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IMDA Accredited Companies’ Use Case

Learn more about the success stories and innovative use cases deployed by some of our IMDA Accredited companies.

Use cases

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ISEAS and IMDA-accredited Affle partnership, creating an app for users to have seamless access to ISEAS research articles and events

Use case 1

ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute is a leading research centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security, economic trends, and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and economic environment.
ISEAS partnered with Affle to develop a Mobile App where users have one-stop access to ISEAS’ research articles and events, providing a range of digital solutions to help users stay informed and engaged. Users can keep abreast of timely and latest developments in the region, by reading publications, as well as registering for and attending seminars.

Screenshot of FEVO Prepaid Mastercard® balance on the mobile app, highlighting the IMDA-accredited partnership between EZ-Link and Affle

Use case 2

Established in 2002, EZ-Link is a pioneer in contactless digital payments in Singapore with the EZ-Link card being a core product offering. EZ-Link remains the top choice for contactless prepaid card payment in Singapore with more than 40 million cards issued to date. Going beyond transit payments, EZ-Link partnered with Affle to build a mobile application and web platform for one of its prepaid products, FEVO, for users to manage account-related activities.

FEVO Prepaid Mastercard® is globally accepted at all Mastercard merchants. With FEVO, cardholders are not required to link it to a line of credit or bank account. It is a secure and safe contactless payment option.

With security and convenience as top priorities, the platform supports the following features:

  • Seamless login and activation – biometric/facial identification logins
  • Top-ups on the go
  • Manage transactions and track card balance
  • Get updated on Mastercard privileges and promotions
AI Rudder

A man smiling at his phone, using IMDA-accredited JULO digital lending services, highlighting the ease of this innovative financial solution

Use case 1: JULO

JULO is a digital lending company that provides affordable, unsecured personal loans for millions of tech-savvy consumers. With the growing demand for its products and services, JULO has been experiencing a surge in customer volume at a level that’s challenging to cope with.

To solve its availability and scalability problems, JULO tapped into voice AI to automate some of its CX operations. It enlisted the use of payment reminders and loan collection robots as well as quality assurance robots to detect anomalies in customer call logs. As a result, voice AI has helped them to keep pace and scale, while continuing to deliver the level of service that their customers expect of them.

Discover more on JULO and AI Rudder.

Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAF) Branch, an IMDA Accredited company

Use case 2: Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAF)

Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAF), is a leading multi-finance company that provides consumers and businesses with automobile financing and leasing solutions. Before integrating the use of voice AI, TAF's collection agents often struggled with keeping pace with its high customer call volume.

Today, they have seamlessly integrated the use of voice AI in their call centres alongside human agents. The voice AI handles high-volume repetitive calls, freeing up the agents to handle more complex issues that require a human touch. As a result, the team has been able to significantly improve the call centre's contact rate and efficiency and extend operating hours without incurring additional costs from overtime.

Discover more on TAF and AI Rudder.

Testimonial image by Julien Charlot, Head of Databases 

Use case 1: Adeo

European retail company uses Aiven as a unified open source platform for data analytics and more Aiven’s customer is a large European retail company serving more than 450 million customers in 15 countries in more than 700 brick-and-mortar stores. They use the massive amounts of data that they collect and store for their supply chain and inventory management, and relations with service providers and customers. These are the traditional use cases for retail companies and can be accomplished with siloed databases.

However, this company has taken the further step of adding real-time, comprehensive data analytics into the mix in order to understand and predict customer purchasing behaviour.

To implement data analytics, the company connected all their applications to Aiven’s cloud platform in a centralized, interconnected way to remove data siloes. Once they started operating in the cloud, they realized a hosted, managed cloud database was an excellent way to deliver database services to their local branches very quickly. Their entire transformation was completed within a single quarter. Today, this company runs hundreds of Aiven services, including Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, OpenSearch, Redis and MySQL, connecting business units, stores and headquarters across Europe. This is possible because Aiven is cloud-agnostic and open source. All cloud providers are not available in all regions, but with Aiven the company can deploy to a different one with a single click. And because the services are open source, they avoid being locked in with a single vendor.

The company has also been very satisfied with Aiven’s personal service and 99.99% uptime. With Aiven, this retail company moved from a siloed, time-segmented, on-premise setup to a centrally-managed, real-time, extremely flexible cloud model, and as a result they can implement advanced data analytics on a massive scale.

Aiven's IMDA-accredited customer journey diagram for data analytics and related solutions, used by Adeo

Use case 2: GoTo Financial

APAC fintech company provides financial services on a massive scale with Aiven for Apache Kafka. An Indonesian company providing payment and other financial services consolidated their siloed data pipelines into Aiven for Apache Kafka. They process millions of transactions everyday, so their throughput needs are enormous, and since the services are accessed at the point of purchase their reliability needs to be top-notch.

The company moved from having separate Apache Kafka instances for each product and function to Aiven’s data platform that offers easy scalability and 99.99% uptime. The process of moving was a significant effort, involving duplicating all data and systems across clouds and then moving the user actions to their new setup.

With Aiven, the company was able to manage this with a reasonable amount of effort and hardly had to resort to Aiven’s technical support. Their current system offers the end customers a unified experience and full up to date transparency into their transactions and account status. The data is consumed from Kafka also by the company’s product platform, giving access to clean, centralized reporting and business intelligence as well as high-quality customer service. They can also differentiate access to Kafka for developers depending on their tasks. The company now has much fewer services and less infrastructure to take care of themselves, and it can all be centrally managed. At the same time they get better visibility into their business data, and end customers have a better user experience.


Integrating Existing Databases with Confluent

Use case 1

A large government agency with DB2 data warehouses, leveraging Change Data Capture (CDC) tools such as Qliq Replicate and IBM InfoSphere Data Replication (IIDR), saw it important to integrate with Confluent for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Event-driven data integration: By using CDC tools and Confluent, government agencies can capture and replicate data changes as they happen. This provides a near real-time view of data across different databases, systems, and microservices. This enables agencies to make faster and more informed decisions.
  • Improved data accuracy and consistency: CDC tools can help ensure data consistency across multiple databases and systems. This is especially important for government agencies where data accuracy and consistency are critical for effective decision-making.
  • Streamlined data integration: Confluent allows government agencies to easily stream data to various destinations, simplifying the process of integrating data across different systems and microservices.
  • Enhanced data security: CDC tools and Confluent can help ensure the security of data in transit by encrypting data and providing secure connectivity options.

By leveraging CDC tools and Confluent, government agencies can address a number of existing problems. For example, siloed data is a common problem in government agencies, which can lead to inefficiencies, redundancies, and errors. By integrating data from different systems and databases, agencies can unlock valuable insights that were previously inaccessible.

Another problem that can be addressed is the lack of real-time data access. Government agencies often rely on batch processing to extract and integrate data from different sources, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By using CDC tools and Confluent, agencies can capture and replicate data changes in real-time, providing a near real-time view of data across different databases, systems, and microservices.

Government agencies that have implemented the above solution reported increased data accuracy, reduced data latency, improved data consistency, and better data security. The time taken to integrate data across different systems and databases before and after implementing CDC tools and Confluent was also significantly reduced. Ultimately, the government agency gained the ability to make more informed decisions based on timely and accurate data.


AmorePacific beauty product, signifying the involvement of IMDA-accredited Druva in the company's technology solutions

Use case 1: Cosmetics powerhouse AmorePacific finds beauty in Druva over Veeam

Empowered by Druva, cosmetics giant AmorePacific left behind its legacy data protection and embraced a cloud-first strategy, ultimately saving time and overall costs. Druva’s reduced expenses and complexities cut the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the firm’s backup and DR services by up to 30 percent. The enterprise also did away with all capex costs for backups and DR by eliminating the second facility and its duplicate storage systems. Moreover, AmorePacific accelerated full back up by 60 percent over its prior Veeam solution and sped up and simplified restores.

“I save an average of over 30-man hours every month now that we’ve moved away from Veeam’s complex workflow and consolidated our data centers,” said Wai Chung, IT backup administrator at AmorePacific's Hong Kong headquarters. “Thanks to Druva’s source-side deduplication, we also reduced the volume of data to be backed up by over 50 percent. Compared to our Veeam solution, this very much lessens both the storage capacity and bandwidth needed to safeguard our data.

Based on our results, Druva’s backup technology is truly revolutionary. With its speed, scalability, and TCO savings, we now make decisions based on our business objectives rather than the restrictions of our legacy backup solution.”

Read more on Cosmetics giant finds the beauty in Druva over Veeam and saves 30 percent

Depicting the development, organisation, and function of the brain in shades of pink and red with wave patterns

Use case 2: How Druva safeguarded over 80 TB of critical research data in the cloud

The Queensland Brain Institute is an Australian neuroscience research institute located in Brisbane at the St Lucia campus of The University of Queensland. The Queensland Brain Institute’s researchers work to understand the development, organisation and function of the brain. Collaboration with clinicians and commercial partners to develop new therapeutic approaches for brain diseases generates terabytes of data.

With most researchers having several hundred gigabytes of critical data on their machines and the need to facilitate global collaboration, an increasing issue the institute needed to solve was data availability and backup reliability at the endpoint. The team discovered Druva and quickly saw the benefits of cloud-based data protection for endpoints. 

“Having a fully automated data protection solution was a night-and-day improvement. Implementation of Druva inSync was straightforward, and we quickly saw trust established between the researchers and Druva. The platform gave them confidence that if anything happens to their device or data, it can be quickly restored,” said Perry Kollmorgen, IT manager.

Read more on Queensland Brain Institute protects life-changing research data with Druva.


IMDA Spark Programme: Screenshot of Simple Soulful yoga app with EliteFit.AI integration, showing an accuracy score during the workout

Use case 1: SSK OSMOSIS

Simple Soulful by Shilpa Shetty (one of India’s biggest Bollywood stars) is a very popular global yoga app with over 6 million subscribers. The app provides users with many features mainly: Asanas, Exercises, and Recipes. The main gripes users have with online workouts is they do not know if they are working out correctly and how do they correct their forms and postures if they are working out. This is especially so for yoga asanas, where users may be required to hold certain poses longer than usual. EliteFit.AI solves for both of these cases at once. By integrating EliteFit.AI into the app, users will now have a stick figure tracking their movements while working out against the trainer. The user will get real time prescriptive feedback on how to improve their workouts as well as an accuracy score at the end of their workouts. These scores can be tracked so that users can continually improve themselves while working out.

IMDA Spark Programme: Screenshot of FITA app with EliteFit.AI integration, showing a stick figure tracking user movements during workouts

Use case 2: FITA

Telkomsel is Indonesia’s largest telecommunications carrier with over 170 million subscribers. During the Covid 19 pandemic, many lives of Indonesians were changed and they became more aware of the importance of their health. Thus, the FITA app was created by Telkomsel to solve this issue. FITA offers users customised workout programmes based on their lifestyle choices and preferences. However, the app does not tell the users how they are performing and how to correct their postures and forms. Thus, by integrating EliteFit.AI into the app, users will now have a stick figure tracking their movements while working out against the trainer. The user will get real time prescriptive feedback on how to improve their workouts as well as an accuracy score at the end of their workouts. These scores can be tracked so that users can continually improve themselves while working out.


A group of employees in an event space, symbolising EZ-Link's HR collaboration with IMDA-accredited EngageRocket for an improved HR strategy

Use case 1: EngageRocket x EZ-Link 

How EZ-Link adopted continuous listening to build a unified company culture and retain talent In their quest to build better employee experiences, EZ-Link’s HR team partnered with EngageRocket in 2019 to strengthen the foundation of their HR strategy by implementing a continuous listening program. Instead of relying on unsubstantiated gut-feel, EZ-Link decided to embark on a data-driven approach. 

EZ-Link launched its first employee engagement and Peer Feedback in 2019. Both inaugural launches collected a notable participation rate of 87% and 100% respectively, which provided the HR Team a representative sample of statistical data to draw quality insights about the population. EngageRocket’s Belong module enables EZ-link’s team to seamlessly run automated pulse surveys, collect data on employee engagement and help the team with designing data-backed strategies to enhance corporate culture. It is a single source of truth that allows both the HR team and people managers to gain a better understanding of employees' feelings and identify latent issues. 

Read more on How EZ-Link adopted continuous listening to build a unified company culture and retain talent.

People in helmets discussing a document outdoors, illustrating the collaboration between IMDA-accredited EngageRocket and EM Services

Use case 2: EngageRocket x EM Services

How EM Services attracts and retains talents thanks to real-time people analytics

EM Services has established a strong track record in the management of townships and properties across Singapore. Currently, the company manages ten of Singapore’s sixteen townships which covers approximately 700,000 HDB residential units and 9,000 retail and shop units.

With the ethos of Getting It Right Together, EM Services aspires to provide the best experience to their most valuable assets, employees. Knowing that providing a better workplace will have a positive impact on engagement, EM Services looked to technology for a solution to measure and analyse employee feedback in real-time. EM Services strongly believes that giving individuals a sense of belonging is the key to building a workforce that will readily serve the community with excellence. With a wide range of professional skill sets within the group, they needed a single view of employee experience and wellbeing. As part of its digitalisation road-map, EM Services will be deploying Singapore-based HR Tech startup EngageRocket to collect, analyse and act on employee feedback in real-time. 

Read more on Adopting Technology to Empower Workforce Productivity.


H2O AI Hybrid Cloud website screenshot, highlighting IMDA-accredited solution for Hortifrut's optimised distribution decisions

Use case 1: Hortifrut 

Hortifrut, the largest producer of blueberries in the world, has farms on 5 continents, distributes fruit to 37 countries and uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions about blueberry distribution end-to-end. Hortifrut addresses 25% of the world blueberry market and is using H2O AI AI Hybrid Cloud to make distribution decisions across their expansive operations. They are able to predict the quality of the blueberries from origin to final destination, increasing the consumer experience, and increasing revenue.

AI has paid off for them in big ways. Hortifrut achieved the following key benefits:

  • If the berries are spoiled at their destination, it can result in revenue loss from customer claims and also cost valuable customer satisfaction. With better predictive insights, Hortfruit can ensure quality blueberries arrive at the destination. As a result, Hortifrut has saved a significant amount of money by reducing perishable claims.
  • H2O AI Hybrid Cloud packs advanced machine learning technology in the platform that can augment data scientists of any skill level. Hortifrut has been able to deliver real business results with a small data science team thereby improving productivity of the team.
  • Hortifrut was able to reduce the model development time from 3-5 months down to 3-5 weeks.

Now that Hortifrut has seen commendable results with AI by delivering fresh blueberries, they are turning to other use-cases. They have started using AI to predict future production of the blueberries dependent on the origin, weather, variety, and more.


My Workspace building in Seoul, highlighting the IMDA-accredited igloohome partnership for an automated co-working room booking solution

Use case 1: My Workspace

Located in Gangnam, Seoul, My Workspace is a co-working space for start-ups, entrepreneurs, and the like. Rental costs can be high in the city and My Workspace aims to help alleviate these overheads for small businesses that need an office. From single seats to multiple meeting rooms, My Workspace prides itself on its spacious yet cozy design.

igloohome partnered with them to deliver a cutting-edge digital solution to automate the room booking process for the co-working space. Access can be customised to the granular level, ensuring that the rooms are always secure. The solution frees up the managers’ time when it comes to issuing access to multiple users.

Residential buildings showcasing the IMDA-accredited igloohome and Sansiri partnership, with igloohome locks in multiple projects

Use case 2: Sansiri

Sansiri is regarded as one of Thailand’s top property developers. With over 300 residential projects and counting under their belt, they offer a full range of housing units across 20 provinces in the country. 

igloohome has partnered with Sansiri to have their locks installed in multiple projects. These properties were value-added with the integration of the lock with the proprietary condo living app - which improved the property's attractiveness to prospective buyers and enhanced security and convenience for residents. 


Use case 1: Fusion Kitchens

Fusion Kitchens joined the Livspace platform to address challenges of inconsistent output resulting in varied demand pattern, along with batch production complexities resulting in mismatch of kitchen panels affecting installation quality and timelines. Using Livspace’s Fulfilment Cloud, they were able to simplify production process, with automated order management, panel tracking, inventory management, optimization, quality control and dispatch. Integration with machines on the shop floor enabled them to have live production tracking and get complete visibility of shop floor.

Fusion Kitchens was able to cut production churn by 75%, and ensure payback of initial investment within 18 months, with optimized capacity utilization of production. They also grew their output by 10x, with Livspace enabling them to onboard new customers and helping sell 60% of their output.


Woman on a construction site using Novade's Safety-HSE module on her phone, showcasing HSB's IMDA-accredited focus on safety standards

Use case 1: Hwa Seng Builder 

Hwa Seng Builder (HSB) had a vision to improve workflow productivity and site safety with technology. When they undertook a project to construct bridges across Sungei Serangoon, HSB engaged Novade’s Safety-HSE module to connect all users on a single site management platform to maximise efficiency and ensure high safety standards. After going digital, the time used to approve and verify Permit to Work was shortened to 30mins instead of two hours, and at the same time, eliminated the need for paper. Project managers could also monitor day-to-day work activities together with the checklists and near-miss reports; non-conformances could be captured with a photo on a mobile device and sent to the person-in-charge for immediate rectification. Real-time data such as internal hazard activity was automatically synced on a user-friendly dashboard for analysis. From the breakdown, proactive actions were taken to prevent accidents from occurring. Projects executive director Alan Nah commented, “We believe that embracing this technology will help to improve the workflow in terms of productivity, and more importantly, make the site a safer place for everyone.”

Watch How Hwa Seng Builder Improved Workflow Productivity and Site Safety with Novade.

Employee using IMDA-accredited Novade Quality Module on laptop, showcasing improved productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction

Use case 2: CEL Development 

CEL Development, a property developer and subsidiary of Chip Eng Seng, developed High Park Residences, its biggest project to date. The 1,300-unit project required tight coordination with all the stakeholders, resulting in challenges around quality control. Eventually, they chose to implement the Novade Quality module, and made use of Novade in three stages: Firstly, at the construction stage, the main contractor and subcontractors had to coordinate seamlessly with Novade’s mobile application which synced the status of their site checks in real-time. Secondly, at the handover stage to the customer service officers, main contractors could easily and systematically rectify defects which reduced the time and cost of rework. Lastly, CEL Development extended the usage of Novade to their clients, the homeowners, where they could lodge in defects of their apartments at their own convenience. As Novade is a single site management platform, the customer service officers were immediately notified, and they could assign the relevant contractors via the same application to work on the defect. General manager Ivan Lim commented, “We see Novade, an application developer that caters to our industry, an opportunity for us to improve productivity and efficiency, and most importantly, customer satisfaction.”

Watch Novade Testimonial - CEL Development (EN | FR CC).

Screening Eagle

Two TSM employees conducting an outdoor inspection, highlighting the IMDA-accredited company's use of the Screening Eagle INSPECT app 

Use case 1

TSM is a civil and structural engineering consultancy company in Singapore providing design, inspection, and project management services to local government agencies and various private sector clients, including the Former Thong Chai Medical Institution, the project of Oxley Bizhub building inspection and the latest Changi Airport inspection project.

Typically, many inspection projects are conducted simultaneously, and each project requires certain manpower and a lot of data collection, including taking dozens of photographs. For TSM, it was time-consuming to manage the data collection, sorting, storage and sharing with the many stakeholders. For example, the report preparation alone can take more than a day.

TSM identified the cloud storage based 'Screening Eagle INSPECT' app as a solution to their challenges. From the iPad app, TSM set up and managed projects, took high-resolution photos, tagged them by location, located the crack/defects by artificial intelligence (AI), generated reports in seconds on-site and shared them with all stakeholders.

Since implementing the Screening Eagle INSPECT software during the entire inspection workflow, the required manpower on TSM’s projects has reduced by around 50% and productivity has increased by approximately at least 40%, resulting in significant cost savings and increased scalability.


A hand holding a smartphone in the National Heritage Board, showcasing NHB and Vouch's IMDA-accredited solution for digital ticketing and more

Use case 1: Vouch X National Heritage Board

Vouch has partnered with the National Heritage Board to build an integrated solution that offers digital ticketing, content delivery, and retail merchandising. Launched across 6 museums and heritage institutions including the National Museum of Singapore and Asian Civilisations Museum, the solution has reached more than 50,000 users to date.

Accessible via web with no additional download required, Vouch’s omni-channel and multi-language platform is designed to empower users with seamless access to digital services and engaging content. 

Focusing on serving the end-to-end user journey, Vouch’s expertise lies in building experiences, beginning with the pre-visit experience where users can purchase their tickets and discover offerings through a one-stop digital guide, followed by interactive quizzes and quests that complement the onsite experience.

By engaging the user across different touchpoints, Vouch’s solution provides our customers with comprehensive analytics and visitor insights, empowering businesses to streamline operations, make data-driven decisions, and continually improve their offerings.

In the wider Attractions space, Vouch has also partnered with a range of clients to deliver personalised and impactful solutions, including Singapore Tourism Board, National Gallery Singapore, Arts House Limited, and Mandai Wildlife Reserve. 

PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay hotel room and mobile screen with Vouch's platform, showcasing IMDA-accredited guest experience enhancement

Use case 2: Vouch X PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay

PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay teamed up with Vouch to launch a Guest Experience Platform that not only enables a new channel of contactless services, but also streamlines operations as the hotel transits into the ‘new normal’ with international borders reopening.

Facing the issue of a reduced headcount, the hotel made a strategic decision to turn to Vouch for answers. After deploying Vouch’s Guest Experience Platform, the hotel saw reduced calls pertaining to non-essential enquiries by more than 25%, in addition to greatly reducing the number of dropped calls experienced. Customers got their questions answered more quickly via the platform, as it eliminated call centre waiting times and the need to approach the concierge in person.

Vouch’s self-service platform also allows guests to make facility bookings (i.e. swimming pool and gym) conveniently via their phones and the hotel gets complete capacity control of their facilities to ensure safe distancing amongst guests. Through the automation of this alone, a significant amount of manpower is conserved by forgoing the need to track bookings manually. Over 85% of all facility bookings were made through Vouch without the assistance of staff in the first month of implementation.

Watch Vouch: The Hotel Guest Journey Redefined.


Use Case 1: OPPO

Whale Footfall Analytics Whale x Oppo

OPPO Indonesia, a leading technology and innovation company, sought to scale its retail operations efficiently while maintaining high standards of customer experience. Facing rapid growth, OPPO needed a robust solution to manage multiple stores seamlessly and gain actionable insights into customer behavior.

By implementing Whale’s Spacesight Footfall & Instore Analytics, OPPO was able to:

  1. Standardise Operations Across Multiple Stores: Spacesight provided a centralised platform for managing store operations, ensuring consistency in service delivery and operational processes. This allowed OPPO to maintain high standards across all locations.
  2. Optimise Resource Allocation: With real-time data on footfall & instore traffic, OPPO could allocate resources more effectively, reducing waste and improving store efficiency.
  3. Enhance Customer Experience: Footfall Analytics enabled OPPO to understand customer traffic patterns and preferences. This insight allowed them to optimise store layouts and product placements, resulting in a more engaging shopping experience.
  4. Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty: By analysing foot traffic data, OPPO could run targeted promotions and in-store events, boosting sales and fostering customer loyalty. As a result, OPPO Indonesia successfully scaled its operations while enhancing customer satisfaction, driving growth, and establishing a strong market presence.

Learn more about OPPO x Whale.

Use Case 2: Leading Coffee Chain in Southeast Asia

Whale SpaceSight RAMP 

A leading coffee chain in Southeast Asia aimed to ensure consistent quality and compliance across its expanding network. By leveraging Whale’s RAMP (Retail Audit Management Platform) online audit platform, the coffee chain was able to:

  1. Streamline Audit Processes: RAMP provided a centralised and automated platform for conducting online audits, replacing traditional paper-based methods. This streamlined the audit process, reducing time and effort required for compliance checks.
  2. Ensure Consistent Quality: With standardised audit templates and real-time reporting, the coffee chain could ensure that all outlets adhered to company standards and regulatory requirements. This consistency in quality helped maintain the brand's reputation.
  3. Improve Operational Efficiency: The integration of RAMP with the coffee chain’s existing systems allowed for seamless data collection and analysis. This improved operational efficiency by providing actionable insights into areas needing improvement.
  4. Enhance Employee Training and Development: RAMP's detailed audit reports highlighted specific areas where staff needed further training. This enabled the coffee chain to tailor their training programs to address these gaps, improving overall service quality.
  5. By implementing Whale’s RAMP online audit system, the coffee chain achieved significant improvements in audit efficiency, quality control, and employee training, supporting their rapid growth while maintaining high standards of service and compliance.

Learn more about SpaceSight RAMP.


Singapore's cityscape at night, featuring network icons on buildings, representing Willowmore's IMDA-accredited keyless smart padlocks

Use case 1: Digitalising access request at Singapore Town Councils (TC)

Problem Statement

  • Duplication of mechanical keys
  • No visibility of who has accessed sites
  • Expensive cost of security guard to eye-ball the access
  • Time wasted in managing, issuing and collecting keys
  • Excessive administrative work for both TC and Contractors

Willowmore has been supporting EMServices since 2018 to digitalize their sites with mechanical locks. EMServices has deployed Willowmore’s keyless smart padlocks  across various Town Councils for the island-wide lift upgrading program. There have been also several on-going trials with selected Town Council roof tops sites.

The initiative stopped the duplication of mechanical keys and provided visibility to the EMServices team of the activities at their sites. The contractors have also embraced the solution. They commented that process of applying and collecting keys from the Town Councils have been shortened from 3 days to 3 minutes.

Part of the trial also included the implementation of Willowmore’s AI-powered bio-metric facial recognition feature in the software suite. This has provided an additional layer of security for Town Councils to ensure that only authorized personnel are able to access their sites.

PUB waste management truck on the road, using Willowmore's automated solution as an IMDA Accredited company for efficient waste disposal

Use case 2: Leveling up waste management with PUB

Problem Statement

  • Traceability of loading and discharge process
  • Automation of records
  • Prevention of tampering and illegal discharge
  • Reduction of man-power required to check security cable tie

Behind the clockwork delivery of reliable water supply and waste management is a team of dedicated PUB team. Willowmore is proud to be associated with this project as it provides the opportunity to fulfill the mission of Keeping Singapore Safe. Since mid-2021, the Willowmore team has been working closely with subject matter experts from PUB to customize the Smart Lock system to their requirements.

This project involved upgrading of the Hardware to cater to the harsh operating environment, customizing the software to align with the current workflow and leveraging the latest software features such as digitalization of administrative requirements dynamic geo-fencing and AI-powered Analytics to drive operational efficiencies.

With the deployment, PUB leveraged Willowmore’s solution to bring about automation to their process and ensure traceability to the waste management process.


Use case 1: Grab

Grab is Southeast Asia’s leading online-to-offline (O2O) platform, providing private car services, motorcycle taxis, last mile delivery, ride sharing, food delivery, and e-payment services.

As it was in a state of hyper growth and scaling quickly, Grab had to ensure that processes across IT and People Operations were as efficient and secure as possible.

Because these workflows span many enterprise apps like JumpCloud, their HRIS, and Slack, the company turned to Workato to create an integrated infrastructure for those processes. Using Workato, Grab turned Slack into a ChatOps Hub to automate the employee onboarding process and complete work.

As a result, Grab was able to:

  • Save 3,000 people-hours of work across the organization in just a few months
  • Query the JumpCloud directory 30x faster, saving 200+ hours of IT time per week on this one automation alone
  • Set up Windows Machines in 1/4th of the time
  • Build integrations in 1/10th of the time it takes to code

View the full story on How Grab, Asia’s Hottest Startup, Innovates with ChatOps and Automation.

Use case 2: HubSpot 

HubSpot is a leading marketing, sales and customer service platform for growing businesses that was founded in 2006.

When the low-code iPaaS platform they were using was officially sunset, HubSpot switched to using Workato. One of the key reasons HubSpot chose Workato was because of how easy it was to train HubSpotters outside of IT to use the platform and build their own workflows.

During the migration process, HubSpot also performed a deep audit of existing software and systems for redundancies. Eliminating these redundancies ended up saving the company an estimated $60K.

By the time the migration was completed, 45 HubSpotters were certified as recipe* builders, with more in the training program. These certified recipe builders are now actively finding new ways to drive additional ROI for the company.

View the full story on Why HubSpot Migrated to Workato.

*Recipes = Integrated Automation; A recipe is a set of steps Workato follows to get work done between your apps.


Use case 1: Republic Polytechnic

Republic Polytechnic (RP) selected X0PA AI to enhance the placement process for RP’s internship programme.

Republic Polytechnic faced the challenge of trying to match students to companies, taking into consideration students’ capabilities and preferences while fulfilling the companies’ requirements. With its proprietary two-way matching algorithm, X0PA AI has played an important role in facilitating/automating the matching and placement process for internships. X0PA’s software system is able to include the interests and preferences of students, ensuring that students find the best suited internships while employers get the best talents for their internships.

The X0PA’s software system digitises each step of the hiring process from job postings, video interviewing, video scheduling, email automation, right up to the stage of digital management of internships making the process efficient and seamless for both the student candidates and employers, as well as for Republic Polytechnic in managing the placement process.

RP has been working with X0PA since January 2020. X0PA’s software system facilitated the registration of 200 companies. Over a 3-month period, 4000 applications were processed by the system.  Eventually, all 450 students (due for internship) were successfully placed with the companies.

Note that the listed use cases are updated regularly.


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