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A S$5.4 M Boost to Singapore's Web Services Manpower Capabilities


Over the next two years, 51 Web Services specialists will be trained as a result of a tie-up between the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), Software AG and its seven local partners. The collaboration, worth S$5.4million, is supported under the first Infocomm Training Attachment (iTA) programme for Web Services... 

IDA and Software AG Partner to Groom 51 Web Services Specialists

Over the next two years, 51 Web Services specialists will be trained as a result of a tie-up between the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), Software AG and its seven local partners. The collaboration, worth S$5.4million, is supported under the first Infocomm Training Attachment (iTA) programme for Web Services. Of the 51 training places created, 10 are for existing employees of Software AG and its seven partners, while 41 are for new hires. The seven local partners are Cicada Cube, CyanSYS, dotERP, Frontline Solutions,, Philip Tang and Sons and S&I Business Applications (more information on the partners provided in the annex).

Successful applicants will embark on a one-year comprehensive training and attachment programme with the local or overseas offices of Software AG and its seven partners. Through this programme, participants will be exposed to a combination of theory and project-based training in next-generation Web Services technologies. Leveraging the expertise of skilled professionals from Software AG and the seven participating organizations, participants will get the opportunity to learn how to apply Web Services technologies to real-life business scenarios. Upon completion of the one-year programme, the trainees will be bonded for two years to Software AG and its seven partners where they can apply the skills and knowledge gained during the training stint.

Web Services has been identified as one of Singapore's key Infocomm clusters that offers high growth potential within the next one to three years. According to Gartner Consulting, Web Services will dominate the deployment of new applications solutions for Fortune 2000 companies by 2004. The global Web Services spend is also expected to reach US$156 billion by 2005. With the potential growth in Web Services, more Infocomm professionals with Web Services competencies will be in demand. This iTA programme will contribute towards building a pool of Web Services specialists in Singapore.

"The collaboration between Software AG and its local partners is a good example of how companies with different strengths can combine their resources to help develop new capabilities for the Singapore Infocomm industry. In the current economic climate, the programme also serves as another avenue to create more employment opportunities for job seekers as well as fresh graduates entering the workforce", said Mrs Tan Ching Yee, Chief Executive Officer, IDA, speaking at the opening of XMLAsia 2003 today.

"Together with IDA, we will review the challenges that our workforce will face in the Digital Age, and come up with the most relevant programme for trainees selected for the Scheme. Our relationship with IDA is also about opportunities, specifically how to take advantage of relevant skills development opportunities to help our resources attain the required depth to match the specific needs of tomorrow's business world", commented Mr Clive Tilbrook, Director, Marketing and Channels, Software AG Asia Pacific.

The Web Services Skills Certification Framework

The iTA programme supports the Web Services Skills Certification Framework which was also launched by Mrs Tan Ching Yee at today's XMLAsia 2003. The Framework is developed jointly by IDA, the National Infocomm Competency Centre (NICC), Singapore Information Technology Federation (SiTF) and XMLOne User Group. It aims to develop Infocomm professionals and reskill them with Web Services competencies by meeting the career and skills-progression needs of Web Services talent at all levels, ranging from Developers, Specialists to Architects.

At the same event, IDA also announced eight new Web Services Developer courses endorsed under its 1Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme (CITREP) is an IDA training incentive programme to accelerate the development of emerging, critical and specialised Infocomm skills sought after by the Infocomm industry and user organisations. Relevant training courses that impart knowledge and skills in the identified technologies will be evaluated and endorsed under CITREP. Self-sponsored participants and organisations that fully sponsor their employees for training in these endorsed courses can apply for funding support, which covers course fees and exam fees (if any). Web services and wireless technologies have been identified as emerging Infocomm skills and are supported under CITREP. For details, please refer to


Notes to Editor:

1 The Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme (CITREP). These courses will be offered by leading Infocomm players such as Borland, GridNode, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle as well as key learning institutions, such as Institute of Systems Science of National University of Singapore, Nanyang Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic. Through these courses, IDA aims to provide greater impetus for Web Services talent to continue to reskill and embrace training to ensure relevance in today's digital age.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is a dynamic organisation with an integrated perspective to developing, promoting and regulating info-communications in Singapore. In the fast-changing and converging spheres of telecommunications, information and media technologies, IDA will be the catalyst for change and growth in Singapore's evolution into a vibrant global info-communications technology centre. For more information, visit

About Software AG

Software AG is based in Darmstadt, Germany. Founded in 1969, Software AG continues to be Europe's largest and a leading global provider of system software and services enabling enterprise data integration and management. Software AG's products control the central IT processes of thousands of renowned companies worldwide including Lufthansa, Siemens, Citibank, Merck, Daimler Chrysler, Sony, BP and Telefonica. Software AG develops products and solutions that support the XML (Extensible Markup Language) standard. XML simplifies the exchange of documents and data as well as the integration of cutting-edge Web applications into traditional IT architectures. Software AG works with such sales and technology partners as Tridion, Stellent and IXOS. In 2002, the corporation achieved 475 million euros in total revenue. Software AG has offices in over 70 countries and currently employs a staff of about 3,000. For more information, visit

About the iTA Scheme

Launched in November 2001, the iTA scheme funds project-based capability development in key emerging technology areas through local and overseas training programmes. These technologies which are strategic to the industry include: Grid Computing, Next Generation Wireless LAN, Intelligent Web Services, Wireless LAN 802.11b, XML, Infocomm Security and Java. Tailored to enhance the employability of fresh graduates and infocomm professionals, companies on the iTA scheme receive support in building and enhancing the capabilities of their infocomm manpower.

About XMLOne User Group

The XMLOne User Group is the first XML User Group (UG) in the Asia Pacific region and registered in Singapore. It serves as an information and resource portal for XML standards and applications, and helps to facilitate and promote the exchange of information among interested parties, technology news XML-related training and recruitment.

About the SiTF Web Services Chapter

The SiTF Web Services Chapter (WSC) was formed under the Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) to accelerate the adoption of Web Services in enterprises and between businesses. It addresses the key issues in moving Web Services to the next level of acceptance and adoption by the industry and businesses. The main goals of the Chapter are:
-to champion and articulate a common industry vision for Web Services;
-to promote, facilitate and accelerate the adoption of Web Services to drive innovation, collaboration and creation of business value;
-to encourage all organisations that are interested to promote Web Services and contribute to the WSC's deliverables, to be part of the Chapter.

About the National Infocomm Competency Centre (NICC)

National Infocomm Competency Centre is a not-for-profit company set up by the Singapore Computer Society, IT Management Association and Singaopore IT Federation of Singapore. The mission of NICC is to help the Singapore workforce increase skills and employability through accreditation of infocomm certifications and competence management. For more information, please visit

For media clarification, please contact:

Ms Chia Sher Ling/ Ms Ho Hwei Ling
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID: 6211-1840/ 6211-1996

Quote Sheet

On the Web Services Skills Certification Framework
"We are confident that with this framework, our members, the Infocomm professionals themselves, will be able to capitalise on the market potential of Web Services and ensure greater job security. It will also help us remain relevant to the changing needs of the Infocomm sector."
Mr Kong Fook Wai, Chairman of the User Group

"Our members have seen the value of a certification framework like this, and have actively come together to co-create it. Over the past few months, we have debated on its scope and content to ensure its industry relevance."
Mr Fong Khai Yin, Chairman of SiTF Web Services Chapter

"This is the first certification framework that NICC has developed. This certification is developed for the Infocomm industry and needs support from the industry."
Alex Siow, Chairman, National Infocomm Competency Centre

PR Contact List

Partners in ITA Programme on Web Services

Software AG
Ms Corine Lee
Tel: 6333-4556

Cicada Cube
Dr Danny Poo
Tel: 6777-7309

Mr Tan Theng Wee
Tel: 6535-3257

Mr Joe Ngoi
Tel: 6348-0329

Ms Shirley Wong
Tel: 6773-7117

iCo-OP Net
Dr Ng Kok Loon
Tel: 6324-7860

Mr Franklin Tang
Tel: 6569-9025

Mr Yap Poh Kheng
Tel: 6319-4928

On the Web Services Certification Framework

XMLOne User Group
Rebecca Lim
Tel : 6225-9466

Singapore Information Technology Federation (SiTF)
Abdul Rahman, MAXINFO Communications
Tel: 9172-9010

National Infocomm Competency Centre (NICC)

Software AG's partners in the iTA collaboration

To help its partners capitalize on the latest technologies so that they can gain a stronger foothold in the marketplace, Software AG has also engaged Frontline Solutions,, S&I Business Application, CyanSys, dotERP, Philip Tang & Sons and Cicada Cube in its collaboration with IDA.

Of the 51 trainees to be recruited for the Scheme, 80% will make up of new hires while the remaining 20% will be existing employees from Software AG and its participating partners? organizations. Trainees selected will be assigned to the local as well as overseas offices of Software AG and its participating partners. The total number of trainees assigned to each participating partner is as follows:

-16 at Software AG offices in Singapore, Australia, and other locations.
-4 at Frontline Solutions office in Singapore.
-2 at office in Singapore.
-8 at S&I Business Application offices in China, Malaysia and Singapore.
-4 at CyanSys office in Singapore.
-12 at dotERP offices in Malaysia.
-2 at Cicada Cube office in Singapore.
-3 at Philip Tang and Sons office in Singapore

Trainees selected for the programme will first have to undergo a month of intensive formal training making up of orientation, classroom lectures and online elearning. Upon completion of the one year programme, the trainees will be employed by Software AG and its respective partners so that they can use the latest technical know-how and skill sets in Web services to meet the specific needs of their business environment.

Software AG's involvement in the Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme2 The Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme accelerates the development of a vibrant Singapore Infocomm industry by cultivating stronger ties and collaborations between local Infocomm companies and leading technology providers. The underlying principle of Infocomm LIUP involves identifying a winning partnership for all players that would result in upgrading the technology and other capabilities of the Singapore Infocomm industry.

Notes to Editor

2 The Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme accelerates the development of a vibrant Singapore Infocomm industry by cultivating stronger ties and collaborations between local Infocomm companies and leading technology providers. The underlying principle of Infocomm LIUP involves identifying a winning partnership for all players that would result in upgrading the technology and other capabilities of the Singapore Infocomm industry.