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Helping Games Companies Overcome Commercialisation Hurdles in Asia


Games companies looking to commercialise their games in Asia have another reason to cheer. Hot on the heels of the launch of the Games Bazaar1, a regional pay-as-you-use test-and-hosting platform, the Infocomm Development ... 

Launch of Games Exchange Alliance, a Singapore-Inc Network of Games Companies, to Bring Games Titles to Asia Faster

Games companies looking to commercialise their games in Asia have another reason to cheer. Hot on the heels of the launch of the Games Bazaar1, a regional pay-as-you-use test-and-hosting platform, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today launched the Games Exchange Alliance (GXA). The GXA is a Singapore-Inc network of companies. It helps games companies cross 'last-mile' commercialisation hurdles to place games titles into the hands of gamers in Asia. Each GXA member provides their respective strengths in games distribution, hosting, localisation and marketing to shorten the time-to-market for games companies.

Initiated by IDA, the GXA is managed by the Singapore infocomm Technology Federation Digital Media Chapter (SiTF DMC) and has twelve members. The GXA is part of IDA's Digital Exchange (DX) strategy to grow the value of digital transactions through Singapore from S$150 million to S$500 million by 2006. Part of the DX efforts also involves working with the games developer community to add to the quantity and range of content managed through the Digital Exchange.

Why the GXA Makes Sense

Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive (Industry), IDA said, "If content is king, then distribution is the power behind the throne. As a Digital Exchange hub, Singapore is powered to be Asia's distribution node for content and digital assets. IDA will work with the games developer community to add to the volume of digital transactions passing through Singapore."

Mr Mock Pak Lum, Chairman of SiTF DMC said, "The games industry is growing by leaps and bounds. There are already a few Singapore companies involved in the development and distribution of on-line games. Through the GXA, SiTF DMC hopes to harness the strengths of these companies so as to present a consolidated platform and bring these companies to the next level."

The GXA in Detail

The GXA is presently a twelve-member business alliance. In the area of games services and publishing are Teckwah Online, Mikoishi, 10tacle and Pacific Internet. Webvisions, Equinix and 1-Net are key infrastructure providers of the GXA while InerWorx Technologies, IV Lab and Camelot Hobbies have expertise in technology and localisation. The GXA has members providing support services too. For instance, Systems@Work offers secured payment services while Hardware Zone offers events, media and marketing expertise. (Please see Annex for more information on companies)

"We want more companies to join us to add to GXA's breath and depth of games commercialisation services. This will widen the geographic outreach of the GXA. With more members, we can establish more digital or digi-ports and pave the way for games companies to enter markets which we already have access to," explained Jasper Tan, Chairman of GXA and President of Teckwah Online.

Already, GXA members have early successes in helping companies commercialise games in Asia.

  • In the online game space, Teckwah Online, launched Noribox, an online games distribution platform, with Singapore as the hub to Southeast Asia. Global games publisher such as 10tacle Studios are committed to use Noribox for the distribution and commercialisation of their games in the Korean and Southeast Asia markets. Major game publishers, Vivendi Universal Games (VUG) and Eidos are also currently testing the Noribox technology as an online distribution channel in Asia.
  • In the mobile game space, Mikoishi, a local game developer, launched the world's first multi-territory, multi-player mobile network game, 'Crossfire', through Singapore to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Australia.
  • In the area of cross-platform game deployment, Pacific Internet will be launching Asia's first MMORPG that is playable both on the computer and mobile platform. Now, gamers can remain "in character", fighting monsters and finding treasure no matter where they are - at home or on the go.
  • In the hosting space, Webvisons, a regional hosting provider, provides a suite of expertise in managing Internet operations to protect, secure and enhance Teckwah Online and Mikoishi?s Internet deployment for optimum performance.
  • In the area of payment services, Systems@Work has extended its patented technologies for secure online and mobile payments into the digital content space. Systems@Work is already working with most of the GXA members such as Teckwah Online, Pacific Internet, and various regional gaming companies to provide them with a secured payment solution.
  • In marketing to active game consumers, GameAxis, the interactive entertainment arm of Hardware Zone Pte Ltd will showcase exciting GXA developments and games to active consumers through its online portal  and its magazines published in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Games Bazaar Update - More on Board

Korean games companies are now eyeing the Games Bazaar to test-bed games.

Taewool, Magics and Enium join two other online game service providers, iGames Asia and PAN*iMX, on the Games Bazaar this October.

These Korean games are part of a pipeline of more Korean games to come our way. Up to 20 Korean companies are now interested to test their games through the Games Bazaar with an initial market focus on Southeast Asia.

The onslaught of Korean games coming to Singapore is a result of a government-to-government collaboration between IDA and the Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) to tap into the growth of the Asian games market together.

"Singapore was chosen because of its strong emphasis on the transformation to a knowledge-based economy and society, just as in Korea. There are many parallels between both our countries and together with Singapore, we will be able to effectively work together to propel the online gaming scene here. We believe that with Singapore's strong IT infrastructure and ready pool of testers, Games Bazaar would be a success," said Bob Chua, Chief Executive Director of iPark Singapore. iPark Singapore is the local office of KIPA.

"IDA seeks to work with both local and regional content-rich partners to test games on the excellent hosting platform provided by the Games Bazaar. As with the Games Bazaar, we have now taken another step forward with the GXA to help game owners 'power-up' so that titles reach gamers faster, and game owners make money earlier," said Mr Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive (Industry), IDA.

The Games industry in Singapore readies itself for a slice of the Asian online games market. IDC, in its May 2004 Asia/ Pacific Online Gaming Report said Asia's online gaming market is expected to hit US$1 billion by 2005. More Singaporeans are playing online games with exciting and enhanced gaming experience. With Singapore hosting the World Cyber Games in November next year, the Games industry scene awaits yet another exciting wave for Singapore?s economy and the Infocomm industry.


Notes to Editor:

1 Singapore's Games Bazaar is a scalable hosting platform that allows games companies, publishers and distributors to test and deploy their games titles regionally faster, at greater ease and without facing high initial capital costs. It partners with major telecommunications and hosting provider, SingTel EXPAN, and leading technology provider, Hewlett Packard Singapore, to defray up to 80 per cent of the hosting costs during the first six months of trial with the Games Bazaar.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing info-communications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more information, visit

For media clarifications, please contact :

HO Hwei Ling
Senior Manager, Corporate and Marketing Communication
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
DID : 6211-1996

About Singapore infocomm Technology Federation

The Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) is Singapore's premier infocomm trade industry association. It brings together more than 600 corporate members from MNCs and local companies, which together account for over 80% of industry revenues, and assists them in business development, market intelligence, overseas trade missions, networking and alliances. For more information on SiTF, please visit

PR Contact:
Abdul Rahman, MAXINFO
DID: 91729010

About Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency

Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) was established in 1998 by the Ministry of Information and Communication, is a non-profit organization, is duly instituted in accordance with the Software Industry Promotion Act., KIPA is responsible for the Contribution to the globalization of the IT industry, Promotion of international cooperation, Support for the start-up software companies, Invigoration of the digital contents industry, Development of promotion policies for the IT industry, Improvement of software quality and productivity through process improvement (CMM, SPICE, etc). 

PR Contact:
LEO Hua Chiang
DID: 6330-5116

About Magics

Magics was established in April 1996. Magics service MMORPG 'SKY BLADE' in Korea, China and Philippines. 'SKY BLADE' is based on the popular cartoon serious and recreated a whole new martial arts fantasy world with eight characters, four skills. For more information please visit  

PR Contact:
Charles Uhm
Tel: 82-2-2008-0015

About Taewool Entertainment

Taewool Entertainment was established in April 1994 and one of the oldest MMORPG developing companies in Korea. Taewool already started commercial service 'Heroes' and 'New Hero' and service in Korea, China and Taiwan. Through Game Bazaar Program, Taewool start test service 3D online game 'Xiah' and 'Kirin Online'. For more information please visit  

PR Contact:
Ku Cho
Tel : 82-2-2101-9023


About the GXA members
The Games Exchange Alliance or GXA is a Singapore-Inc network of companies that helps games companies cross 'last-mile' ommercialisation hurdles to place games titles into the hands of gamers in Asia. Each GXA member provides their respective strengths in games services and distribution, publishing, hosting, localisation and marketing to shorten the time-to-market for games companies.

Game Service Provider

1) About Teckwah Online
Teckwah Online is a digital online distribution and entertainment company, which empahasizes on online distribution and retailing of games, digital content and related services in the Asia Pacific region. The Company provides the services mentioned above for purchase, rent, subscription, and various licensing model to Internet Games Room/Cyber cafes ("IGR") and individual consumers via its portal and its industry specific access agent, Noribox. NoriBox is an online embodiment of off-line franchise distribution model and convergence of pioneering online distribution system, online distribution services, and business for game contents and game related services. It is an all-encompassing end-to-end digital contents retail access from content providers to consumers through the IGRs for the Asia territory.

PR Contact:
Eric Leow
Tel: 6872 8086

2) About Mikoishi
Mikoishi is a game development studio and service operator based in Singapore. Specialising in creating original network multiplayer games for mobile devices, Mikoishi games are deployed and operated in partnership with the worlds leading mobile operators. 2004 saw Mikoishi gain a foothold in Asia with direct operator billing connections in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Philippines and HK. Mikoishi is now moving into Europe and US.

PR Contact:
Amy Chang
Tel: 6325 2820

3) About Pacific Internet
Pacific Internet Limited, or PacNet, is Asia's largest teIco-independent Internet Communications Service Provider (ICSP) by geographic reach with direct presence in seven markets ? Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia, India, Thailand and Malaysia. The Group runs a round-the-clock IP network with strong international peering relationships, enabling it to offer integrated data, voice, and video to customers with interests in major commercial centers in Asia and globally. Today, the Group's network reliability and diversity are an industry benchmark as it maintains connectivity for customers even in regional outage situations. PacNet's ability to service global and Asian businesses, as well as consumers is driven by more than 10 years of experience in delivering localized and regional based Internet services. The Group continues to build on this expertise through committed product development and local knowledge acquisition.

For its outstanding track record, the Group was voted the Best Asian ISP for four straight years by Telecom Asia. It was also awarded Asia's Most Innovative ISP by Business Management Asia. The Group was recently awarded Most Outstanding ISP in the Philippines and award for "Providing Leadership in Industry Growth" at SPAN's 2004 Telecommunications Achievement Awards in Australia. PacNet remains one of the few profitable NASDAQ-listed ISPs with strong emphasis on revenue and profit growth.

PR Contact:
Mervin Wang
Tel: 6771 0780

Charlotte Ong
Tel: 6771 0707


4) About 10tacle
10tacle Studios (10T), founded in Germany August 2003 and in Singapore May 2004. The company is one of the top three German-language game publishers with over 50 employees worldwide. 10T also publishes games in local languages in the Asia-Pacific region. Competencies include: publishing, co-publishing, production and development of videogames on all current platforms.

PR Contact:
Alvin Lee
Tel: 6549 7486


5) Camelot Hobbies
Camelot Hobbies is a Singapore-based company that produces games and gaming products. It is committed to delivering the best in education and entertainment games and game-related products with the best value-for-money. Its current product lineup includes (Parent Choice Award (US) winners - Maths-Me! and Conundrum. The Chinese Translation of Classic BattleTech, Comics, Novels & Boardgames were held by Camelot Hobbies as well for the Asian markets. Camelot specializes in the design and development of Educational and Role-Playing Games. Using in-house methodology; quality is built into its games from the initial concept to design, development and final product. Its services include: Game Design & Development, Fantasy Multiverse Creation, Gaming Product Translation, Miniature Design and Crafting, Gaming for Corporate Training.

PR Contact:
Henry Toi/ Chia Soo Peng
Tel: 6258 6236


6) About Webvisions
Webvisions Pte Ltd is Asia's premier hosting provider, serving over 14,000 accounts in over 40 countries. With its corporate headquarters in Singapore, Webvisions' global network provides its clientele with multiple hosting presences in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. Webvisions' corporate client base includes Lufthansa German Airlines, CMPNet (Asia), Microsoft (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Asia-Pacific Breweries (Tiger Beer) and Ascendas. International clients include AC Nielsen Research (Singapore) Pte Ltd, AMD Far East Ltd, Manpower Inc., Proctor & Gamble, regional airliner Jetairways and Nestle.

PR Contact :
Pia Chew
Email :
Tel: 6773 9397

7) About Equinix
Equinix is the leading global provider of network-neutral data centers and Internet exchange services for enterprises, content companies, systems integrators and network services providers. Through the company's 14 Internet Business Exchange(TM) (IBX(r)) centers in five countries, customers can directly interconnect with every major global network and ISP for their critical peering, transit and traffic exchange requirements. These interconnection points facilitate the highest performance and growth of the Internet by serving as neutral and open marketplaces for Internet infrastructure services, allowing customers to expand their businesses while reducing costs.

8) About 1-Net Singapore
1-Net Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary of MediaCorp Technologies, is a leading infocomm technology solutions provider and the operator of the nation's broadband network, SingaporeONE. 1-Net manages telco-class Internet Data Centres, provides domestic and international connectivity, professional services, managed services and media delivery solutions. Visit for more info.

PR Contact :
Violet Sng
Email :
DID : 62447881


9) About InerWorx Technologies
Based on its leading-edge technology, InerWorx is one of the leading online game developers in Asia, providing a unique platform for interactive 3D games in multiple languages. It specializes in cutting-edge technology for MMO games, original games, and providing game-related services, such as porting and localization. InerWorx's developers have worked for companies such as Microsoft and Sega. The company is currently in the process of developing the third generation of its MMOG middleware and will begin licensing it out to 3rd party developers upon its completion. With extensive experience in both the U.S. and Asian game industry, InerWorx is poised as a gateway to the East as well as a gateway to the West.

InerWorx's flagship game is the multi-lingual Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy game, Century of Three Kingdoms. The game has garnered fans in China and around Asia by offering a unique team based game play not found in any other Massively Multiplayer games.

PR Contact:
Teo Koon Hock
Tel: 6244 4828

10) About iV Lab
iV Lab is a subsidiary of ST Training & Simulation Pte Ltd, a company of Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited. iV Lab develops and markets interactive entertainment and CG animation products and solutions. We have a crew of talented individuals with diverse capabilities in game design, concept illustration and software engineering. Our pipeline delivers the complete development cycle of game/ animation development from pre-production to production and testing.


11) About Systems@Work
Systems@Work is a leading payment facilitator offering secure, end-to-end payment technology and service. Its multi-award winning TeleMoney payment processing platforms allows users to transact and pay over multiple interactive channels both online and via mobile. Modes of payment for these transactions can include credit/debit/.charge cards, direct debit from bank accounts and aggregation to bills. TeleMoney applications by System@Work have to date been deployed with partners in retail, transportation, media, gaming, mobile and the government sector.

PR Contact :
SEOW Siew Kuan
Tel: 6873-8123

Media and Marketing

12) About Hardware Zone
As the leading integrated media company in Asia, Hardware Zone Pte Ltd is a prolific provider of marketing channels and services for the information communications, technology and interactive entertainment industry. Hardware Zone Pte Ltd offers effective media solutions via our magazines, Internet products, research, direct marketing services, education and training, as well as event management.

PR Contact:
Ismet Bachtiar
Tel: 6872 2725 ext 816 / Mobile: 9180 1876