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IDA Sets Aside Extra S$5M to Groom Infocomm Professionals


As part of the off-budget package announced in Parliament on 25 July 2001, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has increased its funding for one of its key Infocomm training initiatives. Beginning 1 September 2001, an additional S$5 million has been set aside for the next one year, to fund the upgrading...

As part of the off-budget package announced in Parliament on 25 July 2001, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has increased its funding for one of its key Infocomm training initiatives. Beginning 1 September 2001, an additional S$5 million has been set aside for the next one year, to fund the upgrading of 3,500 Infocomm professionals in critical and emerging skill areas under the Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme or CITREP.

With this increase in funding, the CITREP is now also opened to self-sponsored individuals. Previously, only company-sponsored applicants were eligible to apply for the funding. From 1 September, eligible individual applicants will get half of their training fees reimbursed, capped at S$2,500 per trainee per year. For companies who send their staff for training under CITREP, the support level has been increased from 50% to 70% of course fees and exam fees (if any), capped at S$2,500 (previously, it was S$2,000) per trainee per course. With this, all training programmes under the Infocomm Training Framework are now extended to individuals. This is in line with Government's direction to encourage continuous upgrading of one's skills to enable lifelong learning. (Please see Annex 1 for information on Infocomm Training Framework).

The scope of skill areas covered under CITREP has been expanded to meet the needs of the industry in terms of critical and emerging skills required. In addition to the existing skill areas such as E-Commerce, Infocomm Convergence, Project Management and Business Management (Infocomm), wireless communications and Infocomm security technology have been introduced. In view of exciting developments in the wireless arena worldwide, wireless communication has been identified as fast-emerging skill area which will be in high demand. Infocomm Security Technology is being earmarked as a critical skill area because the increasing amount of activity and transactions conducted over the Internet means that more security specialists would be needed to design and maintain robust networks, as well as to respond to any breach in security.

The CITREP will also support e-learning. The IDA works with online course providers such as SmartForce and NETg to offer online Infocomm courses. The IDA strongly encourages e-learning as an ideal complement or alternative to traditional modes of learning because of its "anytime, anywhere" flexibility which allows workers to upgrade their skills without compromising workplace productivity.

Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong commented that, "Despite the economic slowdown, we want to encourage organisations and individuals to continue with the important task of upgrading skill sets. With the enhancements made to the Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme, the government hopes that Singapore's Infocomm professionals will seize this opportunity to upgrade and re-skill, if necessary, to catch the next wave of the economic and technological cycle."

About the Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme (CITREP)

Identified as Infocomm specialisation in the Infocomm Training Framework, CITREP is a training incentive programme designed to accelerate the development of critical and emerging Infocomm skills. Targeted at Infocomm professionals, the programme provides them with essential skills upgrading so that they will be better equipped to meet the challenges of the knowledge-based economy. With the specialised skills the Infocomm professionals have attained, it will help increase the competitive advantage of their employer, as well as enhance their employability in the industry. Since its launch in 1989, the programme has been well received by the industry. Every year for the last decade, the programme has benefited over 1,000 trainees. For more information, please refer to the IDA website at under the section "Programmes" / "Manpower" /Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme (CITREP)".


Increased Funding Limits

With effect from 1 September 2001, the new funding limits are as follows:

  • For company-sponsored trainees:
    The support level has been increased from 50% to 70% of course fees and exam fees (if any), capped at S$2,500 (from the old $2,000) per trainee per course.
  • For self-sponsored trainees:
    50% of course fees and exam fees (if any) capped at S$2,500 per trainee per year.

Basic Eligibility

The programme is open to Singapore citizens or permanent residents who are holding an Infocomm diploma or above. Interested applicants are required to submit their grant applications to IDA via our website at, at least 10 days before the commencement of the course. Funding will be reimbursed if the trainees attend at least 75% of the training and pass the examinations (if any). Interested applicants can obtain the application procedures from the IDA website from 1 September 2001. For enquiries, please contact the CITREP administrator at Tel: 211-0474 or 211-1135.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Jennifer Toh
Manager, Corporate Communication
Tel: (65) 211-0508
Fax: (65) 211-2227

Ms Ho Hwei Ling
Senior Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: +65 211-1996
Fax: +65 211-2227

Annex 1: Infocomm Training Framework

The Infocomm Training Framework launched on 12 June 2001, aims to identify infocomm training needs for different segments of the Singapore population. The Framework comprises five levels (L1 - L5) of infocomm training programmes to meet Singaporeans' specific needs in infocomm skills. From promoting an e-lifestyle to workforce training to capability development, the framework focuses on different levels of infocomm competency to enhance quality of life and to improve employability (see diagram below).