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    Singapore Telecommunications Limited's Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO) - 2005

    IDA approved the Singapore Telecommunications Limited's RIO on 16 November 2005. The details of the approval proceedings can be found here.

    Additional amendments to the RIO not arising from any public consultations can be found here.


    SingTel's RIO (2005)
    Main Body (207.10KB) Updated - 3 Nov 11
    Schedule 1 - Physical and Virtual (Distant) Interconnection (99.08KB)
    Schedule 1 - Annexures (160.21KB)
    Schedule 2 & 2A - Orgination, Termination and Transit & Call Origination Service (36.38KB)
    Schedule 2B - Call Termination Service (46.13KB)
    Schedule 2C - Call Transit Service (37.25KB)
    Schedule 3A - Licensing of Local Loop/Sub-Loop (506.72KB) Updated - 4 Apr 07
    Schedule 3B - Line Sharing (279.83KB)Updated - 4 Apr 07
    Schedule 3C - Sale of Internal Wiring (124.47KB) Updated - 4 Apr 07
    Schedule 3D - Licensing of Building MDF Distribution Frame (63.03KB)
    Schedule 3E - Licensing of Outdoor Cabinet Distribution Frame (94.03KB)
    Schedule 4A - Emergency Call Service (25.96KB)
    Schedule 4B - Submarine Cable Connection Service (233.47KB)
    Schedule 4C - IRS Tail Circuit Service (405.81KB)Updated - 4 Apr 07
    Schedule 5A - Licensing of Lead-in Duct & its Associated Lead-in Manholes (360.14KB)Updated - 10 Jul 09
    Schedule 5A - Annex D (89.80KB)Updated - 10 Jul 09
    Schedule 5B - Licensing of Tower Space & Co-location Space at Tower Sites (65.87KB)Updated - 28 Sept 07 
    Schedule 5C - Licensing of Roof Space & Co-location Space at Roof Sites  (258.18KB)Updated - 13 Apr 07
    Schedule 5B & 5C - Attachments (196.49KB)Updated - 10 Jul 09
    Schedule 6 - Number Portability (109.16KB)
    Schedule 8 - Co-location (9.19KB)
    Schedule 8A - Co-location for Point of Interconnection (POI) (173.47KB)Updated - 13 Jul 07
    Schedule 8B - Co-location for Point of Access (POA) (285.03KB)Updated - 13 Apr 07
    Schedule 8D - Co-location at Submarine Cable Landing Station (179.80KB)Updated - 13 Jul 07
    Schedule 8 - Attachments (106.18KB)Updated - 10 Jul 09
    Schedule 9 - Charges (301.90KB)Updated - 25 Jul 08
    Schedule 10 - Billing (23.27KB)
    Schedule 11 - Dispute Resolution (19.33KB)
    Schedule 12 - Dictionary (98.49KB)


    The notification on the Specification Of Commencement Date of the Reference Interconnection Offer can be found here (44.09KB).

    LAST UPDATED: 07 JUN 2019