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ASEAN Cooperates to Spur Telecoms and IT Growth - Third ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers Meeting


Singapore will host the 3rd ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers Meeting from 17-19 September 2003 at the Shangri-La hotel. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong will officially open the meeting on 18 Sep and Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, Dr Lee Boon Yang will chair the session...

Singapore will host the 3rd ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers Meeting from 17-19 September 2003 at the Shangri-La hotel. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong will officially open the meeting on 18 Sep and Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, Dr Lee Boon Yang will chair the session. The Ministerial meeting will be preceded by the ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Senior Officials Meeting (TELSOM), from 15-17 September.

The theme for the 3rd ASEAN TELMIN is, "ICT: Building a connected and vibrant ASEAN Economic Community". This theme reflects the key role information and communication technology (ICT) can play to spur the creation of an economic community within ASEAN, attract ICT investments and enhance the sense of community and connectedness among ASEAN countries.

The ASEAN ministers will discuss how ASEAN economies can leverage on ICT to enhance development and reinforce ASEAN's collective competitiveness as a region, so as to realise equitable and sustainable growth. The agenda will include the following issues:

(i) ASEAN Information Infrastructure Development: Enhancing cyber security and robust prevention, detection and resolution of threats to information and network security, technical standards, development of national information infrastructures (NII) and interconnection of these NIIs.

(ii) E-Commerce and ICT Trade Facilitation: Developing e-commerce policies, laws and regulations, ICT trade and investment facilitation and Mutual Recognition Arrangements for telecommunication equipment testing and certification.

(iii) E-Society and ICT Capacity Building: Enhancing the positive use of the Internet, developing local online content, ICT human resource development and the development of ICT skills capabilities in the region.

(iv) Universal Access Promotion and Bridging Digital Divide: Narrowing the digital divide, promoting e-Government and measurement tools for enhancing universal access to telecommunication and IT.

The programme includes an Industry Update on 18 September, at which industry leaders will present industry trends and technological developments to the Ministers and suggest policy imperatives. The Ministers will also be having lunch with 25 university students from ASEAN countries, who will share their aspirations for ICT in their countries and for the region.


Notes to Editors:

1 The first and second ASEAN TELMIN meetings were held in Kuala Lumpur (2001) and Manila (2002) respectively.

2 TELSOM is the executive body that supervises, coordinates and implement policies, programs and activities for telecommunications and information technology (IT) cooperation in ASEAN, in line with the policy directions and priorities set by the ASEAN TELMIN.

3 These industry leaders include Mr Michio Naruto, Regional Co-Chair of the Global Business Dialogue (GBDe), Mr Lee Kwok Cheong, CEO of National Computer Systems, Mr Carlos Fernandez, CEO of Perceptive I, Mr Lee Hsien Yang, President & CEO of SingTel and Dato Baharum Salleh, CEO of TM Net Sdn Bhd. Mr Seah Chin Siong, Managing Partner of Accenture is the moderator for the session.

For media clarifications, please contact the following:

Contacts for IDA:
Ms Jennifer Toh
Manager, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211-0508, Mobile: (65)9877-6027
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

Ms Dulcie Chan
Assistant Director, Corporate Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Tel: (65) 6211-1999, Mobile: (65) 9369-0626
Fax: (65) 6211-2227

Contact for MITA:
Ms Tham Siok Fun
Senior Corporate Communications Officer, MITA
Tel: (65) 6837-9841
Fax: (65) 6837-9837