Be aware of scammers impersonating as IMDA officers and report any suspicious calls to the police. Please note that IMDA officers will never call you nor request for your personal information. For scam-related advice, please call the Anti-Scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

Quality of Service (Quarterly Reports for Broadband, Mobile, Fixed Network Telecoms & Fibre Connection Services)

IDA monitors the quality of infocomm services provided by service providers, such as basic telecoms, mobile, Internet access and fibre connection services. To find out how service providers are performing, we provide updated Quality of Service (QoS) reports here.

Note: IDA has ceased the publication of QoS reports of paging and trunked radio services with effect from 1 January 2005; and Internet access services with effect from 1 September 2005.

Quality of Service Performance Results for October - December 2010

Quality of Service Performance Results for July - September 2010

Quality of Service Performance Results for April - June 2010

Quality of Service Performance Results for January - March 2010

Quality of Service Performance Results for October - December 2009

Quality of Service Performance Results for July - September 2009

Quality of Service Performance Results for April - June 2009

Quality of Service Performance Results for January - March 2009

Quality of Service Performance Results for October - December 2008

Quality of Service Performance Results for July - September 2008

Quality of Service Performance Results for April - June 2008

Quality of Service Performance Results for January - March 2008

Quality of Service Performance Results for October - December 2007

Quality of Service Performance Results for  July - September 2007

Quality of Service Performance Results for  April - June 2007

Quality of Service Performance Results for January - March 2007

* QoS Performance results for 2G Services would be published on a half yearly basis with effect from January 2003.
** QoS Performance results for 2G Services would be published on an annual basis with effect from January 2005.
*** QoS Performance results for 3G Services would be published on an annual basis with effect from 2009.