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Various Sectors Stand to Reap Productivity Gains Through Adoption of SaaS Solutions

4 April 2013 - Enhanced productivity gains, cost effectiveness and operational efficiency – these are among the many benefits that hundreds of companies across various sectors can reap under the IDA's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Call for Collaboration (CFC) initiative.

Singapore, 4 April 2013 | For Immediate Release

More than 600 companies are expected to benefit under the IDA Software-as-a-Service Call-for-Collaboration initiative

Enhanced productivity gains, cost effectiveness and operational efficiency – these are among the many benefits that hundreds of companies across various sectors can reap under the IDA's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Call for Collaboration (CFC) initiative. Real estate agents can spend less time on administrative duties by using the Agency Management Platform, a solution under the initiative. Similarly, childcare centres and kindergartens can also reduce administration time by up to 70 per cent through the adoption of the School and Health Management System.

SaaS is an easy-to-adopt option for companies looking for productivity-enhancing and cost-effective infocomm technology solutions specific to their sectors. More than 13 proposals have been awarded under the CFC, potentially benefitting more than 600 companies, mostly small and medium enterprises (SME). Besides the real estate and early childhood sectors, the food and beverage, travel, private education and retail sectors are among the first six sectors to benefit from the CFC, which was launched on 19 June 2012. (For more details on the awarded proposals, please refer to Appendix I (17.09KB)).

The initiative was announced by Minister for Communications and Information, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, at the Ministry of Communications and Information Workplan Seminar. These proposals seek to meet demand for customised SaaS solutions that will enable companies from diverse sectors to achieve productivity gains through a reduction in man-hours required for tasks and streamlining of business processes.

"The proposals we have received under the SaaS CFC is testament to the momentum of the SME business community, and the IT industry in leveraging technology to uplift the productivity of our SMEs. We are very encouraged by the positive and encouraging response received thus far. IDA will continue to employ this robust public-private collaboration model to support more innovative projects that can bring about sector-specific productivity gains," said Mr Andrew Khaw, Senior Director, Industry Development Group, IDA.

Going forward, proposals targeting sectors such as construction, logistics, professional services and other services will be awarded by Q2 2013. The multi-agency initiative will eventually benefit over 3,000 companies across the sectors.

ICT vendors will also benefit, with over 20 proposals for the development of innovative and exportable Saas-based solutions to be awarded under this CFC. (For more details on the SaaS CFC, please refer to Annex A (68.98KB)).


About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing info-communications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies. For more news and information, visit

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Grace CHIANG (Ms)
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