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Mediapolis @ one-north: Adding growth to Singapore’s Media Ecosystem


Government paving the way for industry demand-driven media hub development

Singapore is preparing to scale up its media infrastructure as it makes plans to turn itself into a Trusted Global Media Capital.

A 19-hectare (ha) plot of land has been earmarked for the development of Mediapolis @ one-north –a 200-ha innovation and R&D hub that is master planned and master developed by JTC Corporation (JTC). Mediapolis @ one-north, which will be an industry demand-driven project, is envisioned to be a self-contained and vibrant digital media cluster.

When ready, it will be a hub that will house a media ecosystem comprising soundstages with green screen capabilities;digital production and broadcast facilities;interactive digital media (IDM) and R&D activities;Computer-generated Imagery and visual effects;post-production, games and animation;industry-response digital media schools, business parks, work lofts and incubators;intellectual property (IP) creation and digital rights management.

The development of Mediapolis @ one-north, an ideal environment to promote the dynamic flow of talent and cross-pollination of ideas, will kick-off with the launch of its first site –a 1.2-ha land JTC has reserved for development in the first quarter of next year. Local media production company, Infinite Frameworks, will invest and develop a soundstage complex on this plot of land.

Escalating Demand For TheSingapore Media
Singapore has seen good progress in its media sector in recent times. In 2005, this industry reported an annual turnover of S$18.2 billion (or US$13.4 billion), contributing S$4.9 billion value added (or US$3.6 billion) to Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product, and employing close to 55,000 people.

The media industry is expanding, and we have seen growth in the fields of media funding –about S$1billion are anchored here –award-winning films, games and animation, IDM and major international co-productions such as the filming and production of Mark Burnett’s “Contender Asia” and “The Contender 4” here in Singapore.

Given these positive developments, increasing demands from the industry for more co-production collaboration, the upcoming shoot of Jan de Bont’s “Point Break 2” here next year, and the location of global media giants such as Lucasfilm, Linden Lab, EA, Ubisoft and most recently, Italian gaming and animation company, Rainbow SpA, to our shores, the government has primed itself to prepare Singapore as a future media hub.

As a result, there is a necessity to create a media epicentre;hence, Mediapolis @ one-north was conceptualised to provide a ‘home’ to our thriving media sector.

“The Mediapolis is an essential piece of a comprehensive media ecosystem that we are building,” says Dr Christopher Chia, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Media Development Authority (MDA). ”Over the years, Singapore’s media industry has made great strides, particularly in media financing and international co-productions. To elevate ourselves to the next level, we are finding ways to add scale and synergy to what we already have.

“With the support of the industry, the Mediapolis and its intended array of soundstages, digital post-production facilities and R&D labs, to name a few, will be the infrastructural conduit that will enable Singapore to host international media players and large, big-budget projects.”

As the master planner and developer of one-north, JTC plays a key role in providing the physical infrastructure.

“JTC is pleased to be part of this multi-government agency effort that propels Singapore ahead as a Trusted Global Media Capital,” says Mr Philip Su, Assistant CEO, JTC. “We are glad to contribute to building the critical pieces, which will complement each other in the growth of a vibrant media ecosystem.

“Mediapolis @ one-north will be the 3rd strategic industry cluster in one-north, after Biopolis (biomedical sciences) and Fusionopolis (infocomm, media, engineering and physical sciences). Mediapolis will also be able to leverage on the creative community in the neighbouring Wessex Estate, and tap on the synergies and world-class expertise within one-north.”

A clustering of creative minds in a connected environment
Mediapolis @ one-north is a joint-stewardship between four government agencies: MDA, JTC, the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) and Economic Development Board (EDB) , each bringing its own expertise and strengths.

The Master Plan Concept calls for the clustering of state-of-the-art digital post-production facilities and other media infrastructure. It will also be supported by a fast and secured IT network system suited to media needs, and a conducive living and lifestyle environment.

Recommendations by IAC
Mediapolis @ one-north was conceptualised and developed in consultation with an International Advisory Committee (IAC) comprising international media experts like Messrs Greg Coote, Chairman of the IAC, and Chairman &CEO of Dune Entertainment LP;Steve Papazian, President, Physical Productions, Warner Brothers Pictures;and Lord David Puttnam, Deputy Chairman, Channel 4, UK.

Their recommendations highlighted several of Singapore’s value propositions.

“Singapore already has a stable of strong and attractive attributes to attract production to it –an East-West gateway, English-speaking workforce, direct flights from the US, robust IP regime, tough IP piracy stance, great food and strong IP connectivity –all within a very business-friendly environment. These make it a compelling destination for media players looking for an excellent place to do business in.” says Mr Coote.

“By deploying digital technology, scaling up its media infrastructure appropriately to attract big-budget productions, and attracting IP related media players to its shores, Singapore will become a choice destination for international studio and media firms.”

A safe and secure network connecting Singapore to the world
One strong pulling factor of Mediapolis @ one-north will be the IT infrastructure and technology platform. This is key as media companies rely on high-speed broadband connectivity to enable the processing, management and distribution of digital media content and services.

This IT infrastructure is part of IDA’s national iN2015 Master Plan that supports Singapore’s efforts in boosting our IDM sector. It provides and enables services and technological infrastructure as well as cluster transformation projects.

RADM (NS) Ronnie Tay, CEO, IDA, adds, “IDA will be working closely with industry and partner agencies on the specialised ICT networks and facilities required at Mediapolis @ one-north to enable production, processing, trade management and digital media asset distribution.

“This will in turn contribute to Mediapolis' aim to provide Singapore with the competitive edge to attract world-class talent and global media businesses to Singapore."

Developing Singapore as a trusted global media capital
The EDB plays a key role in shaping Singapore’s economic future by enhancing the nation’s position as a global hub for business and investment. It promotes Singapore as an attractive destination for IDM companies across the entire industry value chain, with Mediapolis @ one-north augmenting this effort.

“Mediapolis @ one-north will enhance Singapore’s value proposition for the global media industry, allowing companies to benefit from a world-class infrastructure as well as exploiting the significant industry synergies generated,” said Mr Manohar Khiatani, Assistant Managing Director, EDB.

“Combining this with our other strengths such as a cosmopolitan talent base and strong IP protection, Singapore is an ideal home for companies to create top quality media content for global markets.”

A unique opportunity for Infinite Frameworks
Award-winning local media production company, Infinite Frameworks (IFW), will invest, occupy, develop and operate the 1.2 ha facility in one-north, and build top-of-the-range production facilities.

IFW is already known for its ability to produce cutting-edge computer graphics and visual effects for TV and feature films, and have bases both in Singapore and Indonesia. Its next big project: to develop and operate Singapore’s first soundstage facility at Mediapolis @ one-north.

“The soundstage at Mediapolis presents a unique opening for Infinite to further augment our distinctive range of specialist services for the film and TV industries,” says Mr Mike Wiluan, Managing Director of IFW.

“This opportunity will enable us to become a fully integrated media company with valued-added services to serve our clients and partners better. The soundstage facility will also showcase and combine the best of talents, state-of-the-art technology and cost effective competitiveness.”

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About Media Development Authority
Formed in 2003, the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) plays a vital role in transforming Singapore into a Global Media City and positioning it at the forefront of the digital media age. MDA spearheads initiatives that promote developments in film, video, television, radio, publishing, music, games, animation, media services and Interactive Digital Media. At the same time, in ensuring clear and consistent regulatory policies and guidelines, MDA helps to foster a pro-business environment for industry players and increase media choices for consumers. For more information, please visit and

About JTC Corporation
JTC Corporation (JTC) is the lead agency in Singapore to plan, promote and develop a dynamic industrial landscape, in support of the nation's economic advancement. Currently, the Corporation has under its management many developments including four wafer fab parks, an advanced display park, two business parks, a chemicals hub at Jurong Island, biomedical parks in Tuas as well as logistics hubs for aerospace, chemical and general warehousing industries.

JTC also plays a catalytic role in introducing leading-edge real estate solutions –such as specialised research facilities and underground caverns –to anchor important activities critical to the growth of the economy. It is the master developer for one-north at Buona Vista –a 200-hectare development for research and entrepreneurial activities. With a focus on knowledge-intensive activities in the biomedical, infocomm and media industries, one-north is a niche environment for innovation and creativity.

In line with its vision of making Singapore the choice investment location, JTC is committed to providing a pro-business environment for its customers and optimising land resources to meet the needs of industries and enterprises. JTC's home page address is

About one-north
one-north is Singapore's icon of the knowledge economy. It serves to provide an intellectually stimulating and creative environment for entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers to congregate, interact and exchange ideas;an exceptional place where this thriving community will work, live, play and learn. With a focus on knowledge, intensive activities in the biomedical, infocomm and media industries, it is slated to be a vibrant hotspot for innovation and test bedding.

Covering almost 200-ha, one-north will be developed in phases over a period of 15 to 20 years, integrating residential units, commercial hubs, tertiary and research institutes, sports facilities as well as green lungs. It is strategically located in the Buona Vista area (southern part of Singapore) near the National University of Singapore and Singapore Science Park, and aims to be a focal point for research and development and technopreneurial activities.

JTC Corporation was appointed the master developer for this project in September 2000. one-north's home page address on the World Wide Web is

About Infocomm Development Authority
The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing info-communications in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.

About Economic Development Board
The Economic Development Board (EDB) is the lead government agency responsible for planning and executing economic strategies to enhance Singapore’s position as a global hub for business and investment. We are the one-stop agency that facilitates and supports local and foreign investors in both the manufacturing and services sectors as they seek more value-creating operations, higher sustainable returns and new business opportunities.

Singapore commands global leadership positions in many areas. EDB is expanding and extending existing industry clusters, as well as exploring new growth areas to create good jobs and secure Singapore’s future competitiveness. Our emphasis is on capital-intensive, knowledge-intensive and innovation-intensive activities. EDB is constantly identifying new business areas to develop both in terms of new technologies as well as new consumer demands, such as our 'clean and green' focus - environmental technologies, urban solutions and clean energy, lifestyle, healthcare and wellness. EDB is also expanding our geographical reach, such as Middle East, in addition to North America, Europe, Japan, China, India and ASEAN.

For more information on how EDB can help in your business and investment, please visit

About Infinite Frameworks
“Infinite Frameworks (IFW) is an award winning digital studio known for the production of cutting edge computer graphics and visual effects for TV and feature films. In addition to its core competencies of computer graphics, IFW has defined itself as an experienced and skilled post production service provider for the TV, film and broadcast industry. It has also been voted as a “leading post production house of Asia” by Asia Image magazine and listed as “one of the animation power houses of Asia” by Animation magazine.

Founded in 1997 with a 30-strong crew, IFW has since produced quality productions for an international client base. Today, it employs more than 150 artists, technicians and producers full time at its two production facilities in Singapore and Indonesia.

IFW recently released its first animated feature film “Sing to the Dawn”. It has also collaborated with renowned local film producers such as Eric Khoo, MediaCorp’s Raintree Pictures, and director, Royston Tan, whose film “881” remains one of Singapore’s highest grossing box office films in history.

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