IDA and CHATV are entering into a partnership to bring Korean broadband content on Singapore ONE for the first time. We hope that this will result in many more new business collaborations between Singapore and Korea," said Mr Na Won Ju, Chief Executive Officer& President, CHATV.

Press Contact for CHATV, Inc.:

Ms Kim Hyun Young
Tel: 82-2-3446-1208 (Ext: 305)

ii) About Compudia Pte Ltd/Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co Ltd

Compudia Pte Ltd

Compudia Pte Ltd is a high-tech startup incorporated in Singapore and a subsidiary of Compudia Holdings Corporation. The Company is headed by experienced Japanese professionals who possess technology and know-how in the area of multi-media platform and Internet application development.

Compudia Pte Ltd is pursuing continued research and creation of multi-media platforms and content development which will enhance its Interactive broadcasting service to be launched in the coming months. Compudia's Interactive broadcasting service will be delivered through >Singapore's broadband infrastructure. The Company has produced Web-based and client-based platforms that accommodate Web features which enhance communications and content sharing. Additionally, Compudia's media-oriented applications will be integrated with the Interactive broadcasting service to provide complementary functions for its users.

"The Singapore ONE broadband infrastructure allows high data transfer capabilities for delivery of high quality graphic, sound and video files, pushing beyond the boundaries imposed by narrowband. Users can expect to experience enhanced access speeds and applications, such as, interactive broadcasting. Through this partnership with Kadokawa and IDA, Compudia will be using Singapore ONE to deliver such innovative broadband applications to users in Asia," said Mr Seki, Chief Executive Officer, Compudia Pte Ltd.

Press Contact for Compudia Pte Ltd:

Mr Keith Monteiro
Business Development Manager
Tel: (65) 6732-5639

Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co. Ltd

Found in 1945, Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.(Listed in the Second Section of the TSE) is the leading publisher of books and magazines in Japan. It is now developing multimedia business, which includes the publication of magazines devoted to providing various information, including town information, the provision of service to the public to retrieve such information electronically via the Internet, etc., and the production of movies and software for games. Kadokawa maintains close relationships with the leaders in the publishing industry, movie and musical entertainment industries.

Referring to the partnership signed, Kadokawa Shoten said, "As part of our plan for growth, we are pleased to work with Compudia and IDA to present Kadokawa's suite of rich digital media content. This includes the delivery of popular Japanese movies and other multimedia content over the Singapore ONE broadband infrastructure."

Press Contact for Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co. Ltd:

Mr Yosuke Toyoda
Assistant General Manager
Corporate Planning Department
Tel: (03) 3238 8401

iii) About Madge.web

Madge.web is a global provider of rich content applications and managed network services. These services are delivered via the company's Overnet, by-passing the public Internet, to more than 30 countries around the world. Rich content services from Madge.web - architected to handle on-line video, audio, images and interactive media - include encoding services, virtual private networking, managed hosting, storage, streaming media distribution and marketing services, and will soon include workflow management. Further information about Madge.web can be accessed on the World Wide Web at

"With the excellent infrastructure, regional connectivity and growing amount of broadband activities, Singapore makes an ideal choice to base our operations as the Asian hub for our global rich content management and distribution infrastructure, the Overnet. We are also extremely pleased to be the first content distribution network player in Singapore," said Mr David Hann, General Manager, Asia Pacific, Madge.web.

Press Contact for Madge.web:

In Asia Pacific: Ms Judy Ng, Tel: (65) 538 8330
Worldwide: Ms Nicola Males, Tel: (44) 1753 661 514

iv) About Microsoft Corporation

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software -- any time, any place and on any device. Microsoft and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Relating to the partnership, Mr Saw Ken Wye, Managing Director, Microsoft Singapore said, "We are pleased to enter into a first of its kind broadband initiative with IDA. We foresee more working relationships with IDA to jointly create exciting broadband related projects and applications to be launched on Singapore ONE."

Press Contact for Microsoft:

Mr Ian Parkes
Baldwin Boyle Shand
Tel: 6538 9211
Handphone: 9743 1675

v) About Pentamedia Graphics

Pentamedia Graphics is the global entertainment graphics major ranked No. 3 in the world. The Company executes animation and special effects for the big, small and the personal screen and boasts of a 22-acre sprawling entertainment graphics studio at Kelambakkam, 30 kms from the city of Chennai. The Company has its offices across the globe and was recently awarded the SEI - CMM Level 4 certification for its multimedia activities. For more information visit

Commenting on the partnership, Dr V. Chandrasekaran, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pentamedia said, "There is certainly a paradigm shift in our approach to, we moved over from Indians to Asians thereby covering an enmasse. With our Infostructure and Singapore ONE's infrastructure, we will be one of the pioneers in Edutainment, Infotainment and Entertainment. Our presence across the globe will help us to effectively disseminate Indian content to Singapore and in turn Singaporean content to the rest of the world. This initiative makes us proud and equipped in being able to deliver what is expected out of us and we are all geared to achieve this."

Press Contact for Pentamedia:

Ms Sujatha Rao
Manager - Corporate Communications
Tel: (91) 44-483 3067 / 483 9853 / 483 9854

vi) About PhoenixNet

Founded in September 1999 in Hong Kong, PhoenixNet Limited's shareholders include Tech System Limited and Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited, Yahoo! and Telecom Venture Group. PhoenixNet's vision is to become a leading provider of broadband Internet services. PhoenixNet serves as a broadband enabler assisting content providers to distribute content, complementing ISPs' broadband deployment and enabling end-users experience quality broadband multimedia services.

The Company's SpeedCast Broadband and Multimedia services are delivered by the AsiaSat 3S satellite, which covers over 50 countries and currently serves more than 100 million homes in Asia. With fifteen contracted ISPs in the region reaching over five million Internet subscribers, SpeedCast is currently focusing on the Asian-Pacific Region but expects to expand into Europe and America by the year end.

With products that meet the ever-increasing demand of Internet users for service quality and speed, PhoenixNet is under negotiations with a number of global, regional and local content providers and Internet-related businesses to enhance the channels and points of presence for multimedia streaming. SpeedCast Multimedia will carry up to 30 unique channels, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. For more information, please visit

Mr. Thomas Choi, Chief Executive Officer of PhoenixNet, said, "We are very pleased to be partnering with the IDA to help us deliver our leading line-up of SpeedCast Multimedia Channels to Singapore ONE users. Singapore's outstanding broadband infrastructure serves as an ideal location for ensuring local users will get a chance to view our wide selection of streaming content in a flicker-free capacity. This is an important first step in the promotion of greater broadband content usage in Singapore".

Press Contact for PhoenixNet:

Ms Rhea McGraw
Senior Manager - Public and Investor Relations
Tel: 852-2805-6555

vii) About Popwire

The Popwire Group consists of three business areas - Popwire Music, Popwire Media and Popwire Technology. The core business concept is the production and distribution of entertainment content.

Popwire Music acts as a Pop Star generator giving artists the opportunity to achieve success and allowing the music industry to acquire and launch new stars with a proven track record.

Popwire Media is a content producer and distributor, providing Site, TV, Radio and Magazine content to various major portals.

Popwire Technology develops IP based applications and broadcasting solutions for the Popwire Group, as well as external partners. The focus is on creating streaming media solutions for the Internet and the third generation of mobile communication.

Popwire syndicates content to several major portals and has strategic partnerships with leading technology companies. Popwire, which was formed in May 1999, in Stockholm, has 45 employees, and offices in London, New York, Stockholm, Tokyo and Madrid.

"Singapore is recognised as a regional hub for the development and implementation of new broadcast technologies. Popwire's profound knowledge of broadcasting over the Internet in combination with Singapore ONE's broadband network should provide many beneficial synergies,"commented Mr Anders Andersson, CEO, Popwire.

Press Contact for Popwire:

Mr Henrik Kolga
Corporate Communications Director
Tel: (46) 8-652-80- 60
Handphone: (46) 73-254-428

viii) About Yack

YACK was founded in August 1996 in Emeryville, California with offices in New York and Emeryville. Yack is the authority on whats happening in the ever-expanding world of online events, including streaming media and chats. The site offers an unparalleled, up-to-the-minute and easily searchable database of listings, original editorial reviews and content, as well as a unique, personalized daily e-mail reminder service. Named the "Best Guide to Live Events" and one of the "100 Best Sites for 2000" by Yahoo! Internet Life, Yack guides users to tens of thousands of Web events and programs available each week.

The Yack Guide is also co-branded and syndicated online through top ISPs, Web sites and cable modem partners; and in print through newspapers and magazines. Partners include Microsoft, AltaVista,, LookSmart, Time Warners RoadRunner, chello Broadband, Ultimate TV,, InfoSpace, Comcast, WorldGate, World Online, United Features Syndicate, FreeServe, Tribune Media Services and Sportsticker.

"We are extremely pleased to be entering into the Asian marketplace and providing Singapore ONE users with a guide to the best online content and programming available worldwide," commented Mr Sean Malatesta, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Yack.

Press Contact for Yack Inc.:

Ms Lana Kim
Director of Public Relations
Tel: (212) 584-9041

Annex B: List of Founding Members for Broadband and Media Association

1. 1-Net

Mr Mock Pak Lum
Tel : 6244 7883

2. AlternateTV

Mr Christopher Chew Alternate CEO
Tel: 6441 0355

3. Apple

Mr Gerard Chua
General Manager, Singapore
Tel: 64807401

4. FantasticOne (Asia-Pacific) Pte Ltd

Mr Paul France
Tel : 6838 4811

5. HorizonbBand Pte Ltd

Mr Kevin Tan
VP (Program Developer)
Tel : 6356 4936

6. MediaCorp Interactive Pte Ltd

Mr Anthony Chia
Chief Executive Officer
Tel : 6357 5755

7. Media Manager Pte Ltd

Mr Tan Tee Seng
Tel: 6258 8806

8. Microsoft

Mr Raj D Sambwani
Director, Consumer Group
Tel: 6433 5616

9. Net Megastore

Mr Colin Miles
Executive Vice-President
Tel: 6848 5773

10. RealNetworks (HK office)

Mr Peter Liu
Professional & Technical Services Manager

11. Singapore Cable Vision Ltd

Mr Patrick Lim
Director, Advertising Sales
Tel: 6870 1590

12. SingTel Magix

Mr Jason Tan Chuan Chuan
Director, Product Development/ Multimedia
Tel: 65868003 / 68388168

13. StarHub Pte Ltd

Ms Audrey Lee
Tel: 6825 5099

14. VivaMusic

Mr Mark Lai
Tel : 6221 2686