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Preparing local enterprises and talent to be AI ready, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) collaborates with AWS on twin initiatives

  • IMDA forges new collaboration with AWS to help local enterprises solve real business needs with GenAI, more than 100 enterprises to benefit from workshops
  • IMDA and AWS will continue working together to make Singapore’s workforce AI-ready through IMDA’s TeSA


1. IMDA is collaborating with tech giant Amazon Web Services on two key initiatives – a new initiative to transform local digitally matured enterprises with GenAI and to continue equipping talent with AI skills.

Collaborating with AWS to help local enterprises leverage GenAI

2. Under IMDA’s GenAI x Digital Leaders Programme, this new collaboration with AWS will help enterprises identify business use-cases, navigate technical complexities, and deploy their own customised GenAI digital solutions. The GenAI x Digital Leaders initiative is for larger and more digitally mature enterprises looking to develop and deploy their own GenAI digital solutions suited for their business needs with the support of tech vendors and technology giants.

3. In collaboration with IMDA, AWS will conduct tech discovery workshops to raise enterprises’ understanding of GenAI and provide access to tech advisory to help identify and prioritise use cases that meet enterprises’ business needs. AWS will conduct four tech discovery workshops over the next two years, with each workshop catering to more than twenty digitally matured local enterprises, reaching out to more than 100 enterprises at the end of two years.

4. Enterprises attending these tech discovery workshops will be given 1 on 1 whiteboarding, prototyping and scoping of customised GenAI use-cases for implementation purposes. Enterprises will be connected to technology partners during the implementation of GenAI solutions. AWS will also provide enterprises access to AWS’ GenAI tools to enabling them to deepen their in-house capabilities and competencies in GenAI, achieve business outcomes such as accessing new markets, improving productivity, and creating new product, and achieve business growth. In addition, IMDA is providing funding support, and will be available to eligible enterprises to develop and deploy their GenAI solutions.

5. Singapore-grown SME, Markono embarked on their digital technology transformation journey 15 years ago. Through its smart facility, Markono integrates advanced technology to streamline demand planning, printing, warehousing, and fulfillment, complemented by an e-commerce platform, offering a comprehensive suite of services to many leading global publishers. Markono is now looking to innovate with GenAI to support their new phase of growth.

Building AI-Ready Tech Talent

6. As part of AWS’ AI Spring Workforce pillar, local talent will stand to benefit from this partnership. AWS’ collaboration with ITE and Polytechnics to incorporate AI into their curriculum and training will build industry-relevant competencies for students. This is in line with AWS' contribution to IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) for ITE and Polytechnics Alliance (TIP Alliance), which aims to strengthen ITE and Polytechnic graduates’ employment outcomes in tech and provide pathways for them throughout their careers.

7. For tech professionals, AWS and IMDA have been equipping them with AI skills through the Information & Communications (I&C) Jobs Transformation Map Training Partners. With the Training Partners, over the next three years, IMDA is targeting to upskill and reskill about 18,000 professionals in tech roles such as AI and Analytics with an emphasis on Generative AI and two other in-demand areas – Software Engineering, Cloud and Mobility – which are complementary to AI. For instance, NTUC LearningHub currently offers AWS certification programmes tailored for various tech roles, such as Solution Architects, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Engineers, DevOps Engineers, and Security Professionals. At the same time, recognising the growing importance of cloud skills across all job functions in modern workplaces, NTUC LearningHub launched the "Introduction to Cloud Computing (Powered by AWS)" programme in January as part of their 'X for Everyone' series of courses to enhance cloud literacy among the workforce.

8. These continuous efforts in pre-employment training and upskilling and reskilling programs led by IMDA and industry leaders like AWS are poised to level up and expand the AI practitioner. These practitioners will play a key role in developing and scaling the use of AI in organisations and across the economy.


About Infocomm Media Development Authority

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation by developing a vibrant digital economy and an inclusive digital society. As Architects of Singapore’s Digital Future, we foster growth in Infocomm Technology and Media sectors in concert with progressive regulations, harnessing frontier technologies, and developing local talent and digital infrastructure ecosystems to establish Singapore as a digital metropolis.

For more news and information, visit or follow IMDA on Facebook (IMDAsg) and Twitter (@IMDAsg).

For media clarifications, please contact:

(Mr) Aung Thi Ha
Senior Manager
(Communications and Marketing)
DID: (65) 9338 2594

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