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More than 400 Families in Singapore to Experience Life in a Connected Home


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today announced it has awarded five consortia to develop and trial their solutions under the Connecting the Home Call for Collaboration (CFC). The selected consortia will be led by AirGateway, AXS InfoComm, LG CNS, National Computer Systems and Universal Gateway International... 

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today announced it has awarded five consortia to develop and trial their solutions under the Connecting the Home Call for Collaboration (CFC). The selected consortia will be led by AirGateway, AXS InfoComm, LG CNS, National Computer Systems and Universal Gateway International.

The five consortia consist of 32 international and local companies who will be given a year to develop and trial the solutions in more than 400 households. The total value of the projects is approximately S$17 million, of which IDA will support up to S$4.5 million.

Consortia members comprise content and application providers, network equipment manufacturers, systems integrators and aggregators, technology providers and broadband access service providers. International companies such as Philips Electronics, LG Electronics, Samsung Asia and Portus as well as local companies such as MediaCorp Technologies, The Ascott Group, CNA Innovation and StarHub will participate in the CFC. Together, they will develop more than 30 applications and services for the connected homes.

"Singapore offers an ideal environment for the industry to develop and pilot connected homes solutions with its Infocomm-savvy population and pervasive broadband access. Working in collaboration through the CFC, we hope that companies will be able to strengthen their capabilities, develop the technological know-how and gain critical understanding of the market. Piloting the solutions with actual users will help refine their offerings and establish a viable business model," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive (Infocomm Development), IDA.

"We believe a connected home has the potential to enhance the way Singaporeans play, learn, work and stay connected anytime, anywhere. The solutions offered by the consortia will give residents a chance to experience the connected lifestyle, and to have a say in how such solutions will serve them in future." added Mr Khoong.

First announced in April 2002, the Connected Homes programme aims to provide a test-bed environment to develop and pilot innovative end-to-end solutions for the home and community.'Connecting the Home' is the first thrust under the Connected Homes Programme in which a suite of solutions connecting a multitude of home appliances and communication devices will be developed. The second thrust is 'Connecting the Community', which aims to connect aspects of the community such as health providers, educational institutions, community groups and businesses.


Notes to Editor:

Please refer to ANNEX 1 for background on the consortia.
Please refer to ANNEX 2 for quotes from the consortia.
For further information on the Connected Homes programme, please visit:

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Mr Kelvin Lee
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID: 6211 1726

Annex 1: Background on the Consortia

Project name: HomeGenesis
Lead Company: AirGateway Pte Ltd
Members: CapitaLand Residential Limited, Portus Singapore Pte Ltd, Beyond Online Limited

Project name: Home AXS
Lead Company: AXS InfoComm Pte Ltd
Members: Advantech Co. Singapore Pte Ltd., CNA Innovation Pte Ltd, Gemplus Technologies Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore Telecommunications Pte Ltd, Sun Microsystems Pte Ltd, Visa International

Project name: MyStarHome
Lead Company: LG CNS Singapore Pte Ltd
Members: Cyber Business Network Pte Ltd, InfoTalk Technology (S) Pte Ltd, StarHub Pte Ltd, LG Electronics Co Ltd, Pte Ltd

Project name: UniHome-The One Experience
Lead Company: Universal Gateway International Pte Ltd
Members: Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd, MediaCorp Technologies Pte Ltd, SP Telecommunications Pte Ltd, 1-Net Singapore Pte Ltd, RealNetworks Singapore Pte Ltd, Billing Xchange Singapore Pte Ltd, BluEngine Holdings Pte Ltd, Pte Ltd, Ufinity Pte Ltd

Project name: World@Home
Lead Company: National Computer Systems Pte Ltd
Members: The Ascott Group Limited, NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd, Samsung Asia Pte Ltd, MediaCorp Technologies Pte Ltd, Network for Electronic Transfers (S) Pte Ltd

Annex 2: Quotes from the Consortia

Consortium led by : AirGateWay Pte Ltd
"The Connected Homes programme makes tangible the HomeGenesis vision of advanced electronic services that deliver security, convenience and peace of mind through a solution that is affordable and accessible for everyone."
- Mr. Tim Lindquist, Managing Director of Portus Singapore Pte Ltd

Consortium led by : AXS InfoComm Pte Ltd
"This consortium is committed to implementing a full spectrum of Connected Homes solution that has all the features of home automation, wireless surfing and online services, directly into the homes of consumer with the Home AXS serving as the service gateway."
- Mr. Joey Chang, Chief Executive Officer, AXS InfoComm Pte Ltd

Consortium led by : LG CNS Singapore Co Ltd
"We are proud to participate in the Connected Homes Programme and, in collaboration with fellow consortium members, jointly pilot this integrated home solution. The consortium will be able to deploy a complete home-networking system to users who will experience a whole new digital life. The goal is to usher in a new e-lifestyle by commercializing a cutting edge home networking system globally in this digital era."
- Mr. Dae Hoon Kim, Executive Vice President, LG CNS headquarters

Consortium led by : National Computer Systems Pte Ltd
"Our consortium is confident that we will be able to bring together a host of exciting services and technologies that promises the trial residents new experiences and an exciting lifestyle. With World@Home, we aim to 'bring the world to your home, and your home to you anywhere, anytime."
- Mr. Ng See Sing, General Manager, National Computer Systems Pte Ltd

Consortium led by : Universal Gateway International Pte Ltd
"The Connected Home collaboration is bold, yet realistic. It sets the course for homes in Singapore to be efficiently networked and configured to enjoy both essential and lifestyle services at affordable cost."
- Mr. Andrew Aathar, Managing Director, Universal Gateway International Pte Ltd