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Ninety-Five Events, Sixty-One Partners, Five Weeks - One Celebration!


e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 kicks off a 5-week celebration of all things 'e' today. Driven by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 aims to help Singaporeans discover their potential by living an e-lifestyle...

e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 kicks off a 5-week celebration of all things 'e' today. Driven by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 aims to help Singaporeans discover their potential by living an e-lifestyle.

Returning after its successful launch last year, e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 will bring to Singaporeans a series of 95 events to be held over five weeks from 7 March to 12 April. e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 is designed to move people from the awareness to adoption of an e-lifestyle through imparting the 4Es - e-Learning, e-Entertainment, e-Communications and e-Transactions.

Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, Minister for Communications and Information Technology officially launched e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 today, in conjunction with the official opening of its anchor event e-Festival Asia 2001. e-Festival Asia is Singapore's only experiential public event for multimedia and online technologies to be held at the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre from 7 - 11 March.

"e-Celebrations Singapore is the culmination of a successful partnership between the private sector, community groups, media and government to make technology more accessible to all, regardless of income, education or language. Through these activities, we want to encourage people to live the e-lifestyle, which can empower individuals and bridge lives,' said Dr Kaizad Heerjee, Assistant Chief Executive for Online Development, IDA.

Working together with 61 industry and community players, e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 will feature a series of exhibitions, online shopping fairs, investment and trading fairs, roadshows, workshops and talks across Singapore, to reach out to consumers with different levels of technology awareness. Some 500,000 people are expected to participate in e-Celebrations Singapore events this year, which include the Multilingual Internet Week and Assistive Technology 2001 Exhibition. The Multilingual Internet Week which runs from 26 March to 1 April will feature content in Malay and Tamil languages to encourage the Malay/Muslim and Indian communities to use the Internet. The Assistive Technology 2001 Exhibition which runs from 6 to 7 April will showcase technology that facilitates the use of computers and online services by people living with disabilities.

Speaking at the launch, Mr Yeo unveiled measures to boost consumer confidence in online transactions. A National Trust Mark Programme will be implemented by the newly-formed National Trust Council. The Council will address pertinent issues such as trust marks, fraud management and best practices in e-business.

Dr Heerjee added "We recognise that consumers may be reluctant to engage in online transactions because of security and privacy issues. That is why the IDA has identified e-transactions as one of the 4Es. e-Celebrations Singapore 2001 will serve to expose people to the benefits of e-transactions, including online investment and trading fairs, electronic and mobile commerce payment facilities."

Visitors can for a complete listing of events. Copies of the e-Celebrations Singapore calendar of events will be made available at all National Library branches. Members of the public can also call the hotline 1800-211-2133 during office hours for information on e-Celebrations Singapore events.

Some 50,000 visitors are expected to attend e-Festival Asia 2001, showcasing the best in interactive products and services from 40 exhibitors from March 7-11 at the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hall 401. More information on e-Festival Asia 2001 can be found at


Note to Editor:

E-Celebrations Singapore features a series of events held over five weeks from 7 March-12 April, organised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). It aims to heighten the awareness of the benefits of an e-lifestyle in the areas of transactions, communications, learning and entertainment. A total of 95 events are organised under the e-Celebrations Singapore branding with 61 partners consisting of corporations, associations, community groups, tertiary institutions and the media.

A full calendar for e-Celebrations Singapore is available on request from Edelman Public Relations Worldwide.

For further information, please contact:

Gabriel Wong, Elliza Rahim or Priscilla Yim
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
Phone: (65) 733 1110
Fax: (65) 733 5550